Arai Clinic

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Contact Arai Clinic

住所 :

Iwaicho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, 〒240-0023 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
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街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

U TAKU on Google

あらいドクター?単なる医師免許を持ったアキンドですよ。コイツが、市民病院にいたときから通ってますが、二十年以上通院して少しもよくならなかったぜ。 ただ、たまたま医師免許を武器に医療行為をしているアキンドです。
Are you a doctor? It is Akindo with just a medical license. Koitz has been visiting since I was in a municipal hospital, but I went to the hospital for over twenty years and did not get any better at all. However, it is Aquindo who is doing medical practice by chance with a doctor's license as a weapon.
よっしー on Google

児童精神科の方がメインのようです。 私が感じた事は、話しを親身に聞いていただけなかった。心の病で来ているのに受け答えが厳しい口調で印象が悪い。カウンセリングがあるので言ってみようと思いましたが、それ以前の問題なのでもう通いません。 予約し、初診を長く待っていただけにがっかりでした。
Child psychiatry seems to be the main. What I felt was that I could not listen to the story. The answer is tight and the impression is bad although you are coming due to heart disease. I thought I would say it because I have counseling, but I will not go there as it is a problem before that. I made a reservation and waited a long time for my first visit.
てつごーる on Google

本当に我が子の事を考えて思春期外来を探しているなら、ココは絶対に行ってはいけない。 こんな所が思春期外来という看板を掲げるのは詐欺。 金儲けでしかない。 医院長?のオッサンのデータ取りのネタにしかならない。 患者の目を見ないで、ノートパソコンを見ながらひたすら質問の返答をカタカタ入力するだけ。 1番聞きたい事はのらりくらり、ハッキリした返事もしない。 親のカウンセリングか!?って言うくらい、本人との話をせず、親の心配を聞くだけ聞いて、カタカタ入力して(顔はチラ見、目も見ない)るだけ。 まだ何か検査しますか?みたいに聞いてくる。 10分くらいの最近どうですか?みたいな話をするだけで30分の診療報酬 3,000円。 いい商売だ。
If you really are looking for adolescent outpatients thinking about your own child, Koko should never go. It is a fraud that such a place raises the signboard adolescent outpatient. I only make money. Director? It is nothing but the source of the data of Ossan. Don't look at the patient's eyes, just look at your laptop and just type in the answers to the questions. The first thing I'd like to hear is relaxed and I won't answer clearly. Parent counseling! ? As long as you say, do not talk to the person, just listen to the worries of the parent and just listen and input squeaky (look at the face, look no eyes). Do you still inspect? I hear it like that. What about 10 minutes recently? A medical fee of 3,000 yen for 30 minutes just by talking like that. It's a good business.
白イルカ on Google

親身になって聞く姿勢を持たず、患者の意思を尊重しない点は医師である前に人としてできなければならないこと。 他の方が仰っている通り、児童精神科を頼っていくなら子供のためを思ったらこんな所に連れて行ってはダメです 転院必須。
The point that you don't have a willingness to listen and don't respect the will of the patient is something you can do as a doctor before you can be a doctor. As others have said, if you want to rely on child psychiatry, you should n’t take it to a place like this if you ’re looking for a child. Transfer is mandatory.
ぺっぺぺっぺ on Google

子供の精神的な面で診察にいったにも関わらず、本人の前でズバズバ 無神経なことを聞いてきたり、上手く答えられないと逃げ場がないくらいの詰め方。精神科って こーゆーとこなのか? もっと耳を傾けてくれて寄り添ってくれるとこなのかとおもったけど、 本当に二度と行きたくないです。 少し小馬鹿にされてるのかなとも感じました。必要なものも始めから言ってくれたらいいのに、 それを言ったら あなたにだけ言ってる訳じゃないんでって言われて、なんだか責められてるきぶんになりました。 怖くてもう行けません。 口コミみてから行けばよかった。お子さんのことで 行こうと思う方は絶対に傷つくから、いかないほうがいいです。
Even though I went to see the child mentally, I heard that he was insensitive in front of him, and if he didn't answer well, he couldn't escape. Is psychiatry a psychiatrist? I thought he would listen more and snuggle up to me, but I really don't want to go there again. I also felt that I was a little foolish. I wish I could tell you what I needed from the beginning, but when I said that, I was told that I wasn't just telling you, and I was blamed for something. I'm scared and can't go anymore. I should have gone after seeing the word of mouth. Those who want to go about their children will definitely get hurt, so it's best not to go.
satosi k on Google

いつも高圧的な態度に3分くらいのどーですか?と聞かれるだけで、薬を渡されて終わりです。ちょっと質問するとすぐ嫌味っぽい回答で高圧的な態度で返ってくるので質問もし辛く行く度に不愉快な気持ちしかなりません。 児童精神科なはずなのに何も子供に全然寄り添う気持ちも1ミリも無く、独りよがりの診察しかしてくれません。 学校からの勧めでしたかなく通い続ける事にになりましたが、こんな毎回、薬だけ渡すだけの治療で患者に一人一人に寄り添わない診療で行く度に不愉快な気持ちになる病院はありません。 子供の為に思うなら他の人も書かれてますが、口コミを見てから検討した方が傷つかないで済むと思います。
Do you always have a high-pressure attitude for about 3 minutes? All you have to do is give me the medicine and you're done. As soon as I ask a little question, I get a sarcastic answer with a high-pressure attitude, so every time I ask a question, I feel uncomfortable. Although it should be a child psychiatry, I have no feelings of being close to the child at all, and he only gives me a selfish examination. I decided to continue going to the hospital because of the recommendation from the school, but there is no hospital that makes me feel uncomfortable every time I go to a medical treatment that does not care for each patient with treatment that only gives me medicine. Others have written it for children, but I think it's better to look at the reviews before considering it.
TAKU JOU on Google

It's really unpleasant. I received it to see my child, but he didn't seem to observe the child's condition and only responded to the parents, and I was reluctant to talk without looking at the interaction with the parents or my face. What is it like, "Yes, I'll give you some medicine, so it's okay." Who is the doctor with this name? As other people have said, it's just a defeat job. The person who gives a high evaluation here is definitely "Sakura". If you have any problems with your mental condition, you should see another person, absolutely. It's a rare quack doctor. I don't feel like being close to you.
おえむ on Google

What's up?? I just hear from my parents, not my children. I didn't feel like I was seeing the situation, and I felt like I was diagnosed by a story from my parents. Even if I consult with him, it doesn't solve much and I keep going because I can make the next reservation on the spot, but I don't feel the effect or significance. Visiting a hospital for parents? If there are other places to go to the hospital, I recommend others.

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