焼鳥 我妻

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼鳥 我妻

住所 :

Sendagaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Sendagaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-0051 Tokyo,Japan
Riho Okada on Google

とても美味しかったです。 大将のお人柄もステキです。 行きつけのお店の一つにさせていただきます?
It was very delicious. The personality of the general is also wonderful. I will make it one of my favorite shops ?
great scott on Google

お店がシンプルでおしゃれ。十分に間隔が取られた席と奥行きのあるカウンター、焼き鳥屋さんというより和食割烹のようなゆったりとした居心地は、誰かを連れて行く時にとても重宝しそうです。 ランチで伺ったのですが、付け合わせの鶏スープが本当に美味しくて夜の焼き鳥にも期待、お店の方もとても雰囲気がよかったです。 2020年の暮れにオープンされたばかりのお店だそうで、人気が出る前に行けてよかったです。
The shop is simple and fashionable. The well-spaced seats, the deep counter, and the spacious cozy atmosphere of Japanese cuisine rather than the yakitori restaurant seem to come in handy when you bring someone. I visited for lunch, and the chicken soup with the garnish was really delicious, and I expected yakitori at night, and the restaurant had a very nice atmosphere. It seems that the store just opened in late 2020, so I'm glad I could go there before it became popular.
hidenori f on Google

I don't want to tell you because it's harder to make reservations than now, it's so delicious.
141 on Google

美味しかったです。 お酒が飲めるようになってからは行けてませんが、またお邪魔します。
It was delicious. I haven't been able to go since I was able to drink, but I'll bother you again.
super-K on Google

この辺りでは1番の焼鳥屋。 コスパも良く満足して帰れると思います。
The number one yakitori restaurant around here. I think that the cost performance will be very satisfying and you will be able to return home.
大森智幸 on Google

メチャメチャ美味しかったです! 特にせせりとレバーが絶品でした! また来ます!?
It was delicious! Especially the lever was excellent! I'll come back later! ?
R Kojima on Google

This is a wonderful yakitori restaurant in everything. Cleanliness, the shop owner feels good. Service is good. It tastes good. That's why it's almost full.
LAM G on Google

何を食べても美味しくて驚きました。 特に、レバーに感動。 あと、燻製のチーズも必食です。 お店で燻製をしてるそうなので、次回は他の燻製メニューも頂きたいです。
I was surprised that it was delicious no matter what I ate. Especially impressed with the lever. Also, smoked cheese is a must. It seems that they are smoking at the shop, so next time I would like to have another smoked menu.

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