ボア 炉端レストラン - Kobe

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボア 炉端レストラン

住所 :

Shimosawadori, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, 〒652-0047 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 652-0047
街 : Hyogo

Shimosawadori, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, 〒652-0047 Hyogo,Japan
あかさたなはまやらわ on Google

写真は唐揚げ定食ご飯大盛りとなります。 こちらのお店は愛想も良く、唐揚げもありがちな胸肉ではなく、恐らくもも肉を使ってると思われ、中華風で柔らかくお値段も850円と大変リーズナブルでお薦めできます。近くに40分110円のパーキングもあります。
The photo shows a large serving of fried chicken set meal. This shop is friendly and probably uses thigh meat instead of breast meat, which is often fried, and it is Chinese-style and soft, and the price is 850 yen, which is very reasonable and recommended. There is also a parking lot of 110 yen for 40 minutes nearby.
Masatoshi A on Google

日替り700円(トンカツ、唐揚げ、ハム?)をオーダー。 大盛りなのはわかってたので、お腹を空かせて挑みました。 トンカツは肉厚だけど柔らかくジューシーで、デミグラスソースとの相性も良く美味しい…けど、ソースが少ない&伸びないのに端っこのひと切に全くかかってない。 それはまだ良いとして、唐揚げが…冷めてる。全部。。 味は良いのに、常温なんです。 同じ定食を頼んだ同僚も同じだったそうです。ある意味一番衝撃でした。 唐揚げ食べるまでは、『定食のラインナップでわざわざ紹介するわりに、普通のハム一枚やんか笑』と笑ってた我々の顔が、唐揚げを食べた一瞬で無になりました。 ちなみにお会計を終えてコインパーキングで精算ボタンを押した時が一番の衝撃。半時間程度のランチなのに、お値段600円…。 高過ぎて同僚と爆笑してしまいました。二度と使わねーあのコインパーキング。。
I ordered a daily 700 yen (pork cutlet, fried chicken, ham?). I knew it was big, so I was hungry and challenged. The pork cutlet is thick but soft and juicy, and it goes well with the demiglace sauce and is delicious. As it is still good, the fried chicken is ... cold. All. .. It tastes good, but it's at room temperature. The same was true for a colleague who ordered the same set meal. In a sense, it was the most shocking. Until we ate fried chicken, our face, which was laughing as "Instead of introducing it in the set meal lineup, a normal ham, lol" disappeared in the moment we ate fried chicken. By the way, the biggest impact is when you finish the checkout and press the checkout button at the coin parking lot. Even though it's about half an hour lunch, the price is 600 yen. It was too expensive and I burst into laughter with my colleagues. Never use it again-that coin parking. ..
冬瓜とうがん on Google

