Shigeru - Yokohama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shigeru

住所 :

2 Chome-4-32 Yoshinocho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 232-0014
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM

2 Chome-4-32 Yoshinocho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0014, Japan
n t. on Google

昼に天せいろを頂きました。 蕎麦は美味しい。そばつゆ自体は甘さ控えめで好みなのだが、少々あっさりし過ぎる印象。 最初からそばつゆがそば猪口にたっぷり入れられてくるのがとても残念。 これでは最後に蕎麦湯も頂けない。 天ぷらは普通。ナス、ハス、オクラ、サツマイモ、海老。 海老が新鮮なのは分かったが、揚げ方と盛り方があまり良くない。油がきちんと切れていないためか、後半油っぽさが。 天ぷらの薬味にもひと工夫されている。 総じて、せいろに天ぷらどちらも勿体ない感が。 それと女性店員さん2人のうちの1人が、無愛想にも程がある。あまりこういう事は書かないのだが、目に余る無愛想さ。配膳時の対応も問題あり。 フジスーパー近くの梅の木の方が…と思ってしまう。
I had a bamboo steamer at noon. Soba is delicious. The soba soup itself is modest in sweetness and I like it, but the impression is that it is a little too light. It's a pity that soba soup is put into the soba noodles from the beginning. With this, you can't get soba hot water at the end. Tempura is normal. Eggplant, lotus, okra, sweet potato, shrimp. I found the shrimp to be fresh, but the way it was fried and served was not very good. Maybe because the oil hasn't run out properly, it looks oily in the second half. The condiments of tempura have also been devised. As a whole, both tempura feels like a waste. And one of the two female clerk is unfriendly. I don't write much about this, but it's unfriendly. There is also a problem with the correspondence at the time of serving. I think the plum tree near Fuji Super is ...
市立船橋 on Google

店員のレベルが低過ぎ。ちゃんと教育しようよ。 年末に付き合いで天ぷらを買いましたが 二度と買う事はないでしょう。星一つにも満たないです。(個人的主観によります。)
The level of the clerk is too low. Let's educate properly. I bought tempura at the end of the year You will never buy it again. It is less than one star. (Depends on personal subjectivity.)
m s on Google

いつもお蕎麦が食べたくなると伺う定番になりました。 とにかくコスパがいいです。 おつまみ系が豊富で、1品500円もしないものばかり&かつ美味しい! 店内を見渡すと、意外と隠れメニューが多いのも面白いです♡ 日替わり定食も1000円という安さで、充分満腹になります(^^)
It has become a staple that people always want to eat soba. Anyway, cospa is good. There are plenty of snacks, and all of them cost less than 500 yen each and are delicious! Looking around the store, it is interesting that there are surprisingly many hidden menus ♡ The daily set meal is as cheap as 1000 yen, and you will be fully satisfied (^^)
へい郎 on Google

とても美味しいです。 お店の雰囲気、味。自分にとっては理想に近いですね。何度も足を運びたくなるお店です。
It is very tasty. The atmosphere and taste of the shop. It's close to the ideal for me. It is a shop that you will want to visit many times.
やまだまさとし on Google

海鮮系が美味しい蕎麦店です。 昼時はランチ。夜は居酒屋になっていて 自分はランチのみだけど、日替わり定食「カツ丼+蕎麦」や「天丼+蕎麦」が税込1,000円とコスパが高い。 かつ、蕎麦が美味しくて注文量を「小」「中」「大」から選べるのでだいたい満腹になれます。 土日祝日の12時00分から13時00分は、 地元のリピーターで混んでいるため、 この時間帯以外をお勧めします。 場所は横浜市営地下鉄吉野町駅下車徒歩5分です。
It is a soba restaurant with delicious seafood. Lunch at noon. It ’s a tavern at night I only have lunch, but the daily set meals "Katsudon + Soba" and "Tendon + Soba" are 1,000 yen including tax, which is expensive. Moreover, the soba is delicious and you can choose the order quantity from "small", "medium", and "large", so you can be almost full. From 12:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Because it is crowded with local repeaters We recommend other than this time. The location is a 5-minute walk from Yokohama Municipal Subway Yoshinocho Station.
たむ on Google

夜利用です。日替わり食べました。 安いのにボリューム満点で美味しかったです。 テーブルに蕎麦が運ばれてきたときに出汁の香りがして、最高だなと思いました。 綺麗で落ち着いた店内に、丁寧な仕事がされた料理で文句無しの星5です。
It is used at night. I ate it daily. Although it was cheap, it was full of volume and delicious. When the soba was brought to the table, it smelled like soup stock and I thought it was the best. It's a beautiful and calm restaurant with 5 stars, which is perfect for cooking with careful work.
N M on Google

12:30過ぎに初訪問。 「カツ丼ゼット(1,100円)」を注文。お蕎麦は冷たいのを。 カツは結構厚めで衣はしっかりサクッと食感あり、卵は半熟よりもかためでした。 味はお蕎麦屋さんのカツ丼っ感じの少し甘めなお味で。 お蕎麦はコシがあるしっかり目の食感でした。 セットなのでお蕎麦が少な目で、もう少しお蕎麦の量が欲しい場合は、それぞれ単品で頼んだ方が良いかなぁと。 自分としては好みの味に近かったので、美味しく頂けました。 店員さんの接客含めとても良かったかと。
First visit after 12:30. I ordered "Katsudon Zet (1,100 yen)". The soba is cold. The cutlet was fairly thick, the batter was firm and crispy, and the egg was harder than the soft-boiled egg. The taste is a little sweet like a soba restaurant's katsudon. The soba had a chewy and firm texture. Since it is a set, the amount of soba is small, and if you want a little more soba, I think it is better to order each separately. It was close to my favorite taste, so it was delicious. Was it very good including the customer service of the clerk?
SEVEN子 on Google

初訪問、お昼は近所の働いてる人や職人さんなど回転よく賑わってました。メニューが多く中々決めれませんでした。で、結局日替わりで 多めの量でお腹一杯、天ぷらが美味しかった 出汁も美味しかった
For the first visit, lunch was crowded with working people and craftsmen in the neighborhood. There were many menus and I couldn't decide. So, after all, it changed daily, and I was full with a large amount, the tempura was delicious, and the soup stock was also delicious.

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