Shimamurakyoko Clinic - Kiryu

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimamurakyoko Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-141-1 Aioicho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 376-0011
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM

1 Chome-141-1 Aioicho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0011, Japan
箸長め on Google

口コミで最低と有り何回も悩んでは、ネット 予約を取り消し思い切って伺いました。 とても良かったです。口コミは余り当てに せず、自分の意思で伺ってみるべと感じました。 不安だった事も解消され更年期も少し楽に なり伺って本当によかったです。 更年期でお悩み方、力になって頂けると思います。
There is a minimum in word of mouth, and if you worry many times, the net I canceled the reservation and asked. It was very good. Word of mouth is too reliable Instead of doing so, I felt like visiting with my own will. The anxiety was resolved and the menopause was a little easier I'm really glad to hear from you. I think that you will be able to help and worry about menopause.
良子 on Google

授乳中乳ガン検診をし影があり、数ヶ月後再度同じ検査と言われ不安になった事を告げるど、院長先生は無愛想で、皆ガンになる可能性はあるなど言われました。結局紹介状を書いてもらい、他院で他の検査をしました。 今後は他で乳ガン検診します。
I had a breast cancer test while breastfeeding, and after a few months I was told that the same test was done again and I was worried, but the director was unfriendly and everyone was told that there was a possibility of cancer. After all, I had a letter of introduction written and did other tests at another hospital. In the future, we will have another breast cancer screening.
kknn on Google

I waited for about 30 minutes with advance reservation. The correspondence of the receptionist was good. I don't feel that the director will listen to me properly, is there anything still? It was a kind of feeling that it was difficult to consult. The examination was good without any pain.
C K on Google

I had symptoms of menopause, so I made a reservation online. The reception, waiting room, and examination room were all safe spaces with the atmosphere of a hospital for women by women. I wrote down the symptoms on the questionnaire, so the director read it and asked me about the symptoms. I was prescribed a Chinese herbal medicine and at first I wasn't sure if it was working, but after a few days I realized that I didn't have the symptoms I had been worried about. It seems that it suits me. I'm glad I took the plunge. I was able to regain my cheerful feelings. thank you very much.
ゆうき on Google

駐車場は広く、院内は新しく綺麗で、受付や看護師の方は優しく、予約制なだけあって待ち時間もそれなりで済むなど好印象だったのですが、無愛想な先生(女性の方でした)にいい印象をもてませんでした。症状を伝えている途中でそれ以上は無意味とばかりに話を遮られるのもちゃんとみてもらえたという感じがせず、その後の対応も鎮痛剤の処方のみで、何より驚いたのは頭痛持ち故に鎮痛剤は既に所持している事を伝えると「じゃあ自分でどうにかしろ」と言われた事です。手持ちの鎮痛剤で痛みがよくならないから受診したのですが?なんのための病院なのでしょうか?お金だけ取られた気分です。テーマパークの入場料と同じくらいの金額でしたしあれも入場料だったんでしょうか?少なくとも知人には絶対すすめたくない病院です。自分はもう行きたくありません。 追記) 別の病院に行ったところ案の定、見逃しがありました。現在そちらの方に通院しています。本当にお金だけとられていたと分かって嫌な気分になりました。けれど先生以外は好印象でしたので評価はそのままにします。 追記) 通院が終わりましたので改めて本当に酷い所だったなぁと見直していたら誤字を発見したので修正させていただきました。
The parking lot was large, the hospital was new and clean, the receptionist and nurses were kind, and I was impressed by the fact that the waiting time was reasonable because it was a reservation system, but it was an unfriendly teacher (female). ) Did not give a good impression. I didn't feel that I was able to see that I was interrupted because it was meaningless while I was telling my symptoms, and the only response I had after that was the prescription of painkillers. What surprised me most was that I had a headache. When I told him that I already had painkillers, I was told, "Then, do something about yourself." I went to see a doctor because my painkillers didn't improve my pain. What is the hospital for? I feel like I've just taken the money. It was about the same as the entrance fee to the theme park, was that the entrance fee? At least it's a hospital that I definitely don't want to recommend to acquaintances. I don't want to go anymore. postscript) When I went to another hospital, I missed it. I am currently going to that person. It made me feel uncomfortable to find out that only money was really taken. However, I was impressed by all but the teacher, so I will leave the evaluation as it is. postscript) Since I finished going to the hospital, I was revisiting that it was a really terrible place, and I found a typographical error, so I corrected it.
蟻川高視 on Google

彼女の付き添いで行きました。 診察と治療も雑で症状が悪化したため、ほかの産婦人科に診てもらったところ病気の併発、医療器具による怪我でした二度と行きません。行かない方をおすすめします
I went with her. The medical examination and treatment were so complicated that my symptoms worsened, so when I visited another obstetrics and gynecology department, I was sick and injured by medical equipment. I recommend those who do not go
轟ほのめ on Google

胸のしこりが気になり、診察してもらいました。 受付の方、看護師さん、先生、皆さん優しい方でした。口コミをみて、行くか少々迷ってしまいましたが、胸を見せるのに女性の先生がいいなーと思い行きました。 当日予約をして、30分ほど待ちました。 待合室の椅子はソファで、室内もキレイです。 平日のお昼でしたが、さほど混んでなく ご年配の女性の方が多い感じがしました。 女性の先生が無愛想と書かれてる方がおりますが、私はそんな感じには思いませんでした。 落ち着いており、私の質問にもちゃんと答えてくれました。
I was worried about the lump in my chest, so I had a medical examination. The receptionist, nurses, teachers, everyone were kind. After seeing the word of mouth, I was a little confused as to whether to go, but I thought that a female teacher would be nice to show my breasts. I made a reservation on the day and waited for about 30 minutes. The chairs in the waiting room are sofas, and the interior is beautiful. It was lunch on weekdays, but it wasn't too crowded I felt that there were more elderly women. Some people say that a female teacher is unfriendly, but I didn't think that way. He was calm and answered my question properly.
Riana Fujibayashi on Google

Good clinic

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