かどのめし屋 海鮮食堂

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かどのめし屋 海鮮食堂

住所 :

Senjuhashidocho, Adachi City, 〒120-0038 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://facebook.com/kadomeshi.senju/
街 : Tokyo

Senjuhashidocho, Adachi City, 〒120-0038 Tokyo,Japan
味吉じゅん on Google

The salted mackerel set meal is delicious. It seems that Yaizu mackerel is used. It was carefully baked and the skin was crispy. Also, although it is not a set meal, the garnished omelet that came with the mini tuna bowl is exquisitely cooked! (The inside is a little half-life) and it was insanely delicious. Also, the quality and management of the tuna is good, and the dark-colored bright sashimi. Probably cut out from the fence for each order. Hachinohe ramen is just such a ramen. It's a simple ramen that is convincing.
悠一五十嵐 on Google

ほのかに煮干しの香りがする昔懐かしの八戸ラーメンとマグロ丼のセット。 特にマグロ丼は都内唯一の水産卸市場に店を構えるだけあってしっとりでねっとり。 これでなんと1,050円だからそりゃ日本もデフレだわと思いながら、堪能いたしました。
A set of old-fashioned Hachinohe ramen and tuna bowl with a faint scent of dried sardines. In particular, the tuna bowl is moist and moist because it has a store in the only fishery wholesale market in Tokyo. This is a whopping 1,050 yen, so I enjoyed it while thinking that Japan was also deflationary.
る“み” on Google

初めてお伺いしましたが、大体の客がお仕事で市場に来る方。 ですが一般客にも親切で入りやすかったです! メニュー表はなく、壁に貼ってあるだけのようでしたので先にメニュー決めてから行った方が良いかも。 ラーメンとミニマグロ丼を注文しました。 朝からでも食べられるほっとする味。 今度は天丼を頼んでみたいと思います!
I visited for the first time, but most of the customers come to the market for work. However, it was kind to the general public and easy to enter! There is no menu table, it seems that it is just pasted on the wall, so it may be better to decide the menu first. I ordered ramen and mini tuna bowl. A relaxing taste that can be eaten even in the morning. Next time I would like to order a tendon bowl!
Hausser Mrus on Google

I visited when it rained on weekdays. I was the only customer, so I was able to calm down and eat. The clerk was very amiable, which was very different from the unfriendlyness of the neighbor Toku * ya. I made a set of ramen and mini tuna bowl, but the taste was good and the volume was great. By all means, it is one of the shops I would like to visit again.

ラーメン、ミニマグロ丼セットを注文。ラーメンは朝食べると丁度いいくらいのあっさり感。ラーメンが霞むぐらいマグロ丼がうますぎでした。マグロ関連のメニューは全部期待できると思います。 見た感じ海鮮丼はあまりコスパはよくなさそうでした。
I ordered ramen and mini tuna bowl set. Ramen is just right when you eat it in the morning. The tuna bowl was so delicious that the ramen was hazy. I think you can expect all the tuna-related menus. As I saw it, the seafood bowl didn't seem to have a good cost performance.
yo ma on Google

市場で買い物の帰り、朝早くからやっているこちらへ。 八戸ラーメンとミニどんぶりセットを注文。 八戸ラーメンはシンプルな中華そば。 ミニどんぶりは選択可能でマグロ丼。 ミニどんぶり気に入りました〜 連れはメバル定食。 旬の魚で小ぶりだか、身はしっかり。
After shopping at the market, go here early in the morning. I ordered Hachinohe ramen and a mini bowl set. Hachinohe ramen is a simple Chinese noodle. Mini bowl is selectable and tuna bowl. I like the mini bowl ~ The companion is a rockfish set meal. It's a small seasonal fish, but it's solid.
Craig White on Google

J.F.Y. Family on Google

Absolutely amazing ‘Tendon’ (Tempura on rice) ! The best Tendon!

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