
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉きただ

住所 :

Senbayashi, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0012 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
街 : Osaka

Senbayashi, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0012 Osaka,Japan
カープ愛 on Google

It ’s delicious.
teruo mashiro on Google

千林大宮にあるとは思えない美味しさ! 隠れメニューも色々。 おススメ!
The deliciousness that can't be expected from Senbayashi Omiya! There are various hidden menus. Recommended!
yasuo minami on Google

Not expensive or large in quantity per item. Employees also feel good.
バニリッチバニプッチ on Google

とにかく筆舌に尽くしがたい美味しさです…! いつ行っても常連さんが多いのですが、かと言って入りにくいことはありません。心地よい距離感で気持ちの良い接客をしてくださいます。 そして質を考えたら破格です。すごいお店です。
Anyway, it's an inexhaustible taste ...! There are many regulars no matter where you go, but it is not difficult to enter. Please provide a pleasant customer service with a comfortable distance. And if you think about quality, it is exceptional. It is a great shop.
竹城時未 on Google

安くて美味しくて、お店の雰囲気も良くて、 めちゃくちゃいいお店です。 厚切りタンとハラミが特に美味しい♡ 2週連続で来ても飽きないお店^ - ^ ご夫婦でお店をされてますが、 どちらも話しやすくて楽しい方で ほんとにおすすめ^ - ^
Cheap and delicious, the atmosphere of the shop is good, It's a very good shop. Thick sliced ​​tongue and halami are especially delicious ♡ A store that never gets tired even if you come for two consecutive weeks ^-^ The couple is doing the shop, Both are easy to talk and fun Really recommended ^-^
ガチャピンぴん on Google

I went to lunch for the first time in a while before the spread prevention was over and it was closed ... PayPay is now available. Oh, I went to lunch ... sorry, I quit lunch,
nanasemom on Google

The charcoal-grilled tongue, thick-sliced ​​meat, namul, and soup were all delicious! The meat served was very thick and the appearance was beautiful and my heart was thrilled. I was very satisfied with the delicious taste, eyes and taste, and the wonderful personality. I also had my child follow me. Thank you very much. I will definitely go again.
たまちゃん on Google

料理が美味しいのは勿論ですが、マスターが明るく、とても気さくな方で、アットホームな雰囲気に癒やされるお店です。 個人で来ても、友達同士やカップル、家族連れで来ても良いと思います。 マスターの人柄と人望がこの雰囲気を作り出しているのでしょうね。 つい通いたくなる…そんなお店です。
Of course, the food is delicious, but the master is cheerful and very friendly, and it is a restaurant where you can relax in a cozy atmosphere. You can come individually, or with friends, couples, or families. The personality and desire of the master may have created this atmosphere. I want to go there ... It's such a shop.

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