
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新橋うっちゃり

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Yuka. K on Google

一番の目当ては鰻だったけど、お店の佇まいに先ずノックアウト。 お店の乙な雰囲気が、個人的に超ビンゴな空間でした。 古民家をリノベしたような? 昭和感溢れる戸建てで、贅沢なおもてなしを受けている気分になれる空間です。 お通しは蟹味噌豆腐。 蟹の出汁が効いている滑らか豆腐、高級料亭で出てくるような上質な味わい&お上品な盛り付けにその後のお料理メニューへの期待度も上がります。 気になったメニューをアラカルトで。 鰻の蒲の穂焼き、うな肝ポン酢、厚切りハムカツ、おでんの盛り合わせ、馬肉100%鉄板ハンバーグ、鰻重大関をオーダー。 パリパリの皮にジューシーなふんわふわの身、食べ応えも抜群な鰻の蒲の穂焼き。 皮の塩加減が絶妙で、いい塩梅の塩気が甘味たっぷりな脂の美味しさをより際立たせてくれます。 これは衝撃の美味しさ、ここへ行ったらぜひ食べてみてもらいたい逸品です。 全体的にさっぱりとした味わいなんだけど、うな肝のコク深い旨味が満載のうな肝ポン酢は酒のあてにもぴったりです。 超~ぶ厚くカットされたハムカツ。 贅沢バージョンのトンカツみたいな?豪快なフォルムにもテンションが上がります。 ジューシーな肉汁が満載で、ワイルドな食べ応えなんだけどサクっと噛んだ後フワっとした食感に切り替わります。 だから一見ガッツリ系だったりするんだけど、思ったよりも軽い食べ応えの一品でした。 鰹出汁と黒い中国醤油で真っ黒に煮込まれたおでん。 真っ黒な見た目から味がめちゃくちゃ濃そうに思えるけど、食べてみると意外にあっさり。 でも出汁がしっかりと効いていて具材にもしっかりと浸み込まれているので物足りなさはなし、口の中で広がる出汁の旨味とお醤油の優しい塩気に癒されます。 馬肉100%鉄板ハンバーグは弾力たっぷりなワイルド食感に、馬肉のコク深い旨味が贅沢に広がる逸品。 今回は3種チーズバージョンにしたけど、おろしポン酢にもできます。 まろやかなチーズとの相性もバッチリでかなりパンチの効いた食べ応えだけど、馬肉ってことで後味はあっさりヘルシー。 罪悪感なくガッツリ堪能できるのも嬉しいところですね。 鰻重大関は鰻を丸々一本、豪快に焼き上げた重。 高級感のある桐箱で出てきます。 脂のりのりで旨味たっぷり、ふんわふわの食感も最高です。 程好い甘味のあるタレの味ははしっかりとしているんだけど、サラっとしたお上品さもある味わい。 脂の旨味もプラスされ濃厚な美味しさが入ってくるけどクドさを感じることはなく、後味にキレもあったりするのでサラっと軽く堪能することができました。 どれも高級感も感じる贅沢な味わい、ボリュームもしっかりあるのに価格設定はだいぶリーズナブル。 お得感満載でかなり嬉しかったけど、こんなリーズナブルなお会計でこんな贅沢を楽しんじゃって良いのかなと申し訳なくも思っちゃいますね。笑 お酒の種類も豊富で、特に焼酎や日本酒好きには堪らぬ銘柄も多々あり。 珍しい系もあったりして、泡盛のハブ酒とかも置いてあります。 場所は新橋、烏森神社の近くなので駅近でアクセスもGOOD。 スタッフさんも感じ良かったしで居心地も良かったので、また絶対に来たいと思ったし周りにも紹介したくなる素敵なお店でした。
The first thing I wanted to do was eel, but I first knocked out the appearance of the restaurant. The atmosphere of the shop was a super bingo space. Like a renovation of an old folk house? It is a detached house full of Showa era, and it is a space where you can feel like you are receiving luxurious hospitality. The crab miso tofu is served. Smooth tofu with crab soup stock, high-quality taste and elegant presentation that you can find at a high-class restaurant will raise your expectations for the subsequent cooking menu. A la carte menu that interests you. We ordered grilled eel sardines, eel liver ponzu, thick-sliced ​​ham cutlet, assorted oden, 100% horse meat iron plate hamburger steak, and eel seki. Crispy skin, juicy fluffy meat, and eel bulrush ears that are excellent for eating. The saltiness of the skin is exquisite, and the saltiness of the good salted plums makes the deliciousness of the sweet and fat fat stand out more. This is a shocking taste, and if you go here, you should definitely try it. Although it has a refreshing taste overall, Una Liver Ponzu, which is full of rich flavor of Una Liver, is perfect for sake. Very thickly cut hamukatsu. Like a luxury version of pork cutlet? The tension goes up even in a dynamic form. It's full of juicy gravy, and it's a wild response, but after chewing it, it switches to a fluffy texture. That's why it seems