Sendai Red Cross Hospital - Sendai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sendai Red Cross Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-43-3 Yagiyamahoncho, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 982-8501
Webサイト :

2 Chome-43-3 Yagiyamahoncho, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-8501, Japan
Midori Igarasi on Google

初めての妊娠と出産で利用しました。 産婦人科は毎回予約していても 1時間は待たされるのはザラでありました。 大きな病院なので仕方ないかと。 出産後は2日目から赤ちゃんと一緒に 過ごします 授乳室があって母乳育児を推奨してるためか 助産師さん?看護婦さん?が、熱心に サポートしてくださります。 しかしとても親身になって サポートしてくださるいい方となんで そんなにキツイ言い方しかできないのかと 思う様な方がいました。 そしてそういう方にかぎり授乳室の奥で 患者の悪口 同僚の仕事が遅いと悪口 仕事中に関係のない話をしていました。 同じく入院していて友達になった方とも その人達キツイよねと話になりましたし クレームとして報告しようかと迷いましたが 自分の赤ちゃんに意地悪されてしまうかもと 思い我慢しました………………………… 入院中はその方々がいる日は本当に本当に ストレスでした。
It was used for the first pregnancy and childbirth. Even if obstetrics and gynecology department makes a reservation every time It was Zara to be kept waiting for one hour. I can not help it because it is a large hospital. With your baby from the second day after childbirth Spend Is there a nursing room to recommend breastfeeding? Midwife? Are you a nurse? But eagerly Please support it. But very friendly Why do you support me I can only say so tight There was a person who thought. And only in such people at the back of the nursing room Patient's bad mouth Bad job when a colleague's work is late I talked unrelated things at work. Also in the same hospital who are friends It came to talk that people are tight I was wondering if I would report it as a claim May I be mean to my baby I felt patiently ..................... During hospitalization, the day when those people are really really It was stress.
たなべ on Google

小児科や内科で受診しました。 優しい先生で、看護師さんの対応も優しくはないが丁寧でした。 総合受付は、うーん、まあ事務的なのは仕方ないでしょうか。 病院はやはり古いですね・・・・ 妊婦さんが多いですよね、場所的に車の人が多いと思います。
I had a medical examination in pediatrics and internal medicine. He was a kind teacher, and the nurse's response was not kind, but he was polite. Well, the general reception can't be helped because it's clerical. The hospital is still old ... There are many pregnant women, I think there are many people in the car in terms of location.
ビームリサイクル on Google

親族が入院した際に、相部屋が空いているにも関わらず、「個室しか空いてない」と虚偽の説明を受けて多額の医療費を支払いました。 後から知ったことですが、病院側都合による差額ベッド費は支払わなくてもいいみたいです。 同じような被害者が出ないためにも、注意喚起する意味で書いておきます。
When my relatives were hospitalized, I received a false explanation that "only private rooms are available" even though the shared room was vacant, and paid a large amount of medical expenses. As I learned later, it seems that you don't have to pay the difference bed fee due to the hospital's convenience. I will write it as a reminder so that similar victims will not appear.
Aero Star on Google

今月、個人医の紹介で仙台赤十字病院で入院と手術をして頂きましたが、担当医も看護師さんも完全に事務的な医療しかしてもらえず患者さんに寄り添う医療ができてませんでした・・・。 私は、他にも疾患があり身障者1級の患者ですが、他の医療機関の担当の主治医には本当に心から感謝してます。 ちょと仙台赤十字病院さんと比較してはダメなのは解ってますが、その他の医療機関の主治医は手術の時から3日間私は集中治療室に居ましたが、ずっと3日間その主治医は家にも帰らずずっと私に寄り添ってくれてました。 勿論、固定した担当の看護師さんもずっと寄り添ってくれてましたが、正直仙台赤十字病院さんは、異なりました。 手術をした主治医は、手術後すぐに帰宅しました。 夜間の看護師さんに私はナースコールを押して痛みを訴えましたが、 痛み止めの点滴を何とか入れて貰えましたが、まだ痛みも酷くて痛み止めの追加を頼みましたが、「もう追加は無理です」と直接対面せずにマイク越しだけで言われ放置されました。 退院まで、点滴が終わったので何度かナースコールを押しても反応なかったり、点滴が終わった事を告げても30分以上放置されたりしてました。 患者さんが少なく病院事態も古く改修できないのも納得できました。
This month, I was introduced to a private doctor and had an operation and hospitalization at the Sendai Red Cross Hospital, but both the doctor in charge and the nurse received only completely clerical medical care, and I could not provide medical care that was close to the patient. .... I am a first-class patient with other illnesses and have a disability, but I am truly grateful to my doctor in charge of other medical institutions. I understand that it is not as good as Sendai Red Cross Hospital, but the doctors at other medical institutions stayed in the intensive care unit for 3 days from the time of surgery, but the doctor stayed at home for 3 days. He stayed close to me all the time without returning. Of course, the fixed nurse was always close to me, but honestly, Sendai Red Cross Hospital was different. The doctor who had the surgery returned home immediately after the surgery. I pushed the nurse call to the nurse at night and complained of pain, I managed to get a painkiller drip, but the pain was still severe and I asked for an additional painkiller, but I was told "I can't add it anymore" just through the microphone and left it alone. rice field. Until I was discharged from the hospital, the infusion was over, so even if I pressed the nurse call several times, it didn't respond, and even if I told that the infusion was over, I was left for more than 30 minutes. I was convinced that the number of patients was small and the hospital situation was old and could not be repaired.
みやなぎはる on Google