知人に安くて美味しいランチがあるよ って勧められての来店? 日替わりランチを勧められ夫婦2人ともそれに 後から来た男性客2人はトンカツ定食唐揚げ定食をオーダーするも 12時半までは日替わりランチだけにしてね と よもやの??お願い えっ トンカツ 唐揚げの方が 150円高いメニューやのにと 商売っ気なしの対応にびっくり? 大盛のトンカツ 唐揚げ 見たかったけどな?って言う気持ちもあったけど 対応してるおばちゃんの笑顔に 来客O.K.サイン ランチタイムは 忙しくて 他のメニューは時間がかかるからって 小さく言い訳 まずは 熱々の味噌汁がお椀にたっぷり 熱くてめちゃくちゃ美味しくて お皿にたっぷり 唐揚げ4個 コロッケ1個かなり太めのコロッケ なぜかハム1枚 ゆで卵スライスして1個 山盛り千切りちょっと?繊細さにかけるキャベツと スパサラダ 私のライスを夫に少し お裾分けして 夫のライスは+0円で大盛に✌️ ペロリと平らげて大満足 会計済ませて 店主のおじさんに美味しかったですと挨拶 ここはもう 50年してるんやと プチ自慢が可愛くて?唐揚げもコロッケも美味しかったですと 話すと コロッケはな ナルト金時混ぜてんねと まさかの レシピ公開 嬉しかった 次回 家でもチャレンジと固く決心 おばちゃんに お味噌汁熱々で美味しかったです と 挨拶してお店を出ました 近くにきたら また来てね って 言葉 嬉しくて 次の日 また 行こうってランチタイムに夫を誘ったら 大盛ご飯は許してと言われて?断念 でも また 行きたいわ
My acquaintance recommended me to have a cheap and delicious lunch ? A daily lunch is recommended and both couples have it Two male customers who came later ordered a pork cutlet set meal and a fried chicken set meal, but only daily lunch until 12:30, please ?? Eh, tonkatsu fried chicken is 150 yen more expensive menu, but I was surprised at the correspondence without business ? I wanted to see a large pork cutlet fried chicken, but I had the feeling that it was ?, but the smiling face of the aunt who responded to the visitor OK sign Lunch time is busy and other menus take time, so a small excuse First of all, plenty of hot miso soup in a bowl, it's hot and insanely delicious, plenty of fried chicken, 1 croquette, 1 croquette, 1 ham, 1 boiled egg slice, 1 heaped shredded cabbage Spassalada Divide my rice into my husband a little and my husband's rice is +0 yen and it's a big success ✌️ Very satisfied with flattening After paying the bill, I greeted the owner's uncle that it was delicious. It's been 50 years now, and the petit pride is cute ? The fried chicken and croquette were delicious. I was happy to publish the recipe Next time, I decided to take on the challenge at home I greeted my aunt that the miso soup was hot and delicious and left the restaurant. If you come near me, please come again. I was so happy that the next day, if I invited my husband to go again at lunch time, I was told to forgive a large serving of rice ? Abandoned But I want to go again
クボユウイチ on Google

知り合いに連れられて初来店?実は前々から気になってたお店。揚げ物の口に近くにきたのもあり行ってきた。 熟年夫婦二人で切り盛り、忙し過ぎて?ランチは4種類しかして無いとの事。「日替わり」が中身がわからなかったので手堅く「とんかつ」をオーダー? 隣の兄さんのところに「ハイ、日替わり」と出てきた皿をみて仰天⁉️30センチ程の皿にキャベツ大盛り、スパゲティサラダ、ハンバーグ普通サイズ1個、白身フライ1本、特大唐揚げ4ケ別のお皿にライス、熱々味噌汁? マジか⁉️フッと見ると後私ら二人の分だけのはずなのにフライヤーにデッカいとんかつ4枚浮いてる…? まさかの2枚出し…?50を回ってランチにトンカツW定食は重い⁉️なんのなんの美味いからペロリ♫?さすがに晩御飯は超軽めに済ませました? Google口コミで4.2、低評価は不味いとか業◯スーパーのハンバーグだとかかいてるけど「日替わり」で700円、特大トンカツW定食で850円ならうだうだいってんじゃねー❗️黙って満腹感味わえやぁ〜? おもろいオヤジに可愛い母ちゃん❤️飲食やるならこんな夫婦がええなぁ〜知らんけど???
I came to the store for the first time with an acquaintance ? Actually, the store I've always been interested in. I went there because I came near the mouth of the fried food. Are you too busy with two middle-aged couples? There are only 4 types of lunch. I didn't know what the "daily" was, so I ordered the "pork cutlet" ? I was surprised to see the plate that came out to my brother next door, "Hi, daily change". Rice on a plate, hot miso soup ? Seriously ⁉️ When I look at it, it should be only for two of us, but there are 4 Decca pork cutlets floating on the flyer ... ? Rainy day two pieces ... ? Go around 50 for lunch Tonkatsu W set meal is heavy ⁉️ What a delicious pelori ♫ ? As expected, dinner was super light ? Google reviews 4.2, low rating is unpleasant or business ◯ It is said that it is a supermarket hamburger steak, but 700 yen for "daily", 850 yen for oversized pork cutlet W set meal is not good ❗️ Silently feel full ? Cute mother with a funny father ❤️ If you eat and drink, such a couple is ok ~ I do not know ???
TINTIN呑んだ暮れ on Google

