焼肉 博多 慶州 大門浜松町店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 博多 慶州 大門浜松町店

住所 :

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://keisyu-hamamatsucho.owst.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan
綾瀬雪乃 on Google

ランチのもつ煮が美味し過ぎて定期的に食べたくなる。 これでもかってくらいグツグツ、もつも具も沢山入ってて大満足!
The simmered lunch is so delicious that I want to eat it regularly. Even with this, I'm very satisfied with the stuffiness and lots of offal ingredients!
Shunta Taninaka on Google

【ランチ利用】 ライス&スープおかわり自由! 30席以上あります。ランチは現金のみ。 ボリューム半端ないです!トンカツとチキン南蛮が人気な様子。女性にはスンドゥブとかもつ煮込み定食が人気みたいです。他のメニューは写真を見てください。 トンカツ定食900円。机にある明太子は食べ放題ですがかなり辛めです!大門・浜松町付近の方には是非おすすめ!
【Use for lunch】 Rice & Soup Alternative! There are over 30 seats. Lunch is cash only. There is not half the volume! It looks like tonkatsu and chicken nanban are popular. It seems that a set meal cooked with sundub is popular with women. Please look at the photo for other menus. Tonkatsu set meal 900 yen. It is all-you-can-eat but it's quite hot! Recommended for people near Daimon and Hamamatsucho!
K M on Google

博多がテーマの焼き肉屋さんですが、ランチが実に素晴らしい、この価格でこのクォリティはないでしょ、というレベル。もっと混雑しても良いのに、意外に行列は少なめ。 もつ煮込みの大盛りを頼んだら、大きくて残しました、ご飯はお替りできます。 なんとテーブルに設置された明太子(なんて美味しいんだ)は食べ放題。これだけで元をとった感じがします。
Hakata is a themed yakiniku restaurant, but the lunch is really great, at this price, there is no quality. Although there may be more congestion, there are surprisingly fewer queues. If you ask for a large bowl of stewed rice, you can change the rice that you left large. Mentaiko (how delicious) on the table is all-you-can-eat. I feel that I took the original with this alone.
Takeshi Suzuki on Google

浜松町にある博多本店の焼肉屋さん。 店内はオシャレで女性も喜ぶくらい清潔感。 お肉も美味しくコスパ良し! デートでも接待でも使える。 個室あるので使いたい時は予約必須!
A yakiniku restaurant at the Hakata main store in Hamamatsucho. The interior is fashionable and clean enough to please women. The meat is delicious and the cost performance is good! Can be used for dates and entertainment. There is a private room, so if you want to use it, you must make a reservation!
Yoshie M on Google

4人で訪問し個室に通して頂きました どのお料理にも一手間感じられて、どれを頂いても美味しい! 特に好きなのは、シーザーサラダ(チーズに一工夫)、キムチの盛り合わせ(トマト!)、モモの熟成肉、タン刺しウニ巻き、タン全般でした。 お酒はワインと焼酎のラインナップが豊富です。 キッチンも見える、明るい店内で、手が行き届いていて綺麗です。 どなたと行っても楽しめるお店なので、また行きたい。 お勧めのお店です!
We visited with 4 people and let them go to a private room. Every dish feels like a hassle, and it's delicious no matter what you eat! I especially liked Caesar salad (a twist on cheese), kimchi platter (tomato!), Aged peach meat, tan sashimi sea urchin rolls, and tongue in general. Sake has a rich lineup of wine and shochu. The bright interior with a view of the kitchen is well-kept and beautiful. It's a shop that anyone can enjoy, so I want to go there again. This is a recommended shop!
YASU TAKA on Google

I visited for lunch on weekdays. I arrived immediately after the store opened, so it was the second group. We ordered homemade tartar chicken nanban set meal from more than 10 kinds of lunch menu, and added stewed beef tendon. 1000 yen including tax. The food was served in less than 10 minutes. There are 3 large fried chicken and plenty of homemade tartar sauce. The fried chicken is juicy and goes well with a large amount of tartar, so you can eat more and more. It is irresistible for tartar lovers. Soup and rice can be replaced, and you can have all-you-can-eat spicy cod roe on the table. However, it's arranged a little spicy, so I can't eat that much. The beef tendon was also delicious.
Dave D on Google

Hungry Teddy on Google

Great place for lunch. 800 yen for jumbo tonkatsu teishoku and chicken namba. The chicken namba is okay, but the Tonkatsu is quite good. The jumbo is a bit misleading. Portion is not as huge as I expected from the word 'jumbo'. The hot sauce in the table is good and spicy. You mix the sauce with the rice. Free refill of rice and soup during lunch.

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