小児科さんでお世話になりました。 朝は8:30からの診療です。いろんな診療科があるため、朝はいろんな科で並びます。 お急ぎ診療の方は日赤さんの方がいいかもしれないです。 あとは看護師さん、先生たちとの相性もあると思います。 体調不良で娘はお世話になりました。 迅速な対応でもあり、家にいても心配だと話したら入院させてくださいました。 熱も高く、38度39度がずっと続いていて咳もひどい。 このご時世、熱が出ると必ずPCR検査を受けます。(入院時) 子供だから、点滴すると必ず泣きます。 うちも泣きました。ですが、そこは母と先生、看護師さんとの連携プレーです!! 子供が小さいため、付き添い入院でした。 小さなベッドで母子共に寝ます。寝相悪い子だと蹴られます。私も蹴られました(笑) もし入院となったら、感染症の子以外はプレイルームで遊べます。 何もなくても絵本やおもちゃなど病室で遊ぶことも出来ます。 DVDも見られます。(アメニティカードで) 保育士さんがいるので、もしお母さんがシャワー行きたい場合は平日のみ子供を見てて貰えます。 夜景、朝焼け。窓際だと景色がキレイです。 枕は持参した方がいいです。 私も娘を産むとき産婦人科で日赤さんでお世話になりました!! これも相性です。 つわりが酷く入院したいと言いましたが、まだ入院するレベルではないとのこと。 先生が言ってることはごもっともです!! 確かに待ち時間が長いですが、待ち時間を短くしたいなら朝イチで予約した方が断然早いです。 埋まっている場合もありますけど。 私はいい病院だなと思います。 日赤さんで小児科を受診すると何かあったとき、電話してから状況報告すれば、もしかしたら土日祝日でもみてもらえます。 今度から日赤さんでお世話になろうかと思いました。ですがこのご時世なので、色んな人たちがいますので感染対策はしっかりしてください。 まぁ…大人でも体調不良にならない事が一番大事ですね。
Thank you for your help in pediatrics. Medical treatment starts at 8:30 in the morning. Since there are various clinical departments, we line up in various departments in the morning. For those who are in a hurry, Mr. JRCS may be better. I also think that it goes well with nurses and teachers. My daughter was taken care of because I was not feeling well. It was a quick response, and when I told him I was worried even at home, I was hospitalized. I have a high fever, and my cough is terrible at 38 degrees and 39 degrees. At this time of the year, whenever I have a fever, I undergo a PCR test. (At the time of admission) As a child, I always cry when I drip it. We cried too. However, there is a collaborative play between my mother, teacher, and nurse !! Because my child was small, I was hospitalized with him. Both mother and child sleep in a small bed. You will be kicked if you are a poor sleeper. I was kicked too (laughs) If you are hospitalized, you can play in the playroom except for children with infectious diseases. You can also play in the hospital room with picture books and toys without anything. You can also watch DVDs. (With amenity card) There is a nursery teacher, so if the mother wants to go to the shower, she can see her child only on weekdays. Night view, sunrise. The scenery is beautiful near the window. You should bring your own pillow. When I gave birth to my daughter, I was taken care of by Mr. JRCS in the obstetrics and gynecology department !! This is also compatible. He said he wanted to be hospitalized because of morning sickness, but he said he was not at the level of hospitalization yet. What the teacher is saying is reasonable !! Certainly the waiting time is long, but if you want to shorten the waiting time, it is much faster to make a reservation in the morning. It may be buried, though. I think it's a good hospital. If something happens when you go to the pediatrics department of the JRCS, you can call and report the situation, and you can see it on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I thought I would like to take care of Mr. Nikka from now on. However, since it is this time of the year, there are various people, so please take proper measures against infection. Well ... It's most important that even adults don't get sick.
tm kn on Google

