
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 目白商事株式会社

住所 :

Shimoochiai, Shinjuku City, 〒161-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.real-mejiro.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Shimoochiai, Shinjuku City, 〒161-0033 Tokyo,Japan
SAWA on Google

I had seen from outside the store that I had taken proper measures against the Three Cs for a long time, so I was able to talk with confidence.
yo hi on Google

A repair request was made by a repairer due to a bad equipment in the house, but there was no contact even after 2 weeks. I was asked to call Mejiro Shoji and connect with the person in charge. In that case, the person in charge was not connected and the reason was not told. Probably forgot to ask for a repair. A few hours later I received a call from a repairman. There is no room for reservations until next week, even though it is not necessary to have it fixed immediately, so it takes 3 weeks or more after requesting it. There is no word of apology, and I have called several times, but the phone affairs are all bad.
鈴木。 on Google

威圧感がありどんどんと書類を提示され細かいところまで聞けない雰囲気で契約させられます。少しトラブルがあると「強制退去にしますよ?」と脅してきたり、忙しく電話に出れない日が続いた時は個人携帯から電話がかかってきて「絶対番号登録しろよ」と言われ、まるでヤクザのようでした。 私が若いからか馬鹿にしたように話してきたり、細かい質問をするとめんどくさいような呆れたような感じで返答されます。 とにかく親切に親身になって考えてくれる感じではないですしおススメはできません。
There is a sense of intimidation, and documents are presented more and more, and you are contracted in an atmosphere where you cannot listen to details. If you have a little trouble, you will be threatened with "I'll leave you forcibly?" Or if you have a busy day when you can't answer the phone, you will receive a call from your personal cell phone and you will be asked to register your absolute number. It was like. When I talk to me as if I was young or stupid, or when I ask a detailed question, I get a terrible response. Anyway, it doesn't feel like you're kind and considerate, and I can't recommend it.
姫ノ宮半炒飯 on Google

In the other person's review, it was said, "I was offended by the response from the top of the line." When I enter the store thinking that such a thing is not so, the middle-aged staff appearance of the glasses of the glasses of the suit of the three-piece set-up of [Corresponding with a great deal in the eyes from the top] that I understand that this is someday. Handed over the documents, what is this? When I asked, I was told something like "Now, prepare the documents, Age, Ma, and I" in a very disgusting way. A humble attitude. What's so bad about? Am I getting used to because I look young at this age? I do not know the reason. Of course, I have not taken a strange attitude here. If you start writing this review with your smartphone in front of your eyes, it's easy to understand what you have noticed, such as "It's a wonderful last name!" Ma-I do not do not use this store absolutely because I do minimal work, but I do not recommend it in particular. If you have real estate acquaintances, you should ask them.
K Maki on Google

It was a bright and beautiful store near the station. The conditions changed many times for my convenience, but he didn't look unpleasant and searched for the property again each time, and responded politely until the end. I would like to ask the same person when searching again.
murata kazue on Google

店内、綺麗な不動産会社です 地域に密着していて目白に住みたい方に お勧めできます。 目白は治安が良く高級住宅が たくさん。 名店などもあるのでお散歩も楽しい
The inside of the store is a beautiful real estate company For those who are close to the community and want to live in Mejiro I can recommend it. Mejiro is safe and has luxury homes Lots. There are also famous stores, so it's fun to take a walk
oi M on Google

賃貸検討者です。非常に不愉快な思いをしました。地域密着型と見受けられたためこちらにご相談して15分、あなたの希望に合う物件は一つもありません。と。そこで同日に他の目白の不動産でご紹介していただいた希望の条件に合う物件の資料をお見せし、このような物件は他にございませんかとお聞きしたところ、「この物件は〜」と非難を始めました。不動産屋さんとして、客である自分に冷たいだけでなく、他のオーナー様の物件をけなすとはあっぱれ。びっくりしました。他のスタッフの方もこの対応はまずいな‥という顔でこちらを見ていました。 ここを見てみなさん同じ方に当たったのかなと思います。メガネの方です。
I'm a rental reviewer. I was very uncomfortable. 15 minutes after consulting with us because it seems to be community-based, there is no single property that suits your wishes. When. So, on the same day, I showed you the material of the property that you introduced at another Mejiro real estate that matches your desired conditions and asked if there was any other such property, and accused `` This property is ~ '' Started. As a real estate agent, it's not only cold to yourself, the customer, but also to betray other owners' properties. surprised. Other staff also looked at this with a bad face. I guess if you look here, you hit the same person. They are glasses.
A F on Google

2年ほど前近隣の所有物件を賃貸に出すため相談に伺いました。 管理費用が相場より高く、ご担当の方も面倒臭さを隠そうともしないご様子で、気持ちの良いお取引ができそうにないと判断し早々にお暇しました。 今では改善されていることを願います。
About two years ago, I went to a consultation to put out a property owned by the neighborhood for rent. The management cost is higher than the market price, and the person in charge does not seem to try to hide the troublesome smell, so I decided that it was unlikely that I could make a pleasant transaction and I was free early. I hope it has improved now.

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