Shiki Dental Clinic - Kanuma

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shiki Dental Clinic

住所 :

1007 Toriidocho, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 322-0044
Webサイト :

1007 Toriidocho, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0044, Japan
K A on Google

He taught me in great detail how to treat caries and periodontal disease. The teachers and staff are so kind that I feel like going to check-ups and cleaning regularly. I also wanted to do my best at home.
たけ on Google

受付の方の対応が、物凄く感じが悪い。 電話の受け答えも直接の応対もひどい。 なんか色々と残念な人だ。 先生や衛生士の方は良いのに勿体無いな。
The receptionist's response is extremely unpleasant. The answer to the phone and the direct response are terrible. I'm a disappointing person. Teachers and hygienists are good, but it's a waste.
ゆーさん on Google

新鹿沼駅から徒歩圏内。 隣の空き地のような場所が駐車場です。 中の設備はけっこう整っています。 とても丁寧で、検診で行った時には 細かく今の口腔内の状況を 教えてくれました。 今後も定期的に通おうと思います。
Walking distance from Shin-Kanuma station. A parking lot is a place like a vacant lot next door. The facilities inside are quite well equipped. Very polite, when I went for a medical examination Detailed information on the current condition of the oral cavity You told me. I will continue to attend regularly.
やーやや on Google

去年、歯の矯正をしに行きました。 長くなるのでまとめると、矯正ができるようなことを言っておいて歯垢を取り除くのを3回通ってから、ここじゃ矯正できませんやってないですって言われました。やばいです。 先生に矯正がしたいですって言ったら、歯の状況を見るために写真撮られて、それ見てこことここの歯を抜いてこことここも抜いて4本抜く感じになりますとか、自分の歯並びに沿った治療法を色々説明されていい所そうだなと思って、矯正をお願いしました。 そしたらまずは歯垢を取らないといけないから歯垢を取りましょうと言われて3回通いました。 その3回目のときに、ほんとに矯正しますか?って聞かれて え?どゆこと?矯正やるためにここ通ってるんだけど? と、一瞬戸惑いましたが矯正って最後の決断が必要なのかな??と思ってはいって言ったら、「ここでは矯正できません。やってないです。」 と言われて「は??????」ってなって意味がわかりませんでした。 矯正はとても時間がかかるので少しでも早く始めたいと思っていた私にとっては、時間も奪われたと思って最悪でした。 矯正やってないならはじめにここじゃやってないですって言うはずなのに、この治療方でやっていきましょうって言って3回通わせるのは酷いと思います。患者さんのことを思ってたらこんなことはしません。 他の矯正の事が書かれた歯科に予約の電話をしたら、今じゃやってないんですって電話の時点で言われたので、やっぱやってないなら普通は最初に言うよなと思いました。 その後も先生に鹿沼じゃやってないですと言われて宇都宮の歯科を紹介されたのですが、1時間もかかるような遠いところを紹介されました。まず、鹿沼じゃやってないですと言って宇都宮のを紹介されると、鹿沼自体でやってないと思ってしまうのでしっかり説明してください。知り合いの姉が鹿沼でやってると言うのを聞いて え??鹿沼でやってなかったんじゃないの!?ってびっくりしたのと怒りが込み上げました。あれは鹿沼の四季だとやってないと言う意味だったのでしょうか。説明が不十分すぎて全然わかりませんでした。
Last year I went to have my teeth straightened. In summary, I said that I could correct it, and after going through three times to remove plaque, I was told that I couldn't correct it here. It's not good. When I told my teacher that I wanted to have orthodontics, I was taken a picture to see the condition of my teeth, and when I saw it, I felt like pulling out the teeth here and here and pulling out four here and here, or my own teeth alignment. I thought that it would be nice to explain various treatment methods according to the above, so I asked for correction. Then I had to remove plaque first, so I was told to remove plaque and went three times. Do you really want to correct it the third time? I was asked? Doyukoto? I'm going here to get it right? I was confused for a moment, but do I need to make the final decision to correct it? ?? When I said, "I can't correct it here. I haven't done it." I was told, "What ???????" and I didn't understand the meaning. The correction is very time consuming, so for me who wanted to start as soon as possible, it was the worst because I thought it was time consuming. If you haven't corrected it, you should say that you haven't done it here at first, but I think it's terrible to say that you should do it with this treatment method and let it go three times. When I think of patients, I don't do this. When I called the dentist who wrote about other orthodontics, I was told at the time of the call that I wasn't doing it now, so I thought that if I didn't do it, I would usually say it first. rice field. After that, my teacher told me that I didn't do it in Kanuma, and I was introduced to Utsunomiya's dentistry, but I was introduced to a distant place that would take an hour. First of all, if you are introduced to Utsunomiya by saying that you are not doing it in Kanuma, you will think that you are not doing it in Kanuma itself, so please explain it firmly. Did you hear my sister say she's doing it in Kanuma? ?? You didn't do it in Kanuma! ?? I was surprised and angry. Did that mean that it wasn't done in the four seasons of Kanuma? The explanation was too inadequate to understand at all.
島雄の嫁 on Google

I had you treat cavities. It's okay because I didn't have any pain when I was doing it, but it's been a week since I was treated. The stuffing has come off. (I haven't eaten caramel or hi-chew at all.) And the director is silent and eternal, and when he starts treatment, he sits silently on a chair and starts silently. Personally, I was not very good at it because I was silent and did not laugh.
m m on Google

Thank you for your help in orthodontics and dental caries treatment. The director is basically silent, but if you ask a question, he will explain it politely. It is very good that the treatment is finished early because it treats me accurately and there is no useless talk. The female doctor is kind. The hygienists also do a lot of work, so it's a clinic that I recommend with a good feeling without waste.
kt kt on Google

医師の方も、助手や受付の方もとても丁寧です。 食いしばりのクセを治す方法や、歯の磨き方で気をつけることなど日常で気をつけるべきこともしっかり指導してくれて助かりました。
Doctors, assistants and receptionists are very polite. It helped me to teach me how to cure the habit of clenching and what I should be careful about in my daily life, such as how to brush my teeth.
寺本かをり on Google

こちらの齋藤先生が神奈川県にいる時からお世話になっています。わからないところを聞くとわかりやすい丁寧な説明をしてくださいます。 インプラントも神奈川時代に齋藤先生に手術していただきました。 今ではもう虫歯はありませんが4ヶ月に一度くらいの検診に横浜から通っています。 歯は大切です。主治医としてこれからもお世話になりたい先生です。 こちらの歯科衛生士の方々も長く勤めていらっしゃいますね。笑顔が素敵で手際もよく上手です。安心してお任せできます。先生はもちろんスタッフもいい病院です。 お勧めします。
I have been indebted to Mr. Saito since he was in Kanagawa prefecture. If you ask something you don't understand, please give a polite explanation that is easy to understand. The implant was also operated by Dr. Saito during the Kanagawa era. I don't have cavities anymore, but I go to the clinic about once every four months from Yokohama. Teeth are important. As a doctor in charge, I would like to continue to take care of him. The dental hygienists here have also been working for a long time. She has a nice smile and is very good at it. You can leave it to us with confidence. Not only the teacher but also the staff are good hospitals. It is recommended.

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