
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 心のクリニック新横浜

住所 :

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://kokoronoclinic.net/shinyokohama/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
Koichi Kamata on Google

The teacher I was in charge of on Saturday listened to me a lot and made quick decisions, so I thought he was the one that suits me. Also, the music at the reception was noisy, and my private language wasn't noticeable at all. I think it has improved.
だらだら on Google

It was easy for this teacher to talk to me because he was kind enough to listen to me. I feel really comfortable. I was very confident that he would think about the future in the long run.
mmm gg on Google

何回電話かけても出ない 星1も付けたくないくらいです 受付のオバサンも態度がものすごく悪いです。
I can't answer no matter how many times I call I don't even want to add 1 star The receptionist Obasan also has a very bad attitude.
kip 404 on Google

今まで診てもらってきたところは、基本簡単な話をして、薬を出してもらうだけの流れでしたが、心のクリニックの先生は、今後のことも考えて話を聞いて、薬も徐々に減らしましょうと一緒に考えてくれて、とても信頼して通院しています。 過去のコメントを見ると、受付の方が、、、とか、会計が遅い、、、などありますが、自分が通っている印象では全くそんなことなかったです。
Up until now, the only thing I had to see was to talk about a simple story and get the medicine out, but the doctor at the mental clinic listened to the story considering the future, and gradually took the medicine. He thought about reducing it to, and I trust him very much when he goes to the clinic. Looking at the comments in the past, there are things like the receptionist is slower in accounting, but I didn't get the impression that I was attending at all.
イトブラ on Google

He gave me very polite counseling and kindly listened to me! I'm glad I came to the hospital because it made me feel better, or something completely different. To be honest, I went to various hospitals and clinics, but I'm glad I met them.
厚沢部太郎 on Google

星一つすらつけたくない最悪なところ。(もはや病院などと呼ぶに値しない)以前の先生には非常にお世話になったのですが、肝心かなめの院長が話すら聞かないまさに「独裁者」。常に上から目線で、開始30秒でここは全く合わない。ましてや、こころの病を相談するようなところではないと判断いたしました。 日吉駅前にもここの系列院があるので要注意です。 行ってはいけない代表の様なところです。
The worst place where you don't even want to get one star. (It's no longer worth calling it a hospital, etc.) I've been very much indebted to my former teacher, but I'm just a "dictator" who doesn't even hear from the director of Kaname. Always looking from the top, 30 seconds after the start, it doesn't fit at all. Moreover, I have decided that it is not a place to consult about mental illness. Be careful as there is an affiliated hospital here in front of Hiyoshi Station. It's like a representative you shouldn't go to.
けっさんKessan on Google

仕事のストレスに耐えられず、近くの病院を探し受診しました。当日すぐに診断書を発行していただき、無事悪化する前に休職することができまさた。その後も定期的に受診して経過観察しております。 初期症状の方には受診時間も短いですし、オススメかと思います。
2 s on Google

評価が高い人の気持ちがわかりません。 高圧的で、こちらの気持ちや思いを親身に感じてもらえることはないです。言う通りにしないと対応は更に悪くなります。医者優位で、患者の弱みにつけこんでいる感じがします。医院長対応になって特に感じます。以前のように、別の方が来るときは良かったのに…。薬と診断書を欲しいときだけ…それ以上は望まない方がいいです。また、受付の1人のおばさんは、対応が雑。タメ口を聞いてくるし、患者の内容も話していて丸聞こえです。 待合室にいても、診察内容が聞こえてきます。せめてこのくらい改善してほしいです。個人情報が設備のせいで漏れるのは致命的です。
I don't understand the feelings of people who are highly evaluated. It's high-pressure, and you won't feel your feelings and feelings. If you don't do what you say, the response will be even worse. I feel that the doctor has the upper hand and is taking advantage of the patient's weaknesses. I especially feel that it corresponds to the director of the clinic. It would have been nice when another person came, as before ... Only when you want medicine and a medical certificate ... you shouldn't want any more. In addition, one aunt at the reception is not very friendly. He listens to the tame mouth and talks about the patient's content, so I can hear it all. Even if you are in the waiting room, you can hear the contents of the examination. I want you to improve at least this much. It is fatal for personal information to be leaked due to equipment.

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