
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほぐしサロン新丸子本店

住所 :

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://reserva.be/hogusisalon6
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
うさぎ on Google

Will be loosened
to mz on Google

What is not to say except Matmo.
Hayato Yasuhisa on Google

It is cheap at 2980 yen on weekdays, but the treatment is firm.
岸本あずさ on Google

新型コロナで色々なところが自粛してますが、こちらは営業してました。 無資格のようですが、大丈夫なんでしょうか? 保険が使えないところはダメだと思ったんですけど。
I've been refraining from various things with the new Corona, but it was open. It seems that he is not qualified, but is it okay? I thought it wouldn't work where insurance couldn't be used.
鈴蘭 on Google

店内は落ち着いた雰囲気でとてもリラックスできました。 かなりコリがひどかったのですが丁寧にほぐしていただきました。 お値段以上だと思います。 今後は定期的に通おうと思っています。おススメです^^
The atmosphere was calm and I was able to relax very much. It was very stiff, but I had you carefully loosen it. I think it is more than the price. I plan to go there regularly in the future. Recommended ^^
YsK “OCHOLINE” TyD on Google

Cospa is the best for 60 minutes 2980 yen on weekdays. You can start quickly without changing clothes (dressing is charged), but you can nominate the person in charge, but there is a sense of security as everyone is stable and will be treated well. Shinmaruko is a massaging massage shop, but as a result of various passing, personally it is the best here. It is also open until late at night
黄昏ジューダス on Google

たまに無知な人が資格は?とか 言われたりしますが マッサージで資格は必要ないです。 怪我に対する治療行為をする場合 国家資格が必要になります。 コスパ最高です。 スタッフによって押し方の個性があり よく言えば自分にあった人を 探せて指名できる! 個性あるので全く合わない人も 居るので試しに受けるしかないです。
Occasionally ignorant people qualify? And I'm told No qualification is required for massage. When treating an injury You will need a national qualification. Cospa is the best. There is a personality of how to push depending on the staff To put it better, the person who suits me You can find and nominate! Some people don't fit at all because they have individuality Since I am there, I have no choice but to try it.
Jun Kudo on Google

平日に行きましてあまりに安くてちょっと警戒しておりましたが、清潔だし料金体系も明解だし、技術もしっかりしていました。がちがちの背中をしっかりほぐしてもらえてすっきりしました。 入り口の階段がかなり急で、しかも踏み込むのにちょっと勇気がいる雰囲気ですが、店内はそんなことないので安心して入ってみてください。
I went there on weekdays and was a little cautious because it was too cheap, but it was clean, the fee system was clear, and the technology was solid. I was refreshed by having my back loosened firmly. The stairs at the entrance are quite steep, and the atmosphere is a little courageous to step on, but there is no such thing inside the store, so please feel free to enter.

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