Shin Castela - Suginami City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shin Castela

住所 :

4 Chome-32-5 Koenjiminami, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 166-0003
Webサイト :
Description : Quirky bakery offering cream cakes & matcha bakes decorated with whimsical designs.

4 Chome-32-5 Koenjiminami, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0003, Japan
Yrr Yrr on Google

2021.11日曜昼前 初訪問 近所の中華屋で食べた台湾カステラが忘れられず、こちらの店舗を探して訪問。 プレーン800円強を購入。まずは温めたり冷ましたりもせず、そのままのフンワリ食感を楽しみました。 味は、もちろん美味しいですが、比較的あっさりとした味だなーと感じました。甘さも玉子の風味もかなり控えめで、代わりに何かこう炭酸のような?独特の風味があった気がしました。生クリームトッピングやコーヒー等のフレーバーありきだから、あっさりした味付けなんですかね? カステラというよりは、シュワっと感があるケーキスポンジという感じで、個人的にはプレーンだと物足りない印象でした。
2021.11 First visit before noon on Sunday I can't forget the Taiwanese castella I ate at a Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood, so I searched for this store and visited it. I bought a plain over 800 yen. First of all, I enjoyed the texture as it was without warming or cooling. The taste is delicious, of course, but I felt that it was a relatively light taste. The sweetness and the flavor of the egg are quite modest, and instead something like carbonic acid? I felt that it had a unique flavor. There are flavors such as fresh cream toppings and coffee, so it's a light seasoning, isn't it? Rather than castella, it was more like a cake sponge with a squishy feel, and I personally felt that plain wasn't enough.
E T on Google

【新カステラ 高円寺本店】 ここでしか買えない新感覚のカステラ! 見た目通りふわっふわっ。 •構想に1年半‼️ •季節限定品の映えがすごい‼️ =============================== 三月限定ホワイトカステラ冷蔵(生クリーム入り)1,400円 ※冷凍もあり〼 =============================== 【お店の場所や雰囲気】 高円寺駅南口から歩いて3分。閑静な住宅課までに突如メルヘンな建物。 店内入ってすぐレジカウンターとショーケース、奥はキッチンです。まさにここで作られた手作りなんだなと実感。 【食べた感想】 フワッフワ。生クリームうまっ。です笑 花柄模様がとても可愛くて食べるのを躊躇しました。が、食べ始めると止まらない。 たくさん生クリームがはいってるけど、しつこい甘さが全くないです。感動。 台湾カステラをアレンジするために1年半近く研究して作られたそうです。 イーストやソーダなどの添加物不使用で新鮮な卵をたっぷり使用しているとか。 新カステラの「新」は伊達じゃない。 また伺います。 ごちそうさまでした!非常感謝!
[Shin Castela Koenji Main Store] A new type of castella that can only be bought here! It's fluffy as it looks. • One and a half years for the concept! ️ • The seasonal products look amazing! ️ =============================== March limited white castella refrigerated (with fresh cream) 1,400 yen * There is also freezing. =============================== [Store location and atmosphere] 3 minutes walk from the south exit of Koenji station. Suddenly a fairy tale building by the quiet housing section. Immediately after entering the store, there is a cashier counter and showcase, and the back is the kitchen. I realized that it was exactly handmade here. [Impression of eating] Fluffy. Fresh cream Uma. Lol The floral pattern was so cute that I hesitated to eat it. But when I start eating, it doesn't stop. It has a lot of fresh cream, but it doesn't have a persistent sweetness at all. Impressed. It seems that it was made by researching for nearly a year and a half to arrange Taiwanese castella. They use plenty of fresh eggs without additives such as yeast and soda. The "new" of the new castella is not Date. I will visit you again. Thank you for the meal! Very grateful!
Tran Khac Thanh on Google

Really good!
Quack on Google

Friendly staff. Good food. Maybe not worth all the hassle. Give it a try if u r near by.
Miya Ymski on Google

This castella is the best I have ever eaten!! It worth trying ?
M M on Google

Tried the castella here a few times. It tastes better and less eggy when you chill it in the fridge for a while. Makes it more chewy and sweet tasting.
Khelim C on Google

Super fluffy cake. The cake is super soft and super light. I tried the plain and the milk flavour. The plain had more egg flavour and the milk one is softer. Definitely recommend.
Daria P on Google

The carrot castella did not have any carrot flavor but at least was orange :) but the texture is always on spot. Love it. And the service is great. Highly recommend

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