Senkokuji - Funai District

3.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Senkokuji

住所 :

Tani-131 Toyota, Kyotamba, Funai District, Kyoto 622-0231, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Postal code : 622-0231

Tani-131 Toyota, Kyotamba, Funai District, Kyoto 622-0231, Japan
t y on Google

莫妄想 on Google

I was drawn to the beautiful cherry blossoms and visited. I could see it from Route 9.
岡ちゃん on Google

御詠歌 さくら咲く清水山の夕栄えに 大悲の光くれなゐの里 西王寺は京丹波町豊田の愛宕山南山麓に伽藍を有していましたが、室町時代に消失した寺院です。その後、同地に樋口信濃守定光の発願、玉雲寺十世太清玄智和尚の開山による曹洞宗寺院の鳳尾山泉谷寺が建立されました。泉谷寺の本尊は如意輪観音ですが、西王寺の十一面千手観世音菩薩立像は後身の泉谷寺で護持されています。観音像は本堂内に安置されており、京丹波町の指定文化財になっています。 船井ごおり三十三ヶ所観音霊場が成立した時にはすでに西王寺は廃寺になっており、泉谷寺が建立されていたと思われますが、この観音様は西王寺のものという意識が存し、古くから泉谷寺で護持していたにも関わらず、第6番札所は西王寺ということになっているのでしょう。 泉谷寺は国道9号線豊田の交差点から府道446号豊田富田線を下山方面に500メートルほど行った、左側の山麓に建っています。曹洞宗の認可参禅道場です。
A poem, the evening glory of Mt. Shimizu, where the cherry blossoms bloom, and the light of great sorrow. Saioji Temple had a cathedral at the southern foot of Mt. Atago in Toyota, Kyotamba Town, but it disappeared during the Muromachi period. After that, Senkokuji, a temple of the Soto sect, was erected in the same area by the application of Shinano Mamoru Higuchi and the opening of the mountain by Gyokuunji 10th Taisei Gentomo Osho. The principal image of Izumiya-ji is Nyoirin Kannon, but the statue of the 11-sided Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu of Saio-ji is protected by its successor, Izumiya-ji. The Kannon statue is enshrined in the main hall and is a designated cultural property of Kyotamba Town. It seems that Saioji Temple was already abandoned and Senkokuji Temple was erected when the 33 Kannon Sacred Grounds of Funai Goori were established, but there is a consciousness that this Kannon-sama belongs to Saioji Temple, and it is old. Even though it was protected at Senkokuji Temple, the 6th temple is supposed to be Saioji Temple. Senkokuji Temple is located at the foot of the mountain on the left side, about 500 meters down the prefectural road No. 446 Toyota Tomita Line from the intersection of National Route 9 Toyota. It is a licensed meditation hall of the Soto sect.

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