Shinfujimi Bridge - Sayama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinfujimi Bridge

住所 :

Sayama, Saitama 350-1320, Japan

Postal code : 350-1320

Sayama, Saitama 350-1320, Japan
Nhung Phí on Google

Very beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Yoichi Kimura on Google

Fuji can be seen on a sunny day
bear black on Google

I came here to see the Iruma Air Festival from outside the base. The riverbed here is at the end of the runway, and I am very impressed with the point where the blue impulse and F15 can be seen from directly below. This year was a little disappointing because the weather was cloudy and the program was changed.
萬名游鯏 on Google

名前の通り晴れた日は富士山も望める心地良い橋です。 朝夕は車が渋滞しますが、通学で渡る中高生や河川敷をランニングしたり散歩したりする人など、全体的に穏やかな雰囲気のことが多いです。 さすがに橋の下はちょっと暗いムードですが…。
As the name suggests, it is a comfortable bridge overlooking Mt. Fuji on a sunny day. Cars are congested in the morning and evening, but there are many calm atmospheres such as junior and senior high school students who go to school and people who run and walk on the riverbed. As expected, the mood is slightly dark under the bridge.
Yu Yu on Google

It's a bridge! You can cross over to the other side! It was very convenient and comfortable, so there are 5 ☆!
すずきかつひで on Google

Fuji looks beautiful!
みゅん on Google

入間川にかかる。 有料道路を通らない車のほとんどがここと隣の昭代橋を通るため、朝と夕方は渋滞が発生しやすい。 天気がいい日は富士山が見える。 狭山市駅西口から出る西武バスはこの橋を通る。
It takes the Iruma River. Most of the cars that do not pass through the toll road pass through here and the neighboring Akiyo Bridge, so traffic jams are likely to occur in the morning and evening. Mt. Fuji can be seen when the weather is nice. The Seibu Bus from the west exit of Sayamashi Station passes through this bridge.
俊彦飯島 on Google

It is a spot where you can see Mt. Fuji beautifully in Saitama prefecture. Especially, Mt. Fuji, which receives the sunrise on a sunny day, and Mt. Fuji, which sees the sunset in the background, are the best.

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