Seiyu - Chikuma

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seiyu

住所 :

1205-1 Awasa, Chikuma, Nagano 387-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 387-0006
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1205-1 Awasa, Chikuma, Nagano 387-0006, Japan
のら猫Stray cat on Google

I think Seiyu is a store with a large selection of products. There is also a rest area inside the store. There are also a laundry shop and a women's clothing shop, so it will be convenient for housewives to buy. However, the aisles of multiple aboveground parking lots and rooftop parking lots are intricate, and it is a bit scary if you do not pay enough attention to driving inside.
宮坂恵美 on Google

I use it less often because it's a little far from my house, but I use it when I need sweets for gifts.
泰弘 on Google

店内は広く、通路も広く買い物しやすい作りです。 照明も野菜売り場は少し暗く、お菓子売り場等は明るめとしてある様に感じました。(個人感想です。) 価格は商品の質と対比して適当か安いです、商品は生鮮も乾物も生活用品も良いとおもいます。
The store is large and the aisles are wide, making it easy to shop. As for the lighting, the vegetable section was a little dark, and the sweets section was bright. (It is an individual impression.) The price is reasonable or cheap compared to the quality of the product, and I think that the product is good for fresh food, dried food, and daily necessities.
やまもとなおひろ on Google

24時間で都合が良い 値段が安い 西友お墨付き品は安い 食品の他百貨有り便利
Convenient in 24 hours, cheap, Seiyu certified products are cheap, and there are department stores in addition to food.
アシストジャパン on Google

Open 24 hours. The parking lot is large so it's easy to shop.
チビブタ子 on Google

たまに牛乳が安い時があったり、お惣菜コーナーにメニューボードがあり新しいお惣菜がそこに表示してあるのでとても 便利です。 たまに割引をやっていますが レジの人が「割引しますか?」と言ったら素直に応じないと失敗します。疑問に思ってはいけません。
Sometimes milk is cheap, and there is a menu board in the side dish corner where new side dishes are displayed, which is very convenient. I sometimes give discounts, but when the cashier asks "Do you want to discount?", I will fail if I do not respond obediently. Don't wonder.
ぶたこのこ on Google

過去10年の間に、2〜3回しか来店?したことがありません。 そのうちの、楽天グループの傘下に入ってから、来店?した時のことです! 用事を済ませた帰り、この店に訪れて。 たったペットボトル一本?買うだけなのに、会計する時、店員の方が、嫌な顔一つせずに接客してくれました! 正直、沢山買うわけではなかったから、恥ずかしかったのですが、気持ち良く買って帰れました??! 今度この店に来店する際は沢山品物を買って帰りたいと思います??!
I've only visited the store a couple of times in the last 10 years ?. It was when I came to the store ? after joining the Rakuten Group! After finishing the errands, visit this shop. I only bought one PET bottle ?, but when I checked out, the clerk served me without a disgusting face! To be honest, I was embarrassed because I didn't buy a lot, but I bought it comfortably and went home ??! When I come to this store next time, I would like to buy a lot of goods and go home ??!
anuttaratrine on Google

夜8時以降は西友様のおかげ買い物できる。これは大変助かる。 要望としては、他スーパーでは空き缶の回収をしているところがある。西友でもやってほしい。 休憩用にベンチがあるのは好ましいが常にお客が出入りする入り口の目の前にあるため、落ち着かない。脇に移してもらえるとうれしい。
After 8 pm, you can shop thanks to Seiyu. This is very helpful. As a request, other supermarkets are collecting empty cans. I want Seiyu to do it too. It's preferable to have a bench for a break, but it's always in front of the entrance where customers come and go, so it's uncomfortable. I'd be happy if you could move it aside.

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