Shimojima Bakuroyokoyama Shop - Chuo City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimojima Bakuroyokoyama Shop

5-1 Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0003, Japan
人財育成家・沖本るり子 on Google

With an abundant assortment and cheapness that other stores do not have, I just stop by and buy it.
福山繁夫 on Google

さすがプロのお店です、小売りもしています。浅草橋本店、馬喰横山店等があります。 店舗によって販売品が違いますので行く前に要確認です。
As expected, it is a professional shop, and it is also retailed. There are Asakusabashi main store, Bakuro Yokoyama store, etc. Items for sale differ depending on the store, so be sure to check before you go.
百瀬勇人 on Google

必要なものがいつでも手に入るよ! お子様向けのものも豊富に品揃えしてます。
You always have what you need! We also have a wide selection of items for children.
大羽将裕 on Google

店舗用品を購入するならシモジマかなぁと‼️ コインパーキングも多いので大きい備品の時に助かります‼️ 店舗の広さは浅草橋に敵いませんが僕は気に入っています
If you want to buy store supplies, I wonder if it's Shimojima! ️ There are many coin parking lots, so it will be helpful when you have large equipment! ️ The size of the store is not comparable to Asakusabashi, but I like it
ヒカル“ヒカル”ノリキチ on Google

都営地下鉄新宿線馬喰横山駅A1出口から、直ぐです。パーケージや紙袋、段ボール、文房具、BOXティッシュ、洗剤、季節の飾り物等々が揃います。浅草橋本店さんよりは、だいぶ小さいですが、ちょっとした買い物は、こちらで揃います。 地下五階まで有ります。
Immediately from Exit A1 of Bakuro Yokoyama Station on the Toei Subway Shinjuku Line. We have packages, paper bags, cardboard, stationery, BOX tissues, detergents, seasonal decorations, and more. It's a lot smaller than the Asakusabashi main store, but you can buy a little shopping here. There are up to the 5th basement floor.
Chiaki (かんな) on Google

ギフト用の紙箱を探しに伺いました。ホームページを拝見し、5階にまっしぐら。もう、いろいろな包装紙やギフトボックス、薄葉紙、リボン、ステッカー等々、私にとっては天国のようなフロアーでした。 欲しかった箱が、たまたまバラ売りか解らなかったので、店員さんに尋ねると、確認のうえ1枚から買えました。 サテンリボンもずっと探していた色の物が見つかったし、ずっと見ていたいお品ばかり。 接客もとても丁寧かつフレンドリーで、気持ちよく買い物ができました。 会計時、レジ担当のかたが、アプリ会員になると割引になると教えてくださり、個人なのですがその場で会員登録してみました。 1階も事務用品などがいろいろあり、時節柄ドーバーパストリーゼもお安く、購入しようか迷いました。今回は電車でしたので次回購入します。 都営新宿線馬喰横山駅A1出口の階段を登りきって左を向けば、もう看板が見えます。
I went to look for a paper box for gifts. Look at the homepage and go straight to the 5th floor. Various wrapping papers, gift boxes, tissue paper, ribbons, stickers, etc. were already heavenly floors for me. I didn't know if the box I wanted was sold separately, so I asked the clerk and after confirming it, I could buy one. I found a satin ribbon of the color I've been looking for, and I've always wanted to see it. The customer service was very polite and friendly, and I was able to shop comfortably. At the time of accounting, the person in charge of the cash register told me that if I became an app member, I would get a discount, and although I was an individual, I tried to register as a member on the spot. There are various office supplies on the 1st floor, and the timely pattern Dover Pastryse is also cheap, so I was wondering whether to buy it. This time it was a train, so I will buy it next time. If you go up the stairs at the A1 exit of Bakuro Yokoyama Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line and turn left, you will already see the signboard.
Mike Clark on Google

A great and cheap place for all things stationary, boxing packing needs. 3 floors and cheap. From bakuroyokoyama stn exit a1
yamakaz on Google

It is a popular store for wrapping paper and take-out containers for the 100th anniversary of its founding.

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