
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 永来

住所 :

Shingai, Fukaya, 〒366-0019 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
街 : Saitama

Shingai, Fukaya, 〒366-0019 Saitama,Japan
sharan touran on Google

ラーメンと餃子 1030円をいただきました。 餃子はめちゃくちゃ美味しい! ラーメンはイマイチでした。 ここでのお昼は定食を食べている人が目立ちました。
I received ramen and dumplings for 1030 yen. The dumplings are insanely delicious! Ramen was not good. At lunch here, many people were eating set meals.
須藤康敏 on Google

Evaluate, I'm still smoking at lunch time. We entered the store at 12:30 on weekdays, and although it was about half the number of customers, there was no welcome and it didn't get cold even after 5 minutes. It's a problem before the taste is evaluated, the next one is gone. It's a shameful shop! ️
川島明 on Google

チャーハンと餃子、男前な味で凄く好きです 麺類にもチャレンジしたいけど値段が高い。
I really like fried rice and dumplings because of their handsome taste. I want to try noodles, but the price is high.
タイガーマスク on Google

お昼ご飯で寄りました。 もやしラーメンと、餃子を頼みました。 もやしラーメンは、僕的には美味しかった。 昆布と鰹の出汁です。 餃子は、ニンニクたっぷり効いています。 中々の味。 (午後から人との約束をしている人は、口臭に気を付けて。)
I stopped by for lunch. I ordered bean sprout ramen and dumplings. The bean sprout ramen was delicious for me. Dashi stock of kelp and bonito. Dumplings are full of garlic. Medium taste. (If you have an appointment with someone from the afternoon, be careful of bad breath.)
小林和子 on Google

The dumplings were garlic. Gomoku ramen and tanmen are delicious.
Lilly Marleen on Google

[らーめん・炒飯] ビジュアルは熊谷の永楽本店と似ていて焦がしネギ油の入ったスープといい関連店を思わせる。 店名も似てるし。 が、スープは乾物系の旨味は余り感じず後味的にももネギ油の風味しか残らない(´ . .̫ . `) 麺は太めゆる縮れ麺でこのスープとより味噌ラーメンに合わせるような麺で合っていない。 炒飯もしっとりを通り越してベチャ寄りで…何故か納豆が混入w メニュー表を確認すると納豆炒飯有りだがどんな調理工程で混入するのか? 食感の悪さと相まって作り置きをテフロンのフライパンで温めたりしてるのかなってね…。
[Ramen / Fried rice] The visual is similar to the Eiraku main store in Kumagaya, reminiscent of a soup containing charred green onion oil and a related store. The store name is also similar. However, the soup doesn't feel the umami of dry matter so much, and only the flavor of green onion oil remains in the aftertaste (´ .. ̫. `) The noodles are thick and loosely curly noodles, and the noodles do not match this soup with miso ramen. The fried rice also passes through the moist and is closer to the sticky ... For some reason natto is mixed w If you check the menu table, there is natto fried rice, but what kind of cooking process does it mix in? ? Coupled with the bad texture, I wonder if the pre-made food is warmed in a Teflon frying pan.
kawakawakawa13 on Google

ここで良く、麺類とゆで餃子を頼みます。 何故ゆで餃子かというと、普通の餃子では、焦げが多くて食べにくいので。 塩バタコーンとタンメンが、麺類ではお気に入りです。 中太メンが程よくゆであがっていて、汁もしっかり絡んでいて、おいしいです。
I often order noodles and boiled dumplings here. The reason for boiled dumplings is that ordinary dumplings are often burnt and difficult to eat. Salted butter corn and tanmen are my favorites for noodles. The medium-thick noodles are boiled moderately, and the juice is well entwined, which is delicious.
プリンセス on Google

ボリューム満点で味付けも私好みで美味しい? 肉ピーマン炒めライス食べましたが やっこ、お漬物、スープもついてきて 大満足! 餃子はニンニクがきいててご飯が進む❤️ コメントするの初めてだけど皆さんに知って欲しくて書きました!❤️ また絶対食べる!?❤️ ここオススメです❤️
It's full of volume and the seasoning is delicious as I like ? I ate stir-fried meat peppers and rice Comes with yakko, pickles and soup Very satisfied! The dumplings are garlic and the rice goes on ❤️ It's my first time to comment, but I wanted everyone to know it! ❤️ I will definitely eat it again! ?❤️ Recommended here ❤️

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