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Contact 陵南診療所

住所 :

Sennincho, Hachioji, 〒193-0835 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.ryonan-shinryojo.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sennincho, Hachioji, 〒193-0835 Tokyo,Japan
tapiyo tapiyo on Google

秒殺診療 優しい先生ですが。充分なカウンセリングは ムリかも 受付女性 無愛想 暗いわ
Second killing medical treatment: A gentle teacher. Sufficient counseling may be unreasonable Receptionist woman unfriendly, it's dark
そらましゅまろちゃん on Google

麦粒腫で眼帯をしてやむを得ず眼帯をして 薬を貰いに行きました( そしたら 患者の女性と受付の看護師の方が あの眼帯綾波かよガハハと わざと聞こえるように言っていたり それに賛同し 友達のように笑う看護師側も私語が多くとても不快な気分になりました あと精神科なのにテレビを付けっぱなしも配慮がたりないな…と思いました 不快でした 。
I have to put my eye patch on the stye I went to get medicine ( Then the patient woman and the nurse at the reception told me that I could hear that eyepatch Ayanami or Gahaha on purpose, and the nurse who agreed and laughed like a friend also had a lot of private language and was very uncomfortable. I also thought that I wasn't mindful of keeping the TV on despite being a psychiatrist ... It was unpleasant.
そらのくに on Google

The teacher and receptionist will talk kindly and politely. As a teacher who is trying to reduce the amount of medicine as much as possible, I was relieved to hear from him. I'm glad I can go there with peace of mind ☺️.
Moco * on Google

ここ数年でまた新しく思うことがあったので更新。 従来の口コミの下にあります。 ※以下、昨年くらいまでの感想です※ 押しが強いわけではないけれど、こちらの話を聞きながらしっかりと大切なことを教えて下さります。 お薬も慎重に選んでくれて、無闇やたらに薬を増やそうとはせず優しいです。 手厚く親切に………とは異なりますが、さまざまな情緒に対応してくれます。 窓口での雑談が気になる日は外部の先生が来ていることが多いです。 一度対応していただいたところ、穏やかで明るい方でした。 火曜日に来ているのかな。 ※新しい所見※ コロナ対策に様々な機器が増えました。小さな診療所ながらできる限りの努力をしてくださり、とてもありがたいです。 ダイソンのサーキュレーターや検温機、診察室では窓を開けて換気の設備も追加されたのを確認しています。 あと、書類や手続きに関してすこしわかってきたことを書きます。 自立支援医療の支援に関しては大変手馴れており、かなり頼っております。 ただ、基本的に書類手続きに関して詳しいということはありません。(例:保険会社によって体裁の違う傷病手当申請書・ハロワに提出するもの等) 病院はあくまで診断とお薬を出す場所なんだ、と学びました。 こちらが調べてお願いをすれば、きちんと対応してくださります。
I have something new in the last few years, so I updated it. It is under the traditional word of mouth. * The following are impressions up to last year * It's not a strong push, but he will teach you important things while listening to this story. He chooses medicines carefully, and he is kind without trying to increase the number of medicines. It's kind and kind, but it's different, but it responds to various emotions. On days when I'm worried about chatting at the counter, an outside teacher often comes. Once I received a response, he was a calm and bright person. I wonder if it's coming on Tuesday. * New findings * Various devices have been added for corona countermeasures. I am very grateful for your efforts as much as possible even though it is a small clinic. Dyson's circulators, thermometers, and doctor's offices have opened windows to confirm that ventilation equipment has been added. Also, I will write a little about the documents and procedures. I am very familiar with the support of independence support medical care, and I rely heavily on it. However, basically, I am not familiar with the document procedure. (Example: Injury and illness allowance application forms that differ depending on the insurance company, items to be submitted to Hello Work, etc.) I learned that the hospital is just a place for diagnosis and medicine. If you check it out and ask for it, we will respond properly.
emi emi on Google

He is a kind teacher and listens to the story. I make a reservation only at the beginning, but there is no other clinic where I can go without a reservation after that. It really helps because I can go when I am in good physical condition and the weather is good. The office lady is also polite and feels good.
にょんパパ on Google

