Seiwadai Animal Clinic - Kawanishi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

[清和台動物病院] 兵庫県川西市の動物病院 -


Contact Seiwadai Animal Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-1-9 Seiwadaihigashi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0142, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877988
Postal code : 666-0142
Webサイト :

5 Chome-1-9 Seiwadaihigashi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0142, Japan
渋谷容子 on Google

I used a pet hotel, but after seeing it properly, I got a photo report and came back.
大石さつき on Google

頼りにできるドクター、看護師さんにいつもお世話になっています。 最後まできっちり診ていただけます。
I am always indebted to the reliable doctors and nurses. You can have a thorough examination until the end.
杉村恵美 on Google

かかりつけの動物病院から、目の専門病院ということで紹介され受診しました。 丁寧に診察、説明をしてくださり安心できました。
I was introduced to the hospital by my veterinary hospital because it was an eye hospital. I was relieved to have a careful examination and explanation.
富山ユカリ on Google

I think it's a professional hospital with some doctors and specialized doctors.
ヲルヲル on Google

猫4匹がお世話になりました。 いつも丁寧で、安心して任せられる先生ばかりです。
Four cats were taken care of. All the teachers are always polite and can be entrusted with peace of mind.
ツラユキ on Google

The teacher depends on the person, but he is seen by a very nice person. The reception is disappointing. "It's a holiday, isn't it? I know, but I thought it might be an abnormal situation, and the teacher told me to come, but this response. Please choose the receptionist and hire.
K K on Google

本当に動物の事を、それから飼い主の心情まで大切に対応してくださり、我が家が通える範囲では清和台動物病院以上の病院はないと思っています。 愛犬たちも心が伝わるのか、先生を信頼し、とても懐いているようで、患者さんが多いのできっとすごくお忙しいだろうと感じる中、ご親切なご対応にいつも心から感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 完全に私事ですが、家人に車を使える者が一人しかいないので、なかなか老犬の薬を取りに行けず、せっかくベストなご対応をしてくださっているのに、申し訳ない限りです。 いつもお世話になります。これからも是非よろしくお願い致します。
He really cares about animals and the feelings of their owners, and I don't think there is a hospital better than Seiwadai Animal Hospital as far as I can go. I wonder if my dogs can convey their hearts, and they trust the teacher and seem to be very fond of them. I feel that they will be very busy because there are many patients, but I am always full of gratitude for their kind support. It's completely private, but since there is only one family member who can use a car, I'm sorry that I couldn't go to get the medicine for the old dog and gave me the best response. Always thank you for your help. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Jarod Temple on Google

My dog was sick and got lots of care here. The vets are very kind and helpful. But this place is quite busy and you will be waiting for a while.

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