Sendai Power Station - Sendai

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sendai Power Station

住所 :

1 Chome-4-1 Minato, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0001, Japan

Postal code : 983-0001
Webサイト :

1 Chome-4-1 Minato, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0001, Japan
Tadao Noda on Google

As a subject
狩野将太 on Google

Nobu on Google

日本の屋台骨 製鉄所 暑くて最高!
Japanese food frame Steel mill It's hot and great!
うえ on Google

脱火力発電を目指す昨今の情勢に背いてわざわざアセスメント対象にならない限界の発電量でローテクな発電所を作る首都圏の意図が分からない。 日本の環境を破壊したいのか? とにかく、一刻も早くこの現状が改善されることを望む.
It is unclear what the metropolitan area intends to build a low-tech power plant with a limit of the amount of power generation that is not subject to the assessment, contrary to the current situation of aiming for power generation with fire-fighting power. Do you want to destroy the Japanese environment? Anyway, I hope that this situation will be improved as soon as possible.
satoshi A on Google

As the world aims to decarbonize, it is a product of anachronism built by a power company in Kansai in the disaster area. Is it a sign of guilt that the mysterious name of "Sendai Power Station" instead of "Sendai Coal Power Plant"?
Y. T. on Google

関西電力と伊藤忠グループが、出力11.2万kWの石炭火力発電所を建設中。2017年10月の営業運転開始予定。 長谷川公一氏らによると、年間約 32 万トンの石炭(硫黄含有率 0.673%)を使用し、年間 2000 トンを超える硫黄を排出。硫黄酸化物(SOx)、窒素酸化物(NOx)、オキシダント、PM2.5による周辺地域の環境汚染が懸念される。 しかし、事業者は地元への環境アセスなし。
Kansai Electric Power and the ITOCHU Group are constructing a coal-fired power plant with an output of 112,000 kW. Scheduled to start commercial operation in October 2017. According to Mr. Koichi Hasegawa and others, approximately 320,000 tons of coal (sulfur content 0.673%) is used annually and more than 2000 tons of sulfur are emitted annually. There is concern about environmental pollution in the surrounding area due to sulfur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide (NOx), oxidant, and PM2.5. However, the operator has no environmental assessment to the local area.
Moli Lizhi (茉莉茘枝) on Google

宮城県、および仙台市市民として「良薬口に苦し」として見るべき建物です。仙台市民にはよい教訓として★★★★★の建物です。 建設当時に次のような批判がありました。 宮城県および仙台市の条例の整備が遅れていること利用し、関西では建てられない工場を建て、生成物は関西で使用する」といわれていました。 きっと従業員は宮城県住人だから憎めない。
This is a building that should be viewed as a "good drug mouth" as a Miyagi prefecture and Sendai city citizen. This is a good lesson for Sendai citizens. There were the following criticisms at the time of construction. It was said that the development of the ordinances in Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City was delayed, a factory that cannot be built in Kansai was built, and the product was used in Kansai. I am sure that employees are resident in Miyagi Prefecture, so I hate them.
komet on Google

当初仙台市民の反対を受けていたが強引に関西電力が仙台に建設してしまった。このような二酸化炭素を大量に排出する施設を他人様の土地に建設し金儲けをすることに仙台市民は憤慨していた。その数年後、関西電力の不祥事が明らかになり、多額の金品を幹部が受領していることが発覚した。 この施設もたった数人の人間だけが恩恵を受ける汚い金のために 建てられたのだろうか? 即時解体を望みます。
Initially, it was opposed by the citizens of Sendai, but Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. forcibly built it in Sendai. Sendai citizens were indignant at making money by constructing a facility that emits a large amount of carbon dioxide on the land of others. A few years later, the scandal of Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. was revealed, and it was discovered that executives were receiving a large amount of money. This facility also benefits for dirty money that only a few people benefit from Was it built? I hope for immediate dismantling.

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