like it's gutsy at first glance, but it was a lighter dish than I expected. Oden stewed in black with bonito broth and black Chinese soy sauce. From the black appearance, the taste seems to be insanely strong, but when I try to eat it, it is surprisingly light. However, the soup stock works well and is soaked in the ingredients, so it is not unsatisfactory, and the taste of the soup stock that spreads in your mouth and the gentle saltiness of the soy sauce are healed. The 100% horse meat iron plate hamburger is a gem that has a wild texture with plenty of elasticity and the rich flavor of horse meat spreads luxuriously. This time I made 3 kinds of cheese version, but you can also use grated ponzu sauce. It goes well with mellow cheese and is quite punchy, but the aftertaste is light and healthy because it is horse meat. It's also nice to be able to fully enjoy it without feeling guilty. The eel seki is a heavy eel baked with a whole eel. It comes out in a luxurious paulownia box. The nori seaweed is full of umami, and the fluffy texture is also the best. The taste of the sauce, which has a moderate sweetness, is solid, but it also has a smooth and elegant taste. The umami of the fat is also added, and the rich taste comes in, but I do not feel the umami, and the aftertaste is sharp, so I was able to enjoy it lightly and lightly. All of them have a luxurious taste with a sense of luxury, and although they have a solid volume, the price setting is quite reasonable. I was very happy because it was full of great deals, but I'm sorry that I should enjoy such luxury with such a reasonable accounting. Lol There are many types of sake, especially those that are unbearable for sake lovers and sake lovers. There is also a rare type, such as Awamori Habushu. The location is near Shinbashi and Karasumori Shrine, so access is good near the station. The staff was nice and comfortable, so it was a wonderful shop that I definitely wanted to visit and would like to introduce to the people around me.
田中真弘 on Google

お客様にお誘いを受けたので、新橋うっちゃり で鰻串。 新橋SL広場側の狭い路地にあるお店で、3階建てをフルで使っている模様。 鰻串はいろんな部位が少量で食べれるので、非常にうれしい。 身を短冊上にして焼いた短冊や、その白焼きである白短冊、身を巻き付けた くりから、頭を揚げてタレで焼いたカブトに鰻巻きなどいろんな部位を堪能。 一度老舗の鰻串屋に行ったことがあるが、こういったカジュアルなお店も出来ているのか?と久しぶりに鰻の旨さを堪能。
I was invited by a customer, so I went to Shimbashi for an eel skewer. The shop is located in a narrow alley on the side of Shinbashi SL Square, and it seems that it is fully using the three-story building. I am very happy that the eel skewers can be eaten in small quantities in various parts. You can enjoy various parts such as strips baked with the body on top, white strips that are white-baked, wrapping the flesh, and eel-wrapped eels with the head raised. I've been to a long-established eel skewer shop once, but is there such a casual shop? Enjoy the deliciousness of eel for the first time in a long time.