休日のぼっちランチです BMしている未訪問の店へ ボリューム満点のフライもの中心のお店「炉端レストラン ボア」 Facebookの神戸のB級グルメのグループ等で頻繁に登場する人気店です 休日の12時過ぎに到着すると、店内はほぼ満席で、カウンターに1席のみ空席が在ります 註文したのは、700円の日替定食 ハンバーグ、若鶏唐揚げ、アジフライのラインナップにかなり粗めに刻んだ、たっぷりのざく切りキャベツとスパゲッティサラダ たっぷりのキャベツの上にアジフライ、ハンバーグ、唐揚げが3個が皿からはみ出す様に立体的に盛られています 「大盛り頼んでないのに」って思わず云ってしまいそうになった、マウンテンライス、見るからに具沢山で、御椀に目一杯注がれた味噌汁 大喰いチャレンジって雰囲気で、完食する自信が失せてしまいそうな定食です 唐揚げはむね肉でジューシー、ハンバーグはソースたっぷりでご飯がススムくん、アジフライは肉厚でサクサクの揚げ加減で美味しんです 何も考えずに空いていた隣のその隣のパーキングに駐車しましたが、清算してみると800円の高額料金、駐車位置番号を間違えたのではと思い、見直してみましたが間違いなかったので、料金表を確認すると、10分200円の超高額 この界隈で、三宮や元町の一等地並の料金とは思ってもみませんでした700円のCPの高いランチを食べて、駐車料金が800円って・・・ ご注意ください
It's a holiday lunch To an unvisited store that is BM "Fireside restaurant Boa", a store that focuses on hearty fried foods It is a popular restaurant that frequently appears in B-class gourmet groups in Kobe on Facebook. If you arrive after 12:00 on a holiday, the store is almost full and there is only one vacant seat at the counter. I wrote a note about the 700 yen daily set meal. Plenty of chopped cabbage and spaghetti salad, chopped fairly coarsely into a lineup of hamburger steak, fried chicken, and fried chicken Aji fry, hamburger steak, and fried chicken are three-dimensionally piled up on a generous amount of cabbage so that they stick out of the plate. I almost thought "I didn't ask for a large serving", mountain rice, miso soup poured into a bowl with lots of ingredients. Gluttony challenge is an atmosphere, and it is a set meal that seems to lose confidence to finish eating The fried chicken is juicy with breast meat, the hamburger is full of sauce and the rice is Susumu-kun, and the fried chicken is thick and crispy and delicious. I parked in the parking lot next to the one that was vacant without thinking about anything, but when I settled it, I thought that it was a high charge of 800 yen and I made a mistake in the parking position number, so I reviewed it, but there is no doubt So, when I checked the price list, it was a super high price of 200 yen for 10 minutes. In this neighborhood, I didn't think it was a prime location in Sannomiya or Motomachi. I ate a lunch with a high CP of 700 yen, and the parking fee was 800 yen ... Please be careful
hiroyuki on Google

Today's lunch went to Mr. Boa who visited for the first time, about 5 minutes sheltered from the rain in front of the store and entered the store exactly 11.30 minutes, I thought that the inside of the store was messy, but there was a feeling of cleanliness, just Corona I didn't take any measures, I think it's a business with a friendly and seasoned couple, I ordered a daily set meal of 700 yen, rice is usually served, side dishes are 3 fried cabbage and hamburger One, one fried fish, a side dish of cabbage and spaghetti, miso soup, a great amount of side dishes, nearby, Mandaraya-san, a manga serving of rice, and a great serving of cabbage, but Boa-san has a side dish, It was about 5 minutes on foot from the roadside business supermarket, and I felt that the taste was delicious. Also, the large coin parking next to Mr. Boa is expensive, so I parked my car at the parking lot in front of Mr. Mandaraya and walked to Mr. Boa. I think the price is not so different. But lol, I would like to stop by when I see it again.
Sergio Mauri Moreno (Sealight) on Google

Delicious food at an affordable price. Very generous meals. I absolutely recommend this place. 美味しかった。
Clemen on Google

Really ginormous portions at this cosy restaurant!! Definitely worth your money. Girlfriend ordered a platter large enough for 2-3 and the kind old lady asked us if it was okay as it was a large platter, even though she didnt speak a word of english. Even the chef asked hahahaa Service here was really good, on top of freshly fried stuff and a large bowl of rice and miso soup. Their lunch set is at ¥650 but only available from 11.30am - 2.30pm, but every other item here is super worth its price. There is no english menu, but you can pick from the food display outside the shop, snap a picture of it and show it to the nice lady.

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