Osaka BMW 城東鶴見支店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka BMW 城東鶴見支店

住所 :

Midori, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0054 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Midori, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0054 Osaka,Japan
ハンターグリーン on Google

I went there with delicatessen on that day, but first I did not meet and meet the clerk, but please come! No words. The same is true when you enter the store. When you look at the car, what do the receptionists need? Asked me to come to see the M8? He said. Lexus LS and BMW 7 people come when they are looking at the car while surprised at the dealer's service attitude. Hyogo dealers and Umeda dealers were good at serving customers, but this is a store that changes attitudes by looking at people
くわくわ on Google

店内も駐車場も広く車で行かれても快適に感じると思います! スタッフのアテンドの方も丁寧です! ただなにかとスタッフが少ないかはわかりませんが待ち時間が長いです! それ以外はグッドです
The inside of the store and the parking lot are large and you will feel comfortable even if you drive! The staff attendants are also polite! I don't know if there are few staff, but the waiting time is long! Everything else is good
m “てぃむこ” A on Google

感染予防対策もキッチリしていて店内もトイレも美しい店舗です! 隣のminiの店舗にも中で繋がっていて待ち時間も快適に色々見て回れました♪ そして担当さんが話が上手い(*´ー`*)♪
The store has beautiful infection prevention measures and beautiful interiors and toilets! It was connected to the mini store next door, so I could comfortably look around the waiting time ♪ And the person in charge is good at talking (* ´ ー ` *) ♪
足立直仁 on Google

入店時の接客は 少し過剰かな? 店内のスペースは良く、良いBMWに出逢えましたら、、?
Is the customer service at the time of entering the store a little excessive? The space inside the store is good, and if you can meet a good BMW ,?
藤澤哲也 on Google

ここで新車を買いました!3ヶ月で故障したのでディーラーに電話したら整備士はいません! 店長が欠陥車もあります! 整備士もいないのに車売るて考えられません! ホームページも嘘書いてます! 初めて輸入車を買う人ここの系列で買うのは考えたほうがいいです! ディーラーに故障してもわかる人いないのが不思議? 売ることだけ考えてるディーラーだと思います!
I bought a new car here! It broke down in 3 months, so when I called the dealer, there was no mechanic! Some cars are defective by the store manager! I can't think of selling a car without a mechanic! The homepage is also lying! Those who buy imported cars for the first time should think about buying in this series! Is it strange that no one knows even if the dealer breaks down? I think it's a dealer who only thinks about selling!
美絵夢龍馬(龍馬パパ) on Google

定期点検で訪問。いつもながら、麗しい女性が寒さにもかかわらず店内から駐車場までお出迎え。 定期点検の、担当者の的確かつ丁寧な説明と共に展示してある新車の説明。若いながらセールスマンシップに富んだ担当者なのでこれからも見込み客を紹介させて頂きたいと思います。
Visited for regular inspection. As always, a beautiful woman welcomes you from the store to the parking lot despite the cold weather. An explanation of the new car on display along with an accurate and polite explanation of the person in charge of the regular inspection. I am a young person with a lot of salesmanship, so I would like to continue to introduce potential customers.
仲野優希 on Google

同じ双日でも梅田と千里のディーラーとは全く対応が違う。 見たい展示車があったので伺ったが…… 平日で仕事のついで、スーツ姿で営業車のプロボックスで入店しのも悪かったが、、 完全に業者と間違えられ、誰も寄ってこず。 展示車を見ていても、受け付けのお姉さん、営業スタッフに終始不思議な目で見られた。 クルマを見ているのだから、お声掛けぐらいしてくれても。 梅田と千里は全く同じ状況でも、しっかり対応して下さいました。
Even on the same Sojitz, the correspondence between Umeda and Senri dealers is completely different. I asked because there was an exhibition car I wanted to see ... After work on weekdays, it was bad to enter the store in a suit and a probox of a business car, but ... Completely mistaken for a trader, no one came. Even when I was looking at the exhibition car, mysterious eyes were seen by the receptionist's older sister and sales staff from beginning to end. I'm looking at the car, so even if you ask me. Umeda and Chisato responded well even in exactly the same situation.
先村昌浩 on Google

First visit with IX test drive. Thank you for welcoming me. The customer service is smart and there is no feeling of selling. This is also a Sojitz group, so the service system seems to be solid.

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