菊龍 on Google

前から気になってた「うっちゃり」へ。民家を改装した店舗だが、こんな新橋のど真ん中に民家があったことに驚き。スタッフの方はとても親切で感じ良い対応。 肝心のうな牛丼は盛り盛りで味もしっかり付いている。次はうな玉丼もと思い再訪したがやはりうな牛丼を食べてしまった。次こそはうな玉丼。
To "chubby" that I have been interested in for a long time. The store is a renovated private house, but I was surprised that there was a private house in the middle of Shimbashi. The staff are very kind and pleasant. The essential beef bowl is full and has a good taste. Next time, I revisited the Una ball bowl, but after all I ate the Una beef bowl. Next is Una ball bowl.
川村大 on Google

■新橋うっちゃり 新橋のSL広場から徒歩2分くらい。烏森神社の裏手にある鰻と馬刺しが美味しい新橋うっちゃりに行ってきました。 古民家をリノベしたお店。普通の住宅の扉を開けて玄関で靴を脱いで上がります。 今回通された席は3階です。狭い階段を登って、おばあちゃんちに遊びに来た気分。 一杯目は鰻に合うハイボール。 お好みでホールの山椒を挽いて振ります。 お通しは蟹味噌豆腐。 ■馬生レバ刺し ネギと生姜をたっぷり載せて、馬刺し用の甘めの醤油でいただきます。 レバーの食感に濃厚な味、たまらないですね。 ■馬トモバラ刺し 馬肉も当たり前ですがいろんな部位があるんですねー。 こちらは脂身が多めの部位。とは言っても脂っぽさは感じず。口の中で脂がとろけます。 ■おでん盛り合わせ 大根、たまご、油揚げ、こんにゃく、つみれ。 このつみれも馬肉なんですよー。濃いめのつゆがたっぷり染みてます。 ■短冊とくりから 色々食べたかったので鰻は串でちょっとずつ。 蒲焼を細く切った短冊はふっくらとした食感。 くりからは普通は捨ててしまう端の細い部分をくるっと巻いたところ。脂乗ってますねー。 ■蒲の穂焼き 秘伝の製法で骨を抜いた鰻を輪切りにして焼き上げたもの。 鰻の輪切りなんて初めて見ました。 皮はパリパリで身はふわふわ。これは衝撃的です。 味付けは塩のみであっさり。お好みでわさびや山椒も。 ■鰻牛丼 〆に頼んだ鰻牛丼。このビジュアル、ヤバいですね。 山盛りご飯に牛バラ肉、と鰻。ご飯は丼の中で傾いているのでぎっしりでは無いですが、それでもかなりの量。 牛肉は300g。カリッと甘めに焼き上げられています。 鰻に蒲焼と牛肉を同時にがっつり味わえます。 一人ではちょっと無理な量なのでシェアしましょう。 駅近で気取らず鰻や馬刺しを堪能できるお店でした。
■ Shimbashi chubby About 2 minutes walk from SL Square in Shinbashi. I went to Shimbashi, where the eel and horse sashimi behind Karasumori Shrine are delicious. A shop renovated from an old folk house. Open the door of an ordinary house and take off your shoes at the entrance to go up. The seat passed this time is on the 3rd floor. I feel like I've climbed the narrow stairs and came to play with my grandmother. The first cup is a highball that goes well with eel. If you like, grind and shake the Japanese pepper in the hall. The crab miso tofu is served. ■ Horse liver sashimi Place plenty of green onions and ginger and serve with sweet soy sauce for horse sashimi. The texture of the liver has a rich taste, which is irresistible. ■ Horse tomobara sashimi Horse meat is also natural, but there are various parts. This is a part with a lot of fat. That said, I don't feel greasy. The fat melts in your mouth. ■ Assorted oden Radish, egg, fried tofu, konjac, fish ball. This fish ball is also horse meat. The thick soup is soaked in plenty. ■ From strips and chestnuts I wanted to eat a lot, so I skewered the eel little by little. The strips of kabayaki are fluffy and have a fluffy texture. The thin part of the end that is usually thrown away from the chestnut is wrapped around. It's fat. ■ Grilled bulrush ears Eel that has been deboned by a secret manufacturing method is sliced ​​and baked. I've never seen eel slices for the first time. The skin is crispy and the body is fluffy. This is shocking. The seasoning is light with salt only. You can also use wasabi and Japanese pepper if you like. ■ Eel beef bowl The eel beef bowl I ordered from 〆. This visual is dangerous. Heaps of rice, beef ribs, and eel. The rice is not tight because it is tilted in the bowl, but it is still a considerable amount. Beef is 300g. It is baked crispy and sweet. You can enjoy kabayaki and beef on the eel at the same time. It's a little impossible for one person, so let's share it. It was a restaurant where you can enjoy eel and horse sashimi without being unpretentious near the station.
