Shiga BMW 本社・ショールーム/BMW Premium Selection 滋賀

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shiga BMW 本社・ショールーム/BMW Premium Selection 滋賀

住所 :

Fujimidai, Otsu, 〒520-0846 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779
Webサイト :
街 : Shiga

Fujimidai, Otsu, 〒520-0846 Shiga,Japan
Sマニ皮 on Google

スタッフの方々の対応が素晴らしい。 接客も親切で丁寧です。 店舗も綺麗で好印象。
The correspondence of the staff is wonderful. The customer service is also kind and polite. The store is also beautiful and gives a good impression.
Dealer Watcher on Google

I was able to visit with peace of mind because I couldn't find the host-like business that some import car dealers tend to have.
ueda hisae on Google

We have a friendly and polite response and always provide a pleasant service. In addition, with careful care and high technology, you can leave car maintenance with peace of mind.
130i on Google

以前大津市内を走行中、突然エンジン異常の警報が出たので、メッセージ内容に従い最寄りのディーラーで見つかったこちらへ。 休日昼間の大変混み入った時間帯、かつ飛び入りの点検お願いですからまぁ仕方ないのですが、そこそこぞんざいな対応をしていただきました? 車格、一見者には仕方ないとは思いつつ、不安を抱えながら後にし、いつもお世話になっている他のディーラーで処置してもらいました。
While driving in Otsu city before, an engine abnormality warning was suddenly issued, so follow the message and find it at the nearest dealer. It's a very busy time during the daytime on holidays, and it's a request for a jump-in inspection, so it can't be helped, but I received a decent response ? I thought it was unavoidable for the car, but at first glance, I left with anxiety and had another dealer who was always indebted to treat me.
Stxncx Fxxx on Google

ステアリングコラムassy交換をここでしてもらいました。混んでいると言い訳され修理を後回し。1〜2ヶ月ほど時間がかかりました。いくらなんでも遅すぎる。その間も連絡が一切無し。そして一年経たずして同じ所が故障。 ちゃんと修理したのかも不明。以前故障箇所を見たスタッフも引き継ぎ作業せず他店舗へ移動。 きちんと修理したのかも不明。 挙げ句の果てに診断機で診断するのに1週間以上かかっており、音信不通でどの程度修理が進んだのかも一切不明。 部品クレームを使うために前回ステアリングコラムを交換した服部モータースに車をわざわざ出したけど、相変わらず対応が悪い。旧式の安かったBMWですが、思い入れのある大事な車だったので以前といい今回といい本当に残念です。控えめに言って気分が悪いです。 対応を見直したらどうですか? 外車ディーラーだからって天狗になりすぎでは? 早く僕の車返してください
I had the steering column assy replaced here. Excuse me for being crowded and postpone repairs. It took a month or two. No matter how late it is. No contact was made during that time. And the same place broke down within a year. I don't know if it was repaired properly. The staff who saw the faulty part before moved to another store without taking over. I don't know if it was repaired properly. After all, it took more than a week to make a diagnosis with a diagnostic machine, and it is completely unknown how much repairs have progressed due to lack of communication. I took the trouble to send the car to Hattori Motors, who replaced the steering column last time to use the parts complaint, but the response is still poor. It's an old-fashioned cheap BMW, but it's a very disappointing car because it was an important car with a lot of love. I feel sick to say the least. Why don't you review the correspondence? Isn't it too tengu because it's a foreign car dealer? Please return my car as soon as possible
鼻毛男 on Google

携帯に迷惑ショートメールが届きます。 ご注意下さい。
You will receive an unsolicited short email on your mobile phone. be careful.
中橋佑介 on Google

Mr. Minemura in charge is very kind.
伊吹山 on Google

緊急事態宣言解除後に東京から関西方面へ車で向かってる中、名神高速の草津から大津の間で車のアクセルが踏めなくなり、レッカー車でこちらのBMWのディーラーさんに運ばれました。 東京の緊急事態宣言が解除された直後なのにも関わらず一度も嫌な顔をせず、大変心地の良い接客をしてもらい同乗者共に感動しました。 東京のBMWも手厚い接客だと思っていましたが、それを優に超える素晴らしい接客に驚き、帰ってからも時折話になる程でした。本当に心から感謝しています。ありがとうございました。
While driving from Tokyo to Kansai after the state of emergency was lifted, I couldn't step on the accelerator of the car between Kusatsu and Otsu on the Meishin Expressway, and I was taken to this BMW dealer by a wrecker. Even though it was just after the state of emergency in Tokyo was lifted, I never made an unpleasant face, and I was impressed by the very comfortable customer service. I thought that BMW in Tokyo was also a generous customer service, but I was surprised at the wonderful customer service that far exceeded that, and even after returning, it was sometimes talked about. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much.

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