
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大公

住所 :

Shimoiino, Futtsu, 〒293-0006 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898778
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shimoiino, Futtsu, 〒293-0006 Chiba,Japan
K Taka on Google

ニラレバが美味しい。 五目そばもイケます。 ご飯を頼むと定食になります。 値段はリーズナブル。 店員のお姉さんは礼儀正しくて美人です。
Nirareba is delicious. Gomoku soba is also cool. If you order rice, it will be a set meal. The price is reasonable. The clerk's sister is polite and beautiful.
on Google

いつも五目そば食べてるけど、今回は具が真ん中に少しだけしかなく、定員さんに言ったら、いつもと一緒ですと言われた。同じ物を頼んでる人見たら、全然量が違う! 定員の態度も凄く感じ悪く、もう2度と行かない
I always eat Gomoku soba, but this time I had only a few ingredients in the middle, and when I told the capacity, I was told that it was the same as usual. If you see someone asking for the same thing, the amount is completely different! The attitude of the capacity is also very unpleasant and I will never go again
kenm2 y on Google

出前を頼みました。 五目焼きそば。 野菜たっぷりの大ボリューム。 美味しくて満足度高し!
I asked for delivery. Gomoku Yakisoba. Large volume with plenty of vegetables. Delicious and highly satisfying!
ヤッシー3 on Google

富津にある町中華でラーメン類が定番のようです。自分はもやしそば、連れは麻婆麺をいただきました。 もやしそばは味が薄口でトロミが少なく、個人的には少し物足りなさを感じました。 麻婆麺は美味しいと言っていたので、今度はそっちを試してみたいと思います。
Ramen seems to be a staple in the town of China in Futtsu. I had bean sprout soba and my companion had mapo noodles. The taste of bean sprout soba is light and there is little toromi, so I personally felt that it was a little unsatisfactory. I said that Mapo noodles are delicious, so I would like to try them next time.
Tsuyoshi N on Google

A Chinese restaurant with a large audience. Good for families. I had dandan noodles. Orthodox and not too spicy, accented with white onions.
森山クリス on Google

昔から変わらない味とボリューム。 1番のお気に入りは「五目そば」(塩味) カツカレーもどろっとしたカレーが揚げたての厚切りロースカツにたっぷりかかる。 町中華の王道をいくメニューはどれも外しは無し。 あれこれ食べたくなりますね❣️
The taste and volume haven't changed since long ago. My favorite is "Gome soba" (salt flavor) Katsu curry Thick curry is sprinkled on freshly fried thick-sliced ​​loin cutlet. There is no need to remove any of the menus that go on the royal road of Chinese food. You'll want to eat this and that ❣️
よしよしチャンネル on Google

結構昔からあるお店ですね! 本格中華楽しめると思います? オススメは餡掛けかた焼きそば、ボリュームもあるし何より美味しいです? 半分食べたら酢をいれ、味変で楽しめます。 後チャーシュー麺も?美味しいです チャーシューが柔らかく美味しい、スープの油?が甘く中華のラーメンって感じで、また食べたくなります? お店は週末などランチタイムは地元の人達で混んでます。早めの来店が良いかも知れませんね。
It's a store that has been around for quite some time! I think you can enjoy authentic Chinese food ? I recommend the ankake fried noodles, which have a lot of volume and are delicious above all ? After eating half, add vinegar and enjoy the taste. The pork noodles are also delicious ? The char siu is soft and delicious, soup oil? It feels like sweet Chinese ramen and I want to eat it again ? The shop is crowded with locals at lunchtime such as weekends. It may be good to come to the store early.
どや on Google

超絶オススメです。値段は少し張りますが美味しい! 小学校の時に家族と初めて来て、その時に食べた揚げ焼きそばの味が忘れられず今でも定期的に通っては必ず揚げ焼きそばを食べてます。甘めの餡(結構さらさら、濃いめの味付)に、極太の麺に具だくさんな野菜。(白菜、キクラゲ、銀杏、ベビーコーン、玉ねぎ、人参にさやえんどう)細かめの豚肉に鶉の卵にイカにエビ。それぞれに餡が絡み照りが出ている様子は食欲をそそります。麺が硬いうちにバリバリ貪るも良し、ふやけて味がしみてから食べるもよし。とにかく揚げ焼きそばがめちゃくちゃ美味いのでおすすめです。思い出補正もあるかもしれませんが最後の晩餐を取るなら一択、大公の揚げ焼きそばで決まりです。(+100円で大盛りにもできます)
Transcendence is recommended. The price is a little expensive, but it's delicious! I came with my family for the first time when I was in elementary school, and I can't forget the taste of the fried fried noodles I ate at that time. Sweet bean paste (quite smooth and richly seasoned), extra-thick noodles, and plenty of vegetables. (Chinese cabbage, wood ear, ginkgo, baby corn, onion, carrot and pods) Fine pork, squid and shrimp. The appearance of the bean paste entwined and shining on each is appetizing. You can devour the noodles while they are hard, or you can eat them after they are soaked and tasted. Anyway, the fried yakisoba is really delicious, so I recommend it. There may be a memory correction, but if you want to have the Last Supper, you can choose the Grand Duke's fried fried noodles. (You can also make a large serving for +100 yen)

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