産直市場 ヤマサン

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 産直市場 ヤマサン

住所 :

Kamitokuma, Chikuma, 〒389-0805 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.shinsyuyamasan.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Kamitokuma, Chikuma, 〒389-0805 Nagano,Japan
くろねこくろねこ on Google

いつもこんでいます 野菜やフルーツが沢山あります。県外の人から見たら楽しいと思います。
There are a lot of vegetables and fruits that are always packed. I think it's fun for people outside the prefecture.
san kobu on Google

地元の野菜、果物が並んでいます 千曲市は玉ねぎ生産者が多いので安く買う事が出来ます 他にも加工商品なども販売しています
Local vegetables and fruits are lined up. Chikuma City has many onion producers, so you can buy it cheaply. We also sell processed products.
B H on Google

It is a supermarket for everyday use by locals. There are also local vegetables, so even tourists can easily visit. The chiffon cake that was sold out was delicious and I wanted to eat it!
Masaki Iwata on Google

千曲市の国道18号線沿いに有ります。 地元農家の新鮮な農作物や山菜などを販売していて地域住民御用達の店です。 今日は我が家に息子夫婦が夕飯を食べに来るので、旬のたらの芽とコシアブラを買いに行きました。 朝9時開店ですが、10分前にはもう開店待ちの行列が! 無くならないか心配しましたが、けっこうな量が有ったので買うことが出来ました。 これで今夜は美味しい山菜の天ぷらを息子たちに食べさせてあげられます。 価格も他のスーパーや道の駅などよりリーズナブルです。
It is located along National Route 18 in Chikuma City. It is a purveyor to local residents, selling fresh agricultural products and wild plants from local farmers. My son and his wife are coming to our house for dinner today, so I went to buy seasonal tara sprouts and cosia bra. The store opens at 9 am, but 10 minutes before the store is waiting in line! I was worried that it wouldn't disappear, but I was able to buy it because there was a fair amount. Now I can feed my sons delicious edible wild plants tempura tonight. The price is also more reasonable than other supermarkets and roadside stations.
みいちゃん on Google

I wanted to buy apples and grapes as souvenirs, so I asked the person at the inn where I stayed. It's not that big, but it's very fresh and nice. I bought an apple from Nagano Purple and Toshina Dolce. I was able to buy a good one at a price that was easy to buy.
Kみるく on Google

久し振りに行ってみましたが、野菜が主なお店だとばかり思っていましたが、色んな商品が置いてあり、便利なお店だなぁ➰と感じました。 サービスエリアで販売しているようなお土産と大豆唐揚げを買ってきました。 レジは購入したい商品を載せる場所に置くと金額が出て、自分でお金を投入するとお釣りとレシートが出てくる仕組みでした。 コロナ対策もしっかりとられていて、安心なお店でした。
I went there for the first time in a while, and I thought that vegetables were the main shop, but I felt that it was a convenient shop with various products. I bought souvenirs and fried soybeans like those sold in the service area. When you put the item you want to buy at the cash register, the amount of money will come out, and if you put in the money yourself, you will get change and receipt. It was a safe shop with good measures against corona.
Tatsuya T. on Google

地元新鮮野菜をお安く買える市民の味方的市場です。 駐車場もそこそこ広く、店内は新鮮野菜はもちろんのこと、見切り品なども売られていて、見てるだけでも楽しくなるお店でした。 次から次へと地元生産者の方が納品に来られており、時間帯に関係なく品揃えが良いと思いました。
It is a citizen's ally market where you can buy fresh local vegetables at a low price. The parking lot is fairly large, and not only fresh vegetables but also closeouts are sold inside the store, so it was a fun shop just to look at. Local producers came to deliver one after another, and I thought that the product lineup was good regardless of the time of day.

初めて寄りましたが、からしだいこんが、安く買えましたよ(゜∀゜) 地元のからしだいこん、うどんと食べたいですね♪ 他の品も安く、店内もコロナ対策して、レジも自動会計マシンになっており、安心して買い物出来ました(*^ー゜)
I stopped by for the first time, but I was able to buy a mustard radish cheaply (゜ ∀ ゜) I want to eat with local mustard radish and udon ♪ Other items are cheap, the inside of the store is also a corona countermeasure, and the cash register is also an automatic accounting machine, so I was able to shop with confidence (* ^ ゜)

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