Hayashibara Clinic - Yonago

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hayashibara Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-360 Bakuromachi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 683-0052

4 Chome-360 Bakuromachi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0052, Japan
forget me not on Google

Surgery to remove the mass behind the neck was performed on a day trip. I had two places, but after one operation, it became a keloid and a small lump was formed. After revisiting, another operation is necessary and the same operation cost is required. Isn't this a mistake?
さいさい on Google

ダメ元で治療をお願いしたがデータが無いと治療自体話も聞かず拒否され、医療とは何かとか語られた。 患者のことを治すためじゃなく、自分の診たい患者を操りたいだけだと感じた。 他の方も書かれているが、コミュニケーションが常に見下しているというか、難ありな医師。
I asked for treatment with no use, but if there was no data, I was refused without hearing the treatment itself, and I was told what medical treatment is. I felt that I just wanted to control the patient I wanted to see, not to cure the patient. Others have written it, but communication is always looking down, or a difficult doctor.
S S on Google

美容系の手術を受けました。 先生はカウンセリングで事前に打ち合わせたことを、手術直前のカウンセリングでは忘れていたようで念押ししましたが、手術室に入ってから、やっぱりそれはやめた方がいいと言われました。 こっちは手術台に乗り緊張しているのに、お互い納得していたことを急に否定されると思っておらず、パニックになりました。 しかも、他院での修正を考えているレベルです。 それ以前にカウンセリングの意味はなんなんだと思いました。何度も通い、診察料を取った挙句に当日になると忘れられて否定されるのであれば、事前に行うカウンセリングの意味が全くないと思います。バカにされた気分でした。 他の治療は受けていないので分かりませんが、自分の見た目に関わることは、近いからとか、安いからという理由で安易に病院を選ぶのはおすすめしません。
I had a cosmetic surgery. The teacher reminded me that I had forgotten in the counseling just before the surgery that I had a meeting in advance, but after I entered the operating room, I was told that I should stop doing it. Although I was nervous on the operating table, I didn't think that I was suddenly denied that I was convinced by each other, so I panicked. Moreover, it is a level where we are thinking of making corrections at other hospitals. Before that, I wondered what the meaning of counseling was. If you go to the hospital many times and get a medical examination fee and it is forgotten and denied on the day of the examination, I think there is no point in counseling in advance. I felt stupid. I don't know because I haven't received any other treatment, but I don't recommend choosing a hospital easily because it's close to you or because it's cheap.
Kuro 832 on Google

正直おすすめできないです。 症状を伝えても目を見て話をせず、患部を見ることもなくステロイド系の塗り薬だけ処方されて1~2分の診察で終わりでした。
To be honest, I can't recommend it. Even if I told him the symptoms, I didn't talk with my eyes, and I was prescribed only a steroid-based ointment without looking at the affected area, and the examination was completed in 1 to 2 minutes.
39kono ko8 on Google

I had a beauty surgery here. It is an eye surgery. It was an incision, but the double is completely different on the left and right. Scars are also firmly left. I am in trouble because it costs a lot of money to go outside the prefecture to correct the result. You should stop the cosmetic surgery here. I hope no one has the same feelings.
とまと on Google

2時間位待って、呼ばれたかと思ったら「今日は予約が多いので別の日に予約で」と言われました。別日の予約のみだったのでそのまま帰ろうと思ってたら受付の人に呼ばれて「初診料3300円です」と言われました。 何かしてもらって支払うのは納得がいきますがとても納得できずに疑問のまま帰りました。その日に出来ないなら受付した時に言ってくれたら良かったのにな、と思います。 初めてこんな対応をされたのでクチコミを書きました。 客に寄り添った対応をお願いしたいです。
I waited for about two hours, and when I thought I was called, I was told, "I have a lot of reservations today, so make a reservation on another day." I only made a reservation for another day, so when I was thinking of going home, the receptionist called me and said, "The initial consultation fee is 3300 yen." I'm satisfied with getting something to pay, but I wasn't very satisfied and went home with doubts. If I couldn't do it on that day, I wish I had told him when I received it. I wrote a review because it was my first time to do something like this. I would like to ask for a response that is close to the customer.
いちご on Google

耳にできた小さな粉瘤を3箇所とる手術をしましたが、3箇所全て手術後すぐに粉瘤ができました。しかも前より大きな粉瘤です。 手術中は麻酔があまり効いておらず 少し痛みがあることを伝えたところ 「もう少しで終わります」と言われ痛みに耐えながらの手術でした。 粉瘤で悩んでいる方ここでの治療はオススメできません。
I had an operation to remove 3 small cysts on my ears, but all 3 cysts were formed immediately after the operation. Moreover, it is a larger cyst than before. Anesthesia is not very effective during surgery I told him that he had a little pain It was an operation while enduring the pain when I was told, "It will be over soon." Those who are suffering from cysts We do not recommend treatment here.
うぉぬぅ on Google

駐車場で待つため電話番号を書いたのになかなか連絡が来ないからWebサイトで待ち時間を確認したら順番が過ぎていますって書かれていたので慌てて受付まで行きました。 受付の方に聞くと確認しますと言われてそのまま五分くらい待つと先生に見て貰えました。 待合室で待たないから電話番号を書いたのに電話をかけて貰えずに飛ばされていたのでショックでした。まだ早い段階で気づけたので良かったですが、私以外にも2人ほど既に呼び出された方の番号が書いてあったのでその人たちも順番来たことに気づいてないのかなと思いました。一言くらい謝罪が欲しかったです(´・_・`)
I wrote the phone number to wait at the parking lot, but I couldn't get in touch with him, so when I checked the waiting time on the website, it said that the order had passed, so I went to the reception in a hurry. When I asked the receptionist, I was told to confirm it, and after waiting for about 5 minutes, the teacher looked at me. I didn't wait in the waiting room, so I wrote the phone number, but I was shocked because I was skipped without being called. I'm glad I noticed it at an early stage, but I thought that the numbers of the other two people who had already been called were written, so I wondered if they didn't even notice that they were in turn. .. I wanted to apologize for a word (´ ・ _ ・ `)

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