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平野区の不動産情報はたくみホームへ - Takumihome.jp


About (株)たくみホーム


  • 大阪府大阪市平野区背戸口3丁目4-14メゾン背戸口1階 
  • TEL:06-6760-7082
  • FAX:06-6760-7083

Copyright(c) 株式会社たくみホーム
All Rights Reserved.

Contact (株)たくみホーム

住所 :

Setoguchi, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0034 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.takumihome.jp/
街 : Osaka

Setoguchi, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0034 Osaka,Japan
Kou Tanaka on Google

I lived in a rental property for five years after I got married, but my children were getting bigger and narrower, so I was considering buying a condominium. At that time, I visited the Hirano store, relying on Takumi Home's flyer. I decided to search here because I was attracted by the abundant number of properties and the initial response of salesmen who look bright and smiling. The person who follows me very often, I felt a strong sense of trust in the property that would contact me as soon as the property information that meets our requirements was entered. I'm so happy to be able to buy the property I wanted!
隆阿川 on Google

平野区の自宅のマンションを売ってもらいました。 築50年の古いマンションだったのですが、ホームページに掲載していただいたり、チラシ広告など熱心にして頂いて私の思っていた価格で売却るる事が出来ました。本当に有難う御座いました。
I had my apartment in Hirano Ward sold. It was a 50-year-old condominium, but I was able to sell it at the price I expected by posting it on the homepage and enthusiastically advertising leaflets. Thank you very much.
田中政広 on Google

Takumi Home built a new building. At that time, I was also taken care of by the mortgage loan. In addition, we participated from the design stage of the new construction and listened to our requests and wishes, and the ideal house that we would like to live with our family was realized.
yuka kamoto (kamocchi) on Google

たくみホームさんでマンションを購入しました。 たくみホームさんはYou Tubeをされており、購入物件と出会ったのも、たくみさんのYou Tubeチャンネルでした。You Tubeを観なかったら、今のマンションの物件見学もしていなかったと思います。 購入まで短い期間でしたがとても丁寧な対応をして下さいました。 大変お世話になりました。これからもYou Tube頑張って下さい。
I bought an apartment at Takumi Home. Mr. Takumi Home is doing You Tube, and it was also Mr. Takumi's You Tube channel that I met the purchased property. If I hadn't seen You Tube, I wouldn't have been touring the property of the current condominium. It was a short period until the purchase, but they responded very politely. Thank you for all the help you have given me. Please do your best on You Tube from now on.
*ここ on Google

Thank you for buying a house! First of all, I made an inquiry by e-mail, but I thought that I would be relieved to receive the information I wanted to know by responding properly by e-mail, so I made a preview reservation and introduced it at the local meeting. Although I was traveling with children, they were willing to accept me and the children responded with a smile. From the preview to the contract and delivery, it was very smooth! If I had any questions, I could call and tell me immediately, so my anxiety disappeared immediately. I think that buying a house is only once in my life, so I'm glad I was able to make a transaction with peace of mind. thank you very much!
もりやん on Google

マンション購入でお世話になりました。YouTubeで物件をたくさんアップされており、そちらで平野のマンションがたくさんある事を知りました。高いお買い物だったので、口コミの良い所を探していた所、お名前で検索し高評価だったのでお伺いする事にきめました。マンションのイロハもわからない私と旦那に親身になって色々と教えてくださり、マンション購入を決断する事ができました。購入後もお電話で色々とフォローしてくださり、とてもお世話になりました。店長さんは優しくて笑顔が素敵な方です。物件ご購入の際は一度尋ねてみてください^ ^本当にありがとうございました。
Thank you for purchasing the condominium. I have uploaded a lot of properties on YouTube, and I found out that there are many condominiums in the plains there. Since it was a high-priced shopping, I was looking for a place with good reviews, I searched by name and it was highly evaluated, so I decided to visit. I was able to decide to buy a condominium by being kind to my husband and I, who don't even know what the condominium is. Thank you very much for following me on the phone even after the purchase. The store manager is kind and has a nice smile. Please ask once when purchasing a property ^ ^ Thank you very much.
井上夏帆 on Google

マンションの購入で本当にお世話になりました!初めてのことで分からないことばかりでしたが、ひとつひとつ丁寧に教えてくださり、素晴らしい対応をしていただきました✨本当にありがとうございました? 今後も何かあったらお願いしたいですし、不動産購入する知り合いがいたらぜひ紹介させていただきます!!!
Thank you very much for purchasing the condominium! I didn't understand everything for the first time, but thank you very much for your polite teaching and wonderful response ? I would like to ask if anything happens in the future, and if you have an acquaintance who buys real estate, I will definitely introduce it! !! !!
ゆかゆか on Google

中古一軒家購入でお世話になりました。 YouTubeでたくみホームさんを知り武智さんが明るい方だったのでこの方にお願いしてみようと思いたくみホームさんに行かせていただきました。 私が歳がいってるので値段的に難しいかなーと思ったのですが親身になって一所懸命家を探して下さり新築に近いくらいの凄く素敵なお家を見つけて下さり家族全員満場一致で気に入りました!その後は分からない事が有ればすぐに対応して下さり本当に感謝しております!2021年12月までに引っ越ししたかった希望も叶えて下さり感謝しかありません!住んでいたマンションも思ってた以上の値段で売って下さり凄く嬉しかったです!2人の娘達にも優しくしていただき娘達が結婚して家を購入すると言った時はたくみホームの武智さんにお願いしたいなーと私自身思っております^_^ たくみホームの武智さんは凄く楽しい方で面白い方なので親しみやすい方です^_^ お家を考えてらっしゃる方はたくみホームさんで是非購入されてはいかがでしょうか?^_^ 本当にお世話になりありがとうございました^_^ 又 何かの機会が有れば宜しくお願いします^_^
Thank you for purchasing a second-hand house. I knew Mr. Takumi Home on YouTube and Mr. Takechi was a bright person, so I decided to go to Mr. Kumi Home to ask this person. I was old, so I thought it would be difficult in terms of price, but I was kind enough to look for a house and find a very nice house that was close to a new construction, and the whole family unanimously agreed. I like it! After that, I am really grateful to you for responding immediately if you have any questions! I am grateful for the fulfillment of my wish to move by December 2021! I was very happy to sell the apartment I lived in at a price higher than I expected! I would like to ask Mr. Takechi of Takumi Home when my two daughters are kind to me and they say that they will get married and buy a house ^ _ ^ Mr. Takechi of Takumi Home is a very fun and interesting person, so he is a friendly person ^ _ ^ If you are thinking about a house, why don't you buy it at Takumi Home? ^ _ ^ Thank you very much for your help ^ _ ^ Also, if you have any chance, thank you ^ _ ^

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