ほうきリフォーム - Takashima

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほうきリフォーム

住所 :

Shinasahicho Warasono, Takashima, 〒520-1511 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 520-1511
街 : Shiga

Shinasahicho Warasono, Takashima, 〒520-1511 Shiga,Japan
三矢輝雄 on Google

今回、システムキッチンを紹介していただきました。 メーカーにも何度も御一緒して好感触です。
This time, we introduced you to the system kitchen. It feels good to be with the manufacturer many times.
鳥居実 on Google

キッチンの工事をさせていただきました。 見違えるように綺麗になり大変喜んでおります。 対応も良く、また何かあればよろしくお願いします。
I did the construction of the kitchen. I am very pleased that it has become so beautiful that it can be mistaken. The correspondence is also good, and I would appreciate your favor if there is anything.
ひらいよしゆき on Google

I did a toilet remodeling. It was very polite and the result was good, I asked for a toilet at my wife's parents' house. I would like to ask you when I need it next time.
横田康則 on Google

長年悩んでいた家をどうするか? リフォームして大正解❕❕ 想定外の提案をして頂き、予想以上の仕上がりに大満足です‼️ 不安やわがままな思いも、親身に聞き入れてくださり頼んで良かったです。 今後も何かあればお願いします。
What to do with a house that has been a problem for many years? Reform and get the correct answer ❕❕ We received unexpected proposals and are very satisfied with the finish beyond our expectations! ️ I am glad that you listened to my anxiety and selfishness and asked for it. If there is anything in the future, please.
akira akira on Google

たくさんのわがままな要望にも、嫌な顔をせずに応えていただき、大変感謝しております。 友人も新しくなったキッチンをみて、モデルハウスのキッチンみたいやん!と、その仕上がりに驚いていました。 これからも、まだまだわがままな要望をお願いすると思いますが、引き続きよろしくお願いします。
I am very grateful to you for responding to many selfish requests without making an unpleasant face. My friends also saw the new kitchen and it looked like a model house kitchen! I was surprised at the finish. We will continue to ask for selfish requests, but we look forward to your continued support.
2661 CAFE & BAKE on Google

昨年浴室のリフォームした時の対応と仕事ぶりがすばらしかったので、 今回自宅を店舗に改装する依頼をしました。限られた予算の中でしたが こちらの意向を最大限に実現してくださるのは勿論、「何かできることはありますか?」といつも聞いてくださいます。お客様のお役に立ちたいという姿勢が感じられ、こちらにお願いしてよかったと思いました。本当にありがとうございました。
The response and work performance when I remodeled the bathroom last year was wonderful, so This time I requested to remodel my home into a store. Although it was on a limited budget Of course, he will realize this intention to the maximum, and he always asks, "Is there anything I can do?" I felt that I wanted to help our customers, and I am glad that I asked for it. I'm really thankful to you.
ダンボじろう on Google

I knew Daijiro Yasuki when I asked for the construction of the outer wall. The craftsman was also a good person and I was very grateful that he went smoothly, so I decided to do the next remodeling to Mr. Yasuki. Toilet: Toilet: Bathroom I asked for this in quick succession, and thank you for coming to the inspection politely even after the completion. I asked you to install an inner window this time. I was happy to ask for the budget as well. I will continue to ask Mr. Yasuki if there is anything in the future. Leave it to us with confidence.
田中浩明 on Google

自宅のプチリフォームを保木さんにお願いしました。 こちらの予算で細々した要望をしましたが、大二郎君は、嫌な顔一つせず丁寧に最後まで接して頂きました。 また、再調整や工期中に何度も自宅に足を運んで頂き、話等しているうちに更に好青年で好印象を受けました。 工期中、多少のハプニングも有りましたが、全て臨機応変に対応して頂き無事、予算内でリフォームすることができました。 リフォームを検討されている方が居られたら是非、お勧めしたい。 また、こちらも何かあれば再度、お願いしたい優良企業です。
I asked Mr. Yasuki for my home remodeling. I made a small request with this budget, but Daijiro kindly treated me to the end without a disgusting face. In addition, I was impressed by the good young people as I had them visit my home many times during the readjustment and construction period and talked with them. There were some happenings during the construction period, but all of them were able to respond flexibly and were able to be reformed within the budget. If anyone is considering reforming, I would definitely recommend it. Also, if there is something, this is also a good company that I would like to ask again.

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