あさ on Google

一軒家を改装したようなお店で1階にはカウンター席があったり、 2階には個室のようなスペースもあります。 イチオシは馬刺しと鰻! 【馬刺し】はクセがなくて、柔らかい肉質がたまりません! 一枚一枚が大きいのですが、ぺろりと平らげてしまいました。 【おでん】は味がよーく染みてます。珍しい馬肉のつくねもありましたよ。 【鰻串】は写真右奥が短冊、左手前が背肉部分のくりからです。 ふっくらした短冊も絶品でしたが、カリッとしたくりからも捨てがたい! 他にも白焼きや、変わったところだとブルーチーズと合わせた串まであって いろんな食べ方で楽しませてくれます♪ 鰻を一度開いて骨を取って蒸し焼きにした【蒲の穂焼き】も 是非食べて欲しい逸品。 皮はカリッと中はふわっとした食感と、鰻そのものの味を是非堪能してほしい! 〆はインパクトありすぎの【鰻牛丼】 鰻と甘辛い味付けの牛バラの最強コンビは、ボリュームはもちろん味も満点でした。
It's like a renovated house with counter seats on the first floor There is also a space like a private room on the 2nd floor. The best choices are horse sashimi and eel! [Basashi] has no peculiarity and the soft meat quality is irresistible! Each one is big, but it's flattened. [Oden] has a good taste. There was also a rare horse meat meatball. [Eel skewer] is a strip of paper on the far right of the photo, and the chestnut on the back on the front left. The plump strips were also excellent, but they are hard to throw away because of their crispy texture! Besides, it's white-grilled, and if it's unusual, it's a skewer with blue cheese. It will entertain you with various ways of eating ♪ The eel was opened once, the bones were removed, and the eel was steamed. A gem that you definitely want to eat. The skin is crispy and the inside is fluffy, and I want you to enjoy the taste of the eel itself! 〆 has too much impact [eel beef bowl] The strongest combination of eel and sweet and spicy beef roses was full of volume as well as taste.
