
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)三和式典

住所 :

Shinmachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.sanwasikiten.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shinmachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0052 Tokyo,Japan
Chiharu Miura on Google

以前利用した葬儀社さんがイマイチだったので、2度目の今回はこちらにお願いしました。 お葬式の相談を始めてから、お葬式が終わるまで、1人の担当者の方が親身に寄り添ってくれて、まるで家族のように支えてくれました。 相談内容もしっかりと纏めて、想定してたより良くお得に、気持ちのこもった提案内容を戻してくれたりと、案内や接客も丁寧で本当に素晴らしかったです。 次回があっては困ることですが、その際は利用したいですし、知り合いにもお勧めしたい葬儀社さんです
The funeral company I used before was not good enough, so I asked for it this time for the second time. From the start of the funeral consultation to the end of the funeral, one person in charge was close to me and supported me like a family. The content of the consultation was well organized, and the guidance and customer service were polite and really wonderful, as they returned the content of the proposal with a feeling of being better than expected. It will be a problem if there is a next time, but in that case I would like to use it, and I would like to recommend it to acquaintances.
なかがわりょうこ on Google

母の葬儀でお世話になりました。 事前にご相談をして頂きましたがどこの葬儀社に比べてだんとつで親身に話を聞いてくれたので三和式典さんにお願いしました。素敵なプランを立てて頂き流れも全部教えて頂きました。母が亡くなり電話をしたらすぐに事前にお話をした方が病院にお迎えに来て頂きすごく安心しました。 式の当日も担当の方以外の司会の女性の方、火葬場までの霊柩車の運転手の方もすごく親切でした。大変感謝しております。
Thank you for your help at my mother's funeral. I consulted in advance, but compared to any funeral company, he listened to me more and more, so I asked Mr. Sanwa Shiki. He made a nice plan and taught me all the flow. As soon as my mother died and I called, the person who talked to me in advance came to pick me up at the hospital and I was very relieved. On the day of the ceremony, the moderator woman other than the person in charge and the driver of the hearse to the crematorium were also very kind. I am extremely grateful.
しゅんや on Google

Since the funeral itself was my first experience, I was full of things I didn't know about the costs and setup, but the person in charge explained it in an easy-to-understand manner and I was able to leave it to me with confidence. Thank you very much.
Kazu T on Google

The person in charge responded quickly and was very polite, which was helpful. It was a sudden thing, so it was a lot of work, but thanks to the kindness of the person in charge, I was able to finish the funeral safely. I'm really thankful to you.
yuya nakata on Google

When I wanted to talk about a funeral, I had an acquaintance introduce me. It was very helpful because he responded properly even in a sudden consultation. I would also like to use Sanwa Shiki-san if I have the opportunity.
岡みゆき on Google

電話や訪問時のご対応がとても感じよく丁寧で、ホッとする感じです。 プランについてもとても親身に相談にのってくれますし、料金が明瞭で信頼のおける葬儀屋さんです。 語弊があるかもしれませんが、もし知人が葬儀社選びに迷っていらた 確実に三和式典さんをお勧めします。
The response to phone calls and visits is very pleasant and polite, and I feel relieved. He is a funeral director who is very friendly and willing to discuss plans, and the fees are clear and reliable. There may be some misunderstandings, but if an acquaintance is at a loss about choosing a funeral company, I definitely recommend Sanwa Shiki.
中村大樹 on Google

Since this was the first time for the funeral itself, there were many points I didn't know what to do, but the person in charge explained it in an easy-to-understand manner. In addition, he also took in this request, so the funeral was completed as requested. I'm really thankful to you.
t on Google

Thank you very much for your help this time. The correspondence of the person in charge was very good. Instead of saying "I should do this" or "I should do this", I am very impressed with the phrase "I wonder if the deceased will be pleased if I do this." Correspondence was also good about the ceremony. Thank you very much.

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