他の産婦人科に通っていましたが、医師の判断により総合病院の方が安心とのことから仙台赤十字病院を紹介され、途中からの妊婦健診、出産とお世話になりました。 良いクチコミも悪いクチコミもありますが、私自身の感想としてはこちらで出産出来て良かった。と思っています。 妊婦健診では、エコー写真を貰えません。自身で写真撮影することになりますが、凄く丁寧に診てくれます。健診はほぼ毎回医師が異なりましたが、どの先生も説明をしっかりしていただけるので、凄く安心します。 初診は待ち時間だいぶありましたが、次回以降は基本的に早かったです。 出産の際は、陣痛中実習生の受け入れを了承したこともあり、実習生が付き添いでずっとサポートしてくれたのが大きかったです。彼女たちが一人前の助産師となったら出産時お願いしたいな。と思うほどのサポート。私の他に2人出産が重なった状況ではありながらも、病院の助産師さんもちょくちょく見に来てくれてました。 入院に関しては、他の総合病院はどうかわかりませんが、個人の産院よりは入院準備物が多いかもしれません。入院中、毎日回診があるので、産後の痛みのことやら胸のトラブルも含めて相談できる体制は良かったです。 出産翌日から母子同室となり、授乳の時間に授乳室へ行くなど、正直忙しいです。隙間時間に洗濯やシャワーをして。となるので、ほぼ寝た気がしませんでした。 それでも24時間(清掃時間を除く)授乳室に行けて、授乳のサポートをしていただけるのは心強く。胸のトラブルがあり産後メンタルで泣きそうになる時もありましたが、助産師さんがしっかりマッサージをしてくれたりと。優しくて、優しさに泣きそうになることがかなりありました。笑 総合的に判断して、良かったと感じています。 次の出産時引っ越し等で遠くなっていなければまたお世話になりたいと思ってます。
I attended other obstetrics and gynecology departments, but at the doctor's discretion, I was introduced to the Sendai Red Cross Hospital because the general hospital was more secure, and I was taken care of by the maternity examination and childbirth from the middle. There are good reviews and bad reviews, but my own impression is that I was able to give birth here. I think. You cannot get an echo photo at the pregnancy checkup. You will have to take a picture yourself, but they will look very carefully. The doctors were different almost every time, but I am very relieved that all the teachers can explain it well. There was a lot of waiting time for the first visit, but it was basically early after the next visit. At the time of childbirth, I accepted the acceptance of trainees during labor, so it was great that the trainees accompanied me and supported me all the time. If they become full-fledged midwives, I would like to ask them at the time of childbirth. Support as much as I think. The midwife at the hospital often came to see me, even though I had two children. Regarding hospitalization, I don't know about other general hospitals, but there may be more preparations for hospitalization than individual maternity hospitals. Since I have rounds every day during hospitalization, it was good to have a system where I could talk about postpartum pain and chest problems. From the day after giving birth, the mother and child are in the same room, and I am honestly busy, such as going to the breastfeeding room during breastfeeding time. Do the laundry and shower in the gap time. So I didn't feel like I was asleep. Even so, it is encouraging to be able to go to the nursing room for 24 hours (excluding cleaning time) and support breastfeeding. There were times when I had a chest problem and was mentally crying after giving birth, but the midwife gave me a good massage. It was kind and I was almost crying for kindness. Lol Judging comprehensively, I feel good. I would like to take care of you again if I am not far away due to moving at the time of the next childbirth.
sanサク on Google

I don't want to add a single star. The other day, on my way home from the office, I seemed to have a broken arm and was refused by any hospital, so I consulted with the JRCS Hospital, who was a night shift doctor in orthopedics. What a surprise answer that I want you to hit another because it is useless now. Did you refuse even if you went directly without inquiring by phone? No matter what the night shift doctor is, the JRCS Hospital is full of distrust. In the end, the fracture was confirmed at the Sendai City Emergency Center, which has only a surgeon. The issue of hospital integration in Sendai City has been talked about, but until now, I had the opposite opinion, but in such a response, do you say, "Which sword should be lowered to take charge of regional medical care?" There is no problem even if it is integrated, I just have the impression.

When I went to Red Cross hospital . I get we'll respond and active ness staff they help each other.

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