壬琴 on Google

感動と驚きのお店☆ 親友と久しぶりの再会(◍•ᴗ•◍) 選んだお店はこちら!新橋駅烏森神社の側にある、めちゃめちゃ趣のあるお店『うっちゃり』へ。 ずっと気になっていて、やっと初訪問できました! 民家を改装したお店で、まさにお家でした(笑) 玄関で靴を脱いで、階段を登ると2階は可愛いソファーテーブル席がありました。◕‿◕。 3階もあるそう。 昭和レトロ感漂う、趣のある店内は昭和生まれの私達には落ち着く空間でした( ꈍᴗꈍ) まずはレモンサワーで乾杯。ジョッキで来たよ(。•̀ᴗ-) つまみは、 【かに味噌豆腐 275円】と、 【パリパリピーマン 209円】。 そして、 【やみつき骨せんべい 319円】 この骨せんべい、驚きの太さと大きさ!!(☉。☉)! 子供の頃よく食べた鰻の骨せんべいをはるかに上回る大きさでした。カリカリに揚げてあるのでポリポリと食べやすく手が止まりません(笑) 日本酒を飲みたくておすすめの辛口をオーダー。 そして続いては、大好きな馬刺し♪ 【美味!馬かいのみ刺し 1650円】 肉厚な馬刺しは食べごたえ抜群! シャキシャキのスライス玉ねぎを巻いていただきました♡(ӦvӦ。) 【絶品馬生レバ刺し 1760円】 大好きなレバ刺しが食べられるなんて素晴らしい! プリプリなレバ刺しをつまみに、日本酒が止まりません(笑) このあたりで楽しみにしていた鰻に突入〜 まずは、 【有馬山椒くりから 363円】 くりから焼きとは、鰻の串焼きのこと。甘辛のタレに山椒がアクセントでジューシーで美味しい(灬º‿º灬)♡ 【鰻バター 385円】 甘辛の鰻の串焼きにフワフワのホイップバターがたまりません!少し甘めの日本酒を合わせました(◍•ᴗ•◍) 寒菊 純米吟醸 OCEANオーシャン99 ワインの様な味わいがこってり甘辛の鰻にぴったりでした! 【鰻の蒲の穂焼き 495円】 門外不出の特殊製法で骨抜きされた筒切りの鰻串。 ずっしり重たい筒状の鰻串はほんと蒲の穂みたい! 外はカリカリ中はフワフワ、これは美味しい!人生初の体験に感動!絶品でした(。♡‿♡。) 〆は、こちら!ど〜ん! 大迫力に思わず歓声が上がります(⑉⊙ȏ⊙) 【鰻牛丼 2728円】 なんと牛肉300グラム!! さらに、鰻の蒲焼きが乗っています! ベチャッとならずに程よく混ざっているタレご飯も美しい! お友達と二人ではんぶんこしてお腹いっぱい〜 途中から、出汁をかけてお茶漬けも楽しみました♪ この出汁がまたものすごく美味しかった! 出汁だけでもついつい飲んじゃいました(笑) 初めてお邪魔しましたが、鰻と馬刺しと日本酒が美味しすぎて、ここは行きつけにしたいお店決定です(✯ᴗ✯) そしてそして、女将が若くて美人でかっこよくて、女将に会いたくて通っちゃう人も多いのでは?(◔‿◔) また、お邪魔しま〜す♪
Impressive and surprising shop ☆ Reunion with my best friend after a long absence (◍ • ᴗ • ◍) Click here for the selected shop! Go to the messy shop "Utchari" on the side of Karasumori Shrine at Shimbashi Station. I've been curious about it for a long time, and finally I was able to visit for the first time! It was a renovated private house, and it was exactly the house (laughs) When I took off my shoes at the entrance and climbed the stairs, there was a cute sofa table seat on the second floor. ◕‿◕. There is also a 3rd floor. The quaint interior with a retro Showa era was a calm space for us born in the Showa era (ꈍᴗꈍ). First of all, toast with lemon sour. I came with a mug (. • ̀ᴗ-) The knob is [Crab miso tofu 275 yen], [Crispy peppers 209 yen]. and, [Addictive bone cracker 319 yen] This bone cracker has an amazing thickness and size! !! (☉.☉)! It was much larger than the eel bone crackers I often ate when I was a kid. It's crispy, so it's easy to eat and I can't stop (laughs) I ordered the recommended dry sake because I wanted to drink sake. And then, my favorite horse sashimi ♪ [Delicious! Horse sashimi 1650 yen] The thick horse sashimi is excellent to eat! We had you roll crispy sliced ​​onions ♡ (ӦvӦ.) [Exquisite horse liver sashimi 1760 yen] It's wonderful to be able to eat your favorite liver sashimi! Sake doesn't stop with the pre-prepared liver sashimi (laughs) I rushed into the eel I was looking forward to around here ~ First, [From Arima Sansho chestnut 363 yen] Kurikara-yaki is eel skewers. The sweet and spicy sauce is accented with Japanese pepper and is juicy and delicious (灬 º‿º 灬) ♡ [Eel butter 385 yen] The fluffy whipped butter is irresistible on the sweet and spicy eel skewers! Combined with a little sweet sake (◍ • ᴗ • ◍) Kangiku Junmai Ginjo OCEAN Ocean 99 It tasted like wine and was perfect for sweet and spicy eel! [Grilled eel