中華料理 吉勝 - Otsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 吉勝

住所 :

Shimosakamoto, Otsu, 〒520-0105 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 520-0105
街 : Shiga

Shimosakamoto, Otsu, 〒520-0105 Shiga,Japan
Keiichiro Kobayashi on Google

圧倒的な安さとボリューム。 何を食べても絶対外れない味。 移転前から長年通って全メニュー制覇してますが、ブレずに美味しいです。 台湾系中華では琵琶湖西武では一択です!?
Overwhelming cheapness and volume. A taste that will never come off no matter what you eat. I have won all the menus for many years before the move, but it is delicious without blurring. For Taiwanese Chinese, it is an option for Lake Biwa Seibu! ?
TOSHI bou on Google

滋賀県でお勧めの中華料理店を問われれば、迷わずここをお勧めしたいですね。 頂いた料理はどれも美味しかったのですが、特に担々麵と若鶏の唐揚げが絶品でした。ゴマの風味が生かされた担々麺は、間違いなく吉勝一押しのNo,1メニューです。若鶏の唐揚げも衣の味、肉の揚げ具合、ボリューム全てが最高でした。但し、この唐揚げは小さめのスマホ程度の表面積の唐揚げが5枚(単位が「個」ではなく「枚」になるんですマジでw)も出てきますので、よほどの食いしん坊以外は1人1品じゃなくシェア前提での注文がお勧めです。 訪問日は3月半ばで肌寒かったのですが、最後まで暖房がつけられることはなし。国道161号と隣接している駐車場はかなり止めにくい。店内は薄暗く、あまり雰囲気もよろしくなかったです。 それでもこのお店は最高です。旨い中華をお腹いっぱい食べたい方に本当にお勧めの名店でした。なお、このお店は2021年現在過去レビューとは異なり店内禁煙となっているので、家族連れにもお勧めですね。
If you are asked about a recommended Chinese restaurant in Shiga prefecture, I would like to recommend it without hesitation. All the dishes I received were delicious, but the fried dandan noodles and young chicken were especially excellent. Dandan noodles with sesame flavor are definitely the No. 1 menu recommended by Yoshikatsu. The fried chicken was also the best in the taste of the batter, the fried condition of the meat, and the volume. However, this fried chicken comes out with 5 pieces of fried chicken with a surface area similar to that of a small smartphone (the unit is not "pieces" but "pieces". Seriously w), so one person except for a very glutton. It is recommended to order on the premise of sharing instead of one item. The day I visited was chilly in the middle of March, but the heating was not turned on until the end. The parking lot adjacent to Route 161 is quite difficult to stop. The inside of the store was dim and the atmosphere was not so good. Still, this shop is the best. It was a well-known restaurant that was really recommended for those who want to eat delicious Chinese food. As of 2021, this shop is non-smoking, unlike past reviews, so it is recommended for families as well.
を酢 on Google

コスパ最強! 全てにおいて量がめちゃくちゃ多い!育ち盛りの中高生男子に来て欲しい店です。 定食どころか、炒飯だけでご飯1合分くらいあります。いつも定食頼んで後悔します‪w 定食は杏仁豆腐までついていて満足度150%です。 量が多いので2人以上で来るのをおすすめします。 私のおすすめメニューは麻婆豆腐です。最初の口当たりはまろやかなのに後からじわっと辛味が来ます。辛いのが苦手な人は注意。あと鳥の唐揚げも好き。 店内は静かで殺風景ではありますが、明るいおばちゃんが対応してくれるのでそんなに気になりません。 ここくると王将行けなくなります‪笑 是非1度お試しあれ
Cospa is the strongest! The amount is insanely large in all! It is a store that I want middle and high school boys who are growing up to come to. Far from a set meal, there is about one go of rice with fried rice alone. I always ask for a set meal and regret it w The set meal includes almond tofu and the satisfaction level is 150%. Since the amount is large, we recommend that you come with two or more people. My recommended menu is mapo tofu. The first taste is mellow, but the spiciness gradually comes later. Be careful if you are not good at spicy food. I also like fried chicken. The inside of the store is quiet and murky, but it doesn't bother me so much because a bright aunt will take care of it. If you come here, you won't be able to go to the king.
犬伏美津彦 on Google

天津炒飯¥680。酸味の強いダマのある餡。火が通り過ぎた卵は湯葉のような食感。存在感の無い炒飯。 ここでのオススメは唐揚げ付きの定食です!
Tianjin fried rice ¥ 680. A bean paste with a strong sour taste. Eggs that have passed the fire have a texture like yuba. Fried rice without a strong presence. The recommendation here is a set meal with fried chicken!
ina ina on Google

If you don't mind the atmosphere of the restaurant, which is a bit murky, the volume is quite large and delicious, so cospa is good. The shop is also kind.
慶彦小山田 on Google

めっちゃ旨いってわけではないけど普通に美味しい!しかも腹いっぱい食えて安い!! 特にラーメンセットはラーメン10種類位選べてチャーハンも8種類位ある! ランチならラーメンセットAで800円ラーメンセットBなら900円! 夜にはそれに+100円! しかも、定食頼んでないけど色々種類あってご飯おかわり自由!!絶対に行くべき!! 他にも色々食べてみたい! 今回はラーメンセットBの担々麺と海鮮レタスチャーハンと単品の唐揚げ食いました! 単品唐揚げまじででかい!写真で見てもでかいと思いますが、実物見たら圧巻です!でも普通に旨いよ!是非行ってみて下さい!
It's not really delicious, but it's usually delicious! Moreover, it is cheap to eat full! !! In particular, there are about 10 types of ramen and 8 types of fried rice in the ramen set! Ramen set A is 800 yen for lunch, and ramen set B is 900 yen! +100 yen for it at night! Moreover, although I haven't ordered a set meal, there are various types and you can refill your meal freely! !! You should definitely go! !! I want to eat more! This time, I ate ramen set B dandan noodles, seafood lettuce fried rice and fried chicken separately! Single item fried chicken is huge! I think it's huge even if you look at the pictures, but if you look at the real thing, it's a masterpiece! But it's usually delicious! Please go!
OM momo on Google

It is an ordinary delicious fried rice. Plenty of volume. I ordered fried side dishes, but I can't eat them. It's okay to get a takeaway package, but not often.
Peter B. on Google

Chinese restaurant

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