そば処 幸寿

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 幸寿

住所 :

Sekibe, Shirakawa, 〒961-0021 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/koju114285/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Sekibe, Shirakawa, 〒961-0021 Fukushima,Japan
ぱろ on Google

アナゴの天ぷら、大きくてふっくら、とても美味でした。 その他の天ぷらも◎。お蕎麦もしっかりとした喉ごしで、気に入りました??
The conger eel tempura was big and plump, and it was very delicious. Other tempura is also ◎. The soba also has a firm throat and I like it ??
shinyasato64 on Google

腰のあるお蕎麦で好みです! もう少し蕎麦の味があればなお良し! 天ぷらも美味しかった!
I like the chewy soba noodles! It would be even better if there was a little more soba taste! The tempura was also delicious!
とちぎのキタキツネ on Google

仕事で移動中に立ち寄ってみました。 野菜天が好きなので、野菜天ぷら蕎麦を注文。蕎麦は腰が有りますが、蕎麦感は薄いです。肝心の野菜天は4〜5種類で季節感が無く、ちょっと残念。全て2個づつ付いていたので、飽きるしお腹がキツくなりました。内容に工夫が欲しいですね(^^)
I stopped by while traveling for work. I like vegetable tempura, so I ordered vegetable tempura soba. Soba is chewy, but the soba feel is light. There are 4 to 5 kinds of vegetable heavens, which is a bit disappointing because there is no sense of season. I got tired of it and got hungry because all of them came with two. I want some ingenuity in the content (^^)
中原悟 on Google

幸寿 (コウジュ) に行ってみました。 白河ではラーメンが有名ですが、ここの穴子の天ぷらが有名です。 思ったより空いていました。 テーブル席と小上がりあります。 テーブル席の奥の方にお客さんが固まっていました。大きな急須や仙台四郎の像が飾ってありました。 お得なおすすめセットがありました。 海老天茄子南瓜の天丼とそば寿1100円と穴子天ざる1620円を注文しました。 穴子天ざるの穴子は30センチくらいありました。 蕎麦は普通です。 穴子は流石に大きすぎました。 やっぱり程々が良いですね。 天丼も普通でした。
I went to Koju. Ramen is famous in Shirakawa, but conger eel tempura here is also famous. It was more vacant than I expected. There are table seats and small rises. There were customers in the back of the table seats. A large Kyusu and a statue of Shiro Sendai were displayed. There was a great value recommended set. I ordered a bowl of shrimp tempura pumpkin, soba noodles for 1100 yen, and conger eel for 1620 yen. The conger eel of Tenzaru was about 30 cm. Soba is normal. The conger eel was too big for me. After all it is good. Tendon was also normal.
k sato on Google

穴子の天ぷらが丼からはみ出すことでTVで紹介されているお店ですが、年齢的に胸焼けがすると思い、ざるそばを注文しました。日本そばは一般的に量が少ないので大盛りにしたところ、真っ白なそばでしたが、非常に量が多くて完食する頃にはお腹が破裂しそうでした。 入り口の坂が非常に急で、道路に出る時にバンパーを擦ってしまいました。出入りの際は注意が必要です。
The restaurant is introduced on TV because the conger eel tempura sticks out of the bowl, but I ordered Zaru soba because I thought it would cause heartburn due to my age. Japanese soba is generally small in quantity, so when I made a large serving, it was pure white soba, but the amount was so large that my stomach seemed to burst by the time I finished eating. The slope at the entrance was very steep and I rubbed the bumper when I got out on the road. Be careful when entering and exiting.
Hiro on Google

客が途絶えない、手打ち蕎麦屋!! 雨が降っていても次から次客は途絶えません。駐車場も広くて道路を挟み両脇に停められます。ただし、お店を土盛りして高くしてるので、出る時は車の下を擦るので要注意!! 約30センチの穴子天丼が食べたくて行きましたが、手打ち蕎麦とあったので蕎麦が食べたくなりセットメニューにしました。海老天、茄子、南瓜の天丼と蕎麦。手打ち蕎麦が美味い。つるつる食感で喉越しも良く、透明な感じがします。海老天も大きいし、茄子、南瓜もカラッと揚がり、油っぽくなく、後味お新香でさっぱり。締は蕎麦湯で蕎麦の風味を楽しめて満足です。
A handmade soba restaurant where customers never stop! !! Even if it is raining, the next customers will not stop. The parking lot is large and can be parked on both sides of the road. However, since the shop is filled with soil and raised, be careful as you rub under the car when you leave! !! I wanted to eat a conger eel tendon of about 30 cm, but I wanted to eat soba because it was handmade soba, so I made it a set menu. Shrimp tempura, eggplant, squash bowl and soba noodles. The handmade soba is delicious. It has a smooth texture and feels smooth and transparent. The shrimp tempura is big, the eggplant and squash are crispy, not oily, and the aftertaste is refreshing. I am satisfied that I can enjoy the flavor of soba in soba hot water.
おーちゃん on Google

It's a beautiful white soba noodle from Sarashina. It has a moderate elasticity and is delicious. Besides soba, conger eel tempura seems to be famous, and one whole fried conger eel comes out, but the batter is crispy and the contents are delicious. It is also good to have it in a bowl of rice.
hide 41 on Google

ミックス天丼をいただきました。丼から豪快にはみ出した穴子に怯んだが、油がいいのか思ったよりしつこく無く完食できました。蕎麦もコシ・香りあり美味しかったです。 店の入口がかなりの急坂になっており、気を使って入っても行きも帰りもフロントを擦りました…極端なローダウン車での来店は止めた方がいいです。
I had a mixed tendon bowl. I was frightened by the conger eel that brilliantly squeezed out of the bowl, but I was able to finish the meal less persistently than I thought the oil was good. The buckwheat noodles were also chewy and fragrant and delicious. The entrance to the store is quite steep, and I rubbed the front on both the way back and forth, even if I was careful ... You should stop coming to the store with an extreme low-down car.

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