3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1-chōme-1 Tondachō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0814, Japan

Postal code : 569-0814

1-chōme-1 Tondachō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0814, Japan
小出康弘 on Google

May 4, 2021 (Fire)
川北英隆 on Google

The Takatsuki City Bus platform is difficult to understand. It is divided into the east side (along the railroad track) and the north side of the station.
未来先輩!?MikuSenpai on Google

It's complicated to transfer to the bus, it's usually the opposite of getting off at the exit instead of the entrance in front of you ? I recommend using Hankyu until this is improved ?
高山貴一 on Google

駅周辺はとてもにぎやかで、 飲食店も多い。 しかし、立ち飲みは注意。 阪急富田駅近くの 立ち飲み 膳 は特に要注意。 府からの何回かの営業時間短縮要請にも 表面上は従っているフリをしながら 実際は応じていないという悪質ぶりだ。 また感染対策もちゃんと行なっていないため 集団感染が発生してもおかしくない。
The area around the station is very lively There are also many restaurants. However, be careful about standing drinks. Be especially careful of standing drinks near Hankyu Tonda Station. In response to several requests from the prefecture to shorten business hours While pretending to follow on the surface It's a malicious act that it doesn't actually respond. Also, because we have not taken proper infection control measures. It is not strange that an outbreak occurs.
南美菜 on Google

JR西日本から阪急電車に乗りつぐに便利な駅。 直接駅がひっついているわけではないのだが、 数分でそれぞれの駅にたどりつける距離にある。 駅と駅の間には、飲食店などの店も連なっている。 ココには、”たちのみ 膳” があるのだが、 中は間隔が狭く、コロナ・クラスターが発生する要因がたくさんある。 ヨーロッパでは、こういった居酒屋においてはクラスターの危険性がとても高いということで開店が許可されなかった経緯がある。 ココは、行政からの営業自粛依頼に応じる素振りを見せながら、実は従っていなかったところでもある。
A convenient station for getting on the Hankyu train from JR West. The station isn't directly attached, but It is within a few minutes to reach each station. There are also restaurants and other shops between the stations. Here, there is a "Tachi no Mizen", The intervals are narrow inside, and there are many factors that cause corona clusters. In Europe, there is a history that opening of these taverns was not permitted due to the high risk of clusters. Coco showed a pretense to respond to the request from the government to refrain from doing business, but in fact he did not follow it.
bigbomber5000 on Google

2021年1月6日(水)に行きました。 普通電車だけが止まる駅です。 ホームは京都方面と大阪方面の2種類だけなので、迷う事無く乗降出来ます。 改札口は一か所、南北が陸橋で繋がっており切符無しでも往来が可能です。他に駅の下に地下道も有り、徒歩・自転車(降りて)の通行が可能です。自動車は通れません。地下道への入り口は駅の横です。 エレベーターとエスカレーターが有るので大きな荷物や両手に抱えていても便利です。 駅南には小さな商店街があり、駅への行き帰りで買い物に便利です。 駅北は徒歩10分圏内にスーパー、コンビニ、飲食店が多数有ります。 ホームからの電車撮影も可能です。
I went to Wednesday, January 6, 2021. It is a station where only ordinary trains stop. There are only two types of platforms, Kyoto and Osaka, so you can get on and off without hesitation. There is one ticket gate, and the north and south are connected by an overpass, so you can come and go without a ticket. There is also an underpass under the station, which allows walking and biking (getting off). Cars cannot pass. The entrance to the underpass is next to the station. There is an elevator and an escalator, so it is convenient to carry large luggage or in both hands. There is a small shopping street to the south of the station, which is convenient for shopping on the way to and from the station. There are many supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants within a 10-minute walk from the north of the station. You can also take a train from your home.
はなみづき“はなみずき” on Google

せっつとんだえきと読む JR高槻から大阪方面に一駅先の普通電車のみ停車する駅 みどりの窓口有り 橋上の駅で改札は1つ 上下線とも一時間に 8本程停車する 大阪駅まで20分くらい 茨木駅で快速等々の電車に 乗り換えると早く着く 京都駅まで30分くらい 高槻駅で新快速等々に 乗り換えると早く着く 小さい駅ながら 一日の乗降客4万人と多い 朝ラッシュ時は1.5倍増便される どこまでも真っすぐに延びる線路の景観が珍しい 南口から商店街の中を歩いて 阪急富田駅まで徒歩5分弱と近い 北側には市営バスのターミナルタクシー乗り場がある
Read with a lot of effort A station where only ordinary trains stop one station away from JR Takatsuki in the direction of Osaka There is a green window One ticket gate at Hashigami station Both up and down lines are in one hour Stop about 8 About 20 minutes to Osaka Station For rapid trains at Ibaraki Station Arrive early when changing trains About 30 minutes to Kyoto Station Special Rapid Service at Takatsuki Station, etc. Arrive early when changing trains Although it is a small station As many as 40,000 passengers a day 1.5 times more flights during morning rush hours The scenery of the railroad tracks that extend straight indefinitely is unusual Walk through the shopping street from the south exit and walk to Hankyu Tonda Station in less than 5 minutes. There is a municipal bus terminal taxi stand on the north side
赤瀬タツヒロ on Google

飲み客や店員との距離が近くて、店の広さに対する密集度がとても高い立ち飲みは、感染リスクが極めて高い。 イギリスでの、立飲みは、感染リスクがとても高いということで、全ての立ち飲み屋の営業が禁止された過去がある。 阪急富田駅の 立ち飲み 膳 は、店の中は細長く通路はかなりせまいため、飲み客同士や店員との距離が近く、店の広さに対して密集度がかなり高く、感染リスクがとても高い。 ここは府からの営業時間短縮要請に、表面上は従っているフリをしながら、実際は応じていない悪質な店でもある。 (フードビジネスコンサルタント永田氏の記事「『さよなら立ち飲み、バイキング…』コロナ社会で消える飲食店」参照)
Standing drinks, which are close to drinkers and clerk and are very crowded with respect to the size of the store, have an extremely high risk of infection. In the UK, tachinomi has a very high risk of infection, and all standing tachinomi shops have been banned in the past. The standing drink set at Hankyu Tonda Station is long and narrow, and the aisle is quite narrow, so the distance between drinkers and the clerk is close, the density is quite high compared to the size of the store, and the risk of infection is very high. This is also a malicious store that does not actually respond to the request from the prefecture to shorten business hours, while pretending to follow it on the surface. (Refer to the article by Mr. Nagata, a food business consultant, "Goodbye, standing drink, buffet ..." A restaurant that disappears in the corona society ")

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