bulrush 495 yen] A tube-cut eel skewer that has been watered by a special manufacturing method that does not go out of the gate. The heavy, tubular eel skewers really look like ears of bulrush! The outside is crispy and the inside is fluffy, which is delicious! Impressed by the first experience in my life! It was excellent (. ♡ ‿ ♡.) Click here for 〆! Don! Cheers go up unintentionally (⑉⊙ȏ⊙) [Eel beef bowl 2728 yen] What a 300 grams of beef! !! In addition, eel kabayaki is on board! The sauce rice that is mixed properly without becoming sticky is also beautiful! I'm full with my friends ~ From the middle, I enjoyed Ochazuke with soup stock ♪ This soup stock was really delicious again! I just drank the soup stock (laughs) I visited you for the first time, but the eel, horse sashimi and sake were so delicious that I decided to go to this restaurant (✯ᴗ✯). And then, the landlady is young, beautiful, and cool, and there are many people who want to meet the landlady. (◔‿◔) In addition, I will bother you ♪
p g on Google

Tiktokで見かけた鰻牛丼が気になって来店。 鰻牛丼はボリュームにビビって小さめサイズのご飯少なめでお願いしましたが、それでも2人でシェアしてちょうどいいくらいでした。出汁のお茶漬け味変はとてもいいです。 美味しいんですが鰻はおそらく中国産かなーとおうのと、蒸さない関西風の調理なのか弾力が結構あり食べるのがなかなかの重労働。味はめっちゃ濃いので酒のつまみがベスト。しかし量が多いというジレンマ。悩ましいです。 鰻串も気になりましたが丼があるので自粛。 それ以外に頂いた鳥串と馬刺しはシンプルに美味しかったので居酒屋としてはむしろこちらをおすすめ。 あとこういうとこの唐揚げ絶対うまい説を推してますが外れました。無念。鶏ムネで火を入れすぎて衣ガリガリ、中身パサパサという結果だったので避けましょう。 お酒もデカ目のジョッキでくるのでコスパは全体的にいいです。
I came to the store because I was curious about the eel beef bowl I saw at Tiktok. I asked for the eel beef bowl with a small amount of rice, but it was just right to share it with two people. Ochazuke taste change of soup stock is very good. It's delicious, but the eel is probably made in China, and it's a Kansai-style cooking that doesn't steam, so it's quite elastic and it's quite hard work to eat. The taste is so strong that the sake knob is the best. However, the dilemma is that the amount is large. It's annoying. I was also worried about the eel skewers, but I refrained from doing so because there was a bowl. Other than that, the chicken skewers and horse sashimi that I received were simply delicious, so I would rather recommend this as an izakaya. Also, I'm pushing this fried chicken absolutely good theory, but it was off. I'm sorry. Avoid overheating with chicken breast, as the result is that the batter is crunchy and the contents are dry. Cospa is good overall because sake comes with a mug of big eyes.
Yusuke N on Google

This crazy restaurant is awesome. So many japanese Sake, Shochu, and super-size cocktails and cold beer are served at reasonable prices. Their signatures "Una-kushi" which is a grilled eel skewer, "Basashi" which is a raw horse meat, and "Suppon soup" stick our ribs. Also nice Yakitori, fresh bell pepper, "Rice bowl with your choice" and others are served by "Taisho" who is recieved training from some traditional japanese restaurants. Taisho makes some of their plates, T-shirts and Sign, and sometime renovates their restaurant. He loves Air jordan and Nike sneakers.

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