
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 矢野商店

住所 :

Setouchicho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0012 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://food-products-supplier-1989.business.site/
街 : Kagawa

Setouchicho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0012 Kagawa,Japan
岩木博久 on Google

目の前で竹輪が焼かれているのを初めて見ました! 焼きたての竹輪がその場で買えて、出来立てほやほやのあったかい竹輪をまるかじりでとってもおいしかったです!
For the first time I saw the bamboo ring burned in front of my eyes! Freshly baked bamboo rings can be bought on the spot, and the freshly made bamboo rings are very delicious!
マルケン on Google

昔食べた魚のすり身が入った手作りの味。 そのまま食べても美味しいです。
Handmade taste with minced fish that I ate a long time ago. It is delicious to eat as it is.
さゆりん on Google

You can buy the paste at a surprisingly low price ?
大西誠人 on Google

香川県内、高松市内でも珍しい老舗の「ちくわ専門店」です。製造販売しているので、歯ごたえのある熱々のチクワがその場で食べられます。 なんと言ってもおススメは、イベントの時に販売されている「ちびてん」。 直径3cmぐらいのちくわが10個ぐらいパックに入っているので、こどもでも食べやすいのが特徴です。 つなぎをほとんど使っていないのでダイエット中の人でも安心して食べれます。 お店は魚市場内にあるんですが、一般の人でも気軽に入って買えるのを初めて知りました。隠れ名店です。
It is a long-established "Chikuwa specialty store" rare in Kagawa prefecture and Takamatsu city. Because it is manufactured and sold, you can eat crunchy, hot chikuwa on the spot. After all recommendation is "Chibiten" which is sold at the time of event. As it is in a pack of about 10 pieces of about 3 cm in diameter, it is a feature that even children can eat easily. It is safe to eat even if you are on a diet, as you don't use much of the bridge. The shop is located in the fish market, but for the first time I knew that even the general public could easily get in and buy. It is a hidden shop.
udondon 2021 on Google

「あつやき」を初めて食べました。 ねりものカステラと書いてあったので、長崎の甘いカステラの味を想像して興味本位で購入しましたが、味はカステラというより、ちくわとか、天ぷらの方向です。 3時のおやつに食べましたが、明らかに違いますね。ごはんのお供として食べるのが正解だと思いました。 撮影した写真をよくよく見ると、たまごに魚肉を練りこんで焼き上げていますと書いてありました。 どうりで。 それにしても170円は安いです。
I ate "Atsuyaki" for the first time. It was written as "Nerimono Castella", so I imagined the taste of Nagasaki's sweet castella and bought it with a focus on interest, but the taste is more like chikuwa or tempura than castella. I ate it for a snack at 3 o'clock, but it's definitely different. I thought the correct answer was to eat it as a companion to rice. If you look closely at the pictures you took, it says that the eggs are kneaded with fish meat and baked. No wonder. Even so, 170 yen is cheap.
Yoshie Miki on Google

You can leave the hot sandwich as it is, but it is delicious if you toast it and add a little mayonnaise (* ^^ *)
山田みゆき on Google

It was opened in Sanuki Marche. Both the chikuwa and the datemaki were delicious. I bought raw surimi and made it at home with fried fish balls and fish ball soup. I was happy because I couldn't get the raw surimi. I want to go again. Thank you.
空海1518 on Google

やっと行けました! 時間を外しましたが、並んでる人も居て待ちましたが店主の対応も気持ちよくてお料理も美味しかったです。 リピ決定です!
I was finally able to go! I missed the time, but there were people in line and I waited, but the owner's response was pleasant and the food was delicious. It's a lipi decision!

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