
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 千里菫

住所 :

Shinsenri Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0082 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Osaka

Shinsenri Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0082 Osaka,Japan
米田聡 on Google

批判的な意見もあるようですが・・・ 串8本ランチ、なかなか美味しく量も十分で、値段(1280円)相応の満足感を味わえました。 混んでたにも関わらず、サービスはキビキビとしていて的確でした。 串盛合せが彩りに欠けていて、もっとフォトジェニックだったらよかったのですが。
There seems to be some criticism, but ... Lunch with 8 skewers was delicious and the amount was enough, and I was satisfied with the price (1280 yen). Despite being crowded, the service was crisp and accurate. I wish the skewers were lacking in color and were more photogenic.
Shinji Kinoshita on Google

千里中央駅北改札口の横に位置します。 カウンター席とテーブル席に分かれたレイアウトでスッキリした店です。柔らかい肉、鮪、アスパラなどの野菜に工夫された串で、見映えもよく美味しく頂く事が出来ました。
It is located next to the north ticket gate of Senri Chuo Station. It is a neat shop with a layout divided into counter seats and table seats. The skewers were devised with vegetables such as tender meat, tuna, and asparagus, and they looked good and were delicious.
澤田博史(ひろっしー) on Google

If you ask for sausage with grain mustard, you can buy it after baking and get rid of it. The taste is generally normal. Very normal. Cospa is also normal. Or maybe it's a little expensive.

千里中央駅北口出てすぐ。 木曜日6時半空いてました。 菫コース串12本3780円白ワインボトル3500円を注文。 串10本2960円コースで良かったかな。 押し付け気味の接客とクチコミありましたが、おじさんはワインソムリエかな?親切、オシャレな店でありながら、おばさんの適当な接客も心地よかったです。
Immediately out of the Senri-Chuo Station North Exit. It was 6:30 on Thursday. 12 bottles of salmon course skewers 3780 yen Order white wine bottle 3500 yen. Was it good for the 10 skewers 2960 yen course? There were reviews and a customer service, but my uncle is a wine sommelier. Although it was a kind and fashionable store, the aunt's appropriate customer service was also comfortable.
MASAHUMI meredith on Google

どれもが一度は口にしてきた気軽に食べれる食材でした。 おうちで再現できる内容なので、ゴージャスとは言い難いけどその分過ごしやすい雰囲気でゆっくり食事が出来ました。
All of them were easy-to-eat ingredients that I had once eaten. It's hard to say that it's gorgeous because it can be reproduced at home, but I was able to eat slowly in a comfortable atmosphere.
Yoshi Fujiwara on Google

コースは男子には足りないかな?と思いましたが、十分。満腹になりました。 wineのレベルは高いです。近くのワインバーより旨い。遠慮せずにボトルでとることをオススメします
Is the course not enough for boys? I thought, but enough. I'm full. The level of wine is high. It tastes better than the nearby wine bar. Don't hesitate to take it in a bottle
きっちゃん on Google

ランチを頂きました。 変わり種の串焼きどれも美味しいです。
I had lunch. All the unusual skewers are delicious.
Ilan Boock on Google

Nice place for lunch

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