食品館あおば 田無店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食品館あおば 田無店

住所 :

Shibakubocho, Nishitokyo, 〒188-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
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街 : Tokyo

Shibakubocho, Nishitokyo, 〒188-0014 Tokyo,Japan
Kotobuki I on Google

オープン初日 午前中に行きました 店員さん頑張ってました。 レジがカード払い可能だからか 長蛇の列になることもなくスムーズでした 新青梅街道にできたロピアより 店内が広く歩きやすいです お値段だけで言えばロピアの方が安いです この日はオープンセールでかなり色々安かったけど 各所見たところ セールでなければ普通か 駅前のLIVINの方が安いイメージです 今後どれだけこのままお買い得品を出し続けてもらえるかに期待します トイレの隣に授乳室があります 冷凍食品の今川焼はこの付近では1番安かったと思います
I went in the morning on the first day of opening The clerk was doing his best. It was smooth without a long line, probably because the cashier can pay by credit card. The inside of the store is wider and easier to walk than Lopia on the Shin-Oume Kaido. Lopia is cheaper in terms of price alone It was quite cheap on this day because it was an open sale, but from each point of view, if it is not a sale, it is normal or LIVIN in front of the station is cheaper. I look forward to seeing how long you can continue to offer bargain products in the future. There is a nursing room next to the toilet I think the frozen food Imagawayaki was the cheapest in this area
よし(金麦Player) on Google

【鮮魚】 店主が声を高らげ活気よく、その声につい引き寄せられてしまう。のぞいて見ると、その奥では魚をさばいてるので新鮮で、柵や切身も大きくしかも安い!魅力的な誘惑に負けつい手に取ってしまう。
[Fresh fish] The owner raises his voice and is lively, and he is drawn to that voice. If you take a peek, the fish are handled in the back, so it's fresh, and the fences and fillets are big and cheap!
白一 on Google

It will be crowded immediately after the store opens on holidays. After 12 o'clock, you can shop without the stress of lining up at the cash register. Domestic beef is cheap. The cut-off gram is about 111 yen (jumbo pack).
えありす on Google

野菜、肉、魚はすごく良い、明るく活気もある。 種類も多く楽しい。 それ以外の陳列が業務用スーパーのような 薄暗く狭く高く段ボールむき出し、それでいて品数も少ない。 さびれた田舎の倉庫兼マーケットみたい。 チラシも目を引く写真がなく、文字だけ。 全く見る気になれない。 近隣マーケット、サミットやマックスバリューなどの チラシを参考に考え直してほしい。
Vegetables, meat and fish are very good, bright and lively. There are many kinds and it is fun. Other displays are like commercial supermarkets It is dim, narrow and high, and the cardboard is exposed, yet the number of items is small. It's like a deserted country warehouse and market. There are no eye-catching photos on the leaflets, only letters. I don't feel like seeing it at all. Neighborhood markets, summits, max values, etc. Please reconsider with reference to the leaflet.
y k on Google

このエリアだと競合はロピアになるが、ロピアより良い。まずクレジットカードに対応している点が素晴らしい。 八百屋をルーツに持つスーパーらしいが、肉の種類が素晴らしく、安い。魚に関しても、魚屋がテナントとして入っているので種類や値段の面でクオリティが高い。 当然野菜も文句なしで、日配も完璧。 唯一ケチをつけるとしたらスペイン産のニンニクが置いていないところ、それだけ。
In this area the competition is Lopia, but better than Lopia. First of all, it is wonderful that it supports credit cards. It seems to be a supermarket with roots in a greengrocer, but the type of meat is wonderful and cheap. As for fish, the fish store is included as a tenant, so the quality is high in terms of type and price. Naturally, there are no complaints about vegetables, and the daily delivery is perfect. The only thing that makes me stingy is that there is no Spanish garlic.
ゆまえ on Google

The road to get there is narrow, but the parking lot is large and easy to park, and there is a wide variety of meat and fish, so it is a recommended shop. There is also a drug store, which is convenient.
iro coco on Google

鮮魚コーナー良い!? 食品によっては使い分け出来るスーパー。 お得で安いものあります。 クレジットカードや電子マネー使えました? 駐車場は1階と屋上にあり、1階は警備員が常駐して誘導してくれます? 駐車スペースにもゆとりがありました
Fresh fish corner is good! ? A supermarket that can be used properly depending on the food. There are good deals and cheap ones. I could use my credit card and electronic money ? The parking lot is on the 1st floor and the rooftop, and security guards are stationed on the 1st floor to guide you ? There was plenty of space in the parking space
อะกิ aki on Google

駐車場が店先と屋上にある。 野菜は店舗入口で良いと思ってもじっくり店内で価格、量、品質を見てゲットすべきなんだよね(笑)奥に行くに従ってXX商品があり、一度手にした商品をコロナ禍で戻せず?って(笑) 鮮魚も安いかって言うほどの鮮度、質だとは? 個人的感想なのです。肉類は大量購入で小分け冷凍するなら良いと言うことで、結局大量に買って冷凍庫に入れてま〜す。 他店と比較すべきでないが駐車場が広いという利点で利用している。
Parking lots are on the storefront and rooftop. Even if you think that vegetables are good at the entrance of the store, you should carefully check the price, quantity, and quality in the store and get it (laugh) There are XX products as you go to the back, and you can not return the product you got once with Corona (Laughs) What is the freshness and quality of fresh fish that is cheap? It's a personal impression. Meat should be purchased in large quantities and frozen in small portions, so after all, I bought a large amount and put it in the freezer. It should not be compared with other stores, but it is used because it has a large parking lot.

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