
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 有限会社アサヒ建物サービス

住所 :

Shinmori, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://ats-asahi.com/
街 : Osaka

Shinmori, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0022 Osaka,Japan
高田純 on Google

キッチンをリフォームしてもらいましたが、納得いくまで何度もご相談させていただき満足いくものになりました。 ありがとうございました。
I had the kitchen remodeled, but I was satisfied with the consultation until I was satisfied. Thank you very much.
mikako on Google

It is one of the companies that gave us a quote. The quotation work was very polite, and we had you adjust it while taking into account the quotation from other vendors. This time, due to the schedule on this side, I have decided to ask another contractor, but if it is convenient, I would like you to do the construction next time.
KIRI on Google

外壁塗装は初めてでしたが、素材の説明や工事の流れを取りこぼしなく分かりやすく説明してくれました。 担当していただいた方も繊細な技術で気さくな方でした。 初めての方にもおすすめの業者さんかと思います。
It was my first time to paint the exterior wall, but he explained the materials and the flow of construction in an easy-to-understand manner. The person in charge was also a friendly person with delicate technology. I think that it is a recommended trader for first-time users.
ANA on Google

元々は外壁塗装だけ他の業者さんに依頼する予定でしたが、こちらでは一括でリフォームが可能だとのことで、今回は全てこちらにお任せすることにしました。 色々と要望を伝えてしまいましたが出来る範囲で応えてくれましたし、費用も予想してたより抑えられて仕上がりの方も満足です。 有難うございました。
Originally, I was planning to ask another company to paint the outer wall only, but I heard that it is possible to remodel all at once, so I decided to leave it all to this time. I have communicated various requests, but they responded to the extent possible, and the cost was lower than expected, and the finish is also satisfactory. Thank you.
BES on Google

I was told that I would go to hear from several companies and ask them to give me an estimate, and I just visited the store the other day. It was easy to reach because it was not so far from the station. He was a sales person who guided me smoothly and was very easy to talk to. The plan content and amount were the most ideal, so I decided to have them do it here. I'm glad I took the time to find a vendor.
近藤蓮 on Google

Previously, I had my air conditioner repaired when water leaked, and the response at that time was kind, so I asked for the renovation of the bathroom and bathroom of my parents' house, which was 30 years old this time. Before, the equipment was old and the floor of the bathroom was tiled, so it was cold, but after the remodeling, it became as clean as a new building, and it became easier to clean. thank you.
CPT on Google

自宅のバスルームをお願いしました。 担当の職人さんは終始、礼儀正しくて人柄が良い方でした~! 見違えるほど綺麗にしてもらって家族全員大喜び!やはり水回りが綺麗だと落ち着きます。 Tポイントもつけてもらえました。 また、何かあればお願いしたいと思います。
I asked for a bathroom at home. The craftsman in charge was polite and personal from beginning to end! The whole family is delighted to have it so beautiful that it can be mistaken! After all it will be calm if the water area is clean. I also got a T point. Also, I would like to ask if there is anything.
masae .n on Google

最初は洗面台の水漏れでお願いしました。 結局洗面台本体を入れ替えてもらいました。 初めてのお店だったので不安でしたが、細かい所まで説明頂きとても安心してお任せできました。 その後、度重なる大小の地震で外壁が剥がれて来てるのが見つかり急遽修繕をお願いしました。 今回もしっかり説明頂き安心してお任せできました。 天気にも恵まれ工期も予定より早く仕上がり、価格にも満足してます。 ありがとうございました。
At first, I asked for a water leak in the washbasin. After all, I had the washbasin body replaced. It was my first time to shop, so I was worried, but I was able to leave it to me with great peace of mind after explaining the details. After that, I found that the outer wall was peeling off due to repeated large and small earthquakes, and asked for repair in a hurry. I was able to leave it to you with confidence as I was able to explain it well this time as well. We are blessed with the weather and the construction period is finished earlier than planned, and we are satisfied with the price. Thank you very much.

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