Shinokachimachi Byosho Kanmyo Temple - 台東区 Taito City

4/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Shinokachimachi Byosho Kanmyo Temple

3 Chome-17-15 Motoasakusa, 台東区 Taito City, Tokyo 111-0041, Japan
douso100 on Google

島田昇 on Google

還暦オヤジ on Google

我が家も私を最期に幕を閉じます。 今までは奥多摩の禅寺に墓があったのですが、永代供養墓はあっても、一柱70万円と高額。 墓には7人眠っており、まだ生きてる私を含めれば8人✖️70万円で560万円❗ 今までの墓を更地にしたり、仏事費用などもあり、更に700万円近くは間違いないです。 とても払いきれる額面ではない❗ 墓仕舞いをご検討中の方に申し上げますが、都心だから高く、田舎は安い、という問題ではなく、住職さんの考え方次第で額面が決まるようです。 また宗派によっても考え方も違うようで、最近は少子高齢化の影響か、永代供養墓をやる寺が増えてますが、臨済宗なんかは他の宗派に少し遅れてるみたいです。 色々あちこち探しましたが、都心の東京都台東区元浅草にある浄土真宗本願寺派(京都の方は、本山が西本願寺なんで、「お西さん」だなんて言いますね?)のお寺で、良心的な額面のお寺をやっと見つけたのが、当寺です。 我が家は私も入れて8人! 納骨堂のお部屋には四人までしか入りません。 困ってたら、住職が「亡くなった祖父母様に伯父様お二人は合祀墓に埋葬することで如何ですか?こちらはお値段は○○円で結構です。」 納骨堂の値段も格安に加え、合祀墓はタダ同然でした! これで私の「終活も一通り終わったなぁ❗」と嬉しかったでした。 おすすめしたいお寺ですが、しっかりご判断して欲しい点が1つだけあります❗ でも、ここは台東区元浅草で便利この上ないのですが、一般の屋外墓地ではなくて、屋内墓地です❗ 抵抗を感じる方も多いと聞きました。 最初伺った時に「ここはお墓の展示会場か?」と奇妙に感じました。 また、屋内ですから、お墓にお水かけは出来ません。 その代わり、ご住職や墓石屋さんが墓石を拭いて下さっています❗ 小さなお寺ですが、交通機関に関しては、大江戸線かつくばエキスプレスの新御徒町駅、銀座線の稲荷町、それぞれ歩いて5分位で近くて便利です。 でも、物は考えよう❗ 屋外よりも、屋内墓地には大きなメリットがあります❗ 天候の事を気にしなくて良いのが何よりです。 屋外だと雨、雪や酷暑の際は墓参りも大変ですが、ここは屋内墓地ゆえ、関係ありません。 冷暖房も付いてます❗ お線香の煙は、あちこちに換気扇があり、線香の煙が立ち込めてる事はないです。 日本では「穢れを浄める」事を尊ぶ民族ですから、お墓の掃除すらも自分たちでは出来ない事に抵抗があると思いますが、逆に屋内墓地ゆえに、墓参するのに天気など気にする必要もなく、都心部の台東区で御御徒町や上野からも歩いても行けます❗ 額面も他のお寺や墓地と比較して、格段にお安いです。 スマホなんかで詳細は検出来ます。 余談ですが、お寺の後継者に悩んでいる寺が多いと聞いてます。 このお寺はご子息が、京都の龍谷大学生。いずれ跡を継がれるでしょうから、未来の事も心配は要りません。 これから墓仕舞いをお考え中の方には、宗派は親鸞上人の浄土真宗本願寺派で構わないのなら、おすすめします❗
My family will close the curtain at the end of me. Until now, there was a tomb at a Zen temple in Okutama, but even if there is a permanent memorial tomb, it costs 700,000 yen per pillar. Seven people are sleeping in the grave, and eight people including me who are still alive ✖️ 700,000 yen for 5.6 million yen ❗ There is no doubt that it will be close to 7 million yen due to the vacant lot of the grave and the cost of Buddhist affairs. It's not a very payable face value ❗ I would like to say to those who are considering closing the grave, but it seems that the face value is decided by the priest's way of thinking, not the problem that it is expensive because it is in the city center and cheap in the countryside. Also, it seems that the way of thinking is different depending on the sect, and recently the number of temples holding permanent memorial tombs is increasing due to the declining birthrate and aging population, but the Rinzai sect seems to be a little behind other denominations. I searched around, but it was a temple of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji school (Kyoto people say that the main mountain is Nishi Honganji, so it's "Onishi-san" ?) in Motoasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. It is our temple that we finally found a temple with a typical face value. There are 8 people in my house including me! Only four people can enter the ossuary room. If you are in trouble, the chief priest said, "How about burying the two uncles in the grave of the deceased grandparents? The price is XX yen." The price of the ossuary was cheap, and the grave was almost free! With this, I was happy that my "end of life was over ❗". I would like to recommend this temple, but there is only one point I would like you to make a firm judgment on. ❗ However, this is a convenient place in Motoasakusa, Taito-ku, but it's not a general outdoor graveyard, but an indoor graveyard ❗ I heard that many people feel resistance. When I first visited, I felt strange, "Is this the exhibition hall for graves?" Also, since it is indoors, you cannot water the grave. Instead, the priest or gravestone shop wipes the gravestones ❗ Although it is a small temple, it is convenient to walk to Shin-Okachimachi Station on the Oedo Line and Tsukuba Express and Inaricho on the Ginza Line, each within a 5-minute walk. But let's think about things ❗ Indoor graveyards have great advantages over outdoor ❗ Best of all, you don't have to worry about the weather. It's difficult to visit the grave outdoors when it's raining, snowing or extremely hot, but it doesn't matter because it's an indoor graveyard. It also has air conditioning ❗ There are ventilation fans here and there for the smoke of incense sticks, and the smoke of incense sticks does not get in. In Japan, we are a people who value "purifying the dirt", so I think we are reluctant to even clean the graves by ourselves, but on the contrary, because it is an indoor graveyard, we care about the weather when visiting the graves. You can walk from Okachimachi and Ueno in Taito Ward in the center of the city without having to do it ❗ The face value is also much cheaper than other temples and graveyards. Details will be detected on your smartphone. As an aside, I hear that many temples are worried about the successors of the temples. The son of this temple is a student at Ryutani University in Kyoto. You don't have to worry about the future, as it will be inherited in the future. For those who are thinking about closing the grave, I recommend it if the sect is the Jodo Shinshu Honganji sect of Shinran Shonin ❗

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