とても優しい柔らかい感じ先生です。しっかりと患者の話を聞いてくれます。 先生は、「基本的に薬は毒だから、必要最小限以外は、飲まないほうが良い。必要な時は飲む、必要でなければ飲まない。」という方針の先生です。 この先生のお陰で最愛の家族も救われました。初診以外、予約制ではありません。基本的にはあまり待つ事はありません。時々、曜日や時間帯に寄っては座る場所がない位、とても混んでいる時もありますが、それでも待ち時間は30分程度です。 初診で行かれる方は、電話をして予約を取らないとダメなので、注意して下さい。 コロナ対策で、入り口に「自動体温計測装置」が設置してあって、体温を計測して、アルコールで手指消毒をして入室するようになっていました。
A very gentle and soft teacher. He / she listens to the patient's story. The teacher says, "Basically, medicine is poisonous, so you shouldn't take it except for the minimum necessary. Take it when you need it, and don't take it if you don't." Thanks to this teacher, my beloved family was saved. It is not a reservation system except for the first visit. Basically, I don't have to wait too long. Sometimes it's very crowded because there is no place to sit on the day of the week or the time of day, but the waiting time is still about 30 minutes. If you are going to see us for the first time, please be aware that you have to call and make an appointment. As a measure against corona, an "automatic body temperature measuring device" was installed at the entrance to measure body temperature, disinfect hands with alcohol, and enter the room.
桂奈津子 on Google

先生は、感じが良くて優しい方ですが、あまり丁寧に傾聴してくださるタイプの方ではないと思います。 地域のサポート体制などの情報にも詳しくはないようです。 症状が安定している方にはオススメですが、深刻な悩みを抱えていたり、重篤な症状に苦しんでいる方には向いていないかなと思いました。 受付の女性も、無愛想で暗いという印象です。
The teacher is a nice and kind person, but I don't think he is the type who listens very carefully. It seems that they are not familiar with information such as the support system in the area. It is recommended for those who have stable symptoms, but I thought it would not be suitable for those who have serious problems or are suffering from serious symptoms. The lady at the reception is also unfriendly and dark.
name No on Google

八王子の精神科は色々なところを行きましたが、話は聞いてくれないし診断もろくにできない病院が多く案の定評価が低いです。 陵南診療所さんの存在を最近知り、3ヶ月目になりましたが先生はお話をゆっくり聞いて下さり決して否定せずに必ず「何かあれば遠慮せずすぐ来てね。」と言ってくださいます。 お薬も無駄に増やそうとはしません。 このお薬はこういう効果があるからと提案してくれます。 受付の方も暗い訳ではなく、とても丁寧でおっとりとしております。 自分のように、早口が嫌だ音が気になる…そういう方にはいい病院だと思います。 (時間がゆっくり流れているように感じるそんな病院です) 最初は必ず予約が必要で忙しい時期ですと1〜2ヶ月待たなければなりませんが、その後は予約不要です!いつ行っても大丈夫なので辛い時はすぐ行ける病院です。 お薬も会わないと感じた時はすぐに変更に行けるので安心です!(火曜日の午後だけは思春期外来なので行けません) 初めて行った時、障害者手帳のことや自立支援医療が必要な時は言ってねとも言っていたので、安心して診断書などを任せることができる先生です! 待合室にはテレビが1つ設置されていますが、音に敏感な私でも気になりません。
Hachioji's psychiatry went to various places, but many hospitals did not listen to the story and could not make a diagnosis, and the evaluation was low. It's been three months since I recently learned about the existence of Ryonan Clinic, but the teacher listened to me slowly and never denied, always saying, "If anything, don't hesitate to come right away." Please. I will not try to increase the amount of medicine in vain. It suggests that this medicine has this kind of effect. The receptionist is not dark, but very polite and calm. I'm worried about the sound that I don't like tongue twister like myself ... I think it's a good hospital for those people. (It's such a hospital that feels like time is flowing slowly) At first, you need to make a reservation, and if you are busy, you have to wait for a month or two, but after that, you don't need to make a reservation! It's okay to go anytime, so it's a hospital that you can go to immediately when you have a hard time. If you feel that you will not meet your medicine, you can change it immediately, so you can rest assured! (I can't go because it's an adolescent outpatient only on Tuesday afternoon) When I went there for the first time, I said that I should say about the disability certificate and when I need medical care to support independence, so I am a teacher who can entrust me with medical certificates with confidence! There is one TV in the waiting room, but even I, who is sensitive to sound, don't mind.

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