猪名川動物医療センター - Kawabe District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 猪名川動物医療センター

住所 :

Yuda, Inagawa, Kawabe District, 〒666-0233 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Postal code : 666-0233
Webサイト : http://www.inagawa-animal.com/
街 : Hyogo

Yuda, Inagawa, Kawabe District, 〒666-0233 Hyogo,Japan
武田陽子 on Google

He is a very reliable doctor who gives you a gentle call and a thorough examination. But it's hard to get in and out of the parking lot.
子供未来党 林マリア ゆき on Google

Anyway, the teacher and one nurse are kind ❗ They treat both the owner and the pet well. I went around many houses and arrived here.
やま・あずき on Google

先代猫から、今で4匹目 みんなお世話になってます。看護師さんが、とても素敵です。
4th from the previous cat Everyone is indebted. The nurse is very nice.
Under Taylor on Google

この前保護した衰弱しきった赤ちゃん猫を診てもらおうと連れて行きました。 衰弱以外に右眼がおかしかったので、それを伝え診てもらいましたが、右眼は赤ちゃんの名残のもので日にちとともに良くなる、大丈夫といわれました。 その4日後、その右眼から大量の膿が出て、大量の涙が出てきました。 その翌日の日曜日、急遽別の動物病院で親切丁寧に診察、説明を受けたところ、膿が角膜を破って外に出てしまったので、角膜穿孔しているといわれました。 大人猫でしたら全身麻酔下での手術で予後良好とのことでしたが、赤ちゃん猫なので全身麻酔ができないないめ、内服薬と目薬での保存治療しか手段がないといわれ、治る見込みは何とも言えないといわれました。失明の可能性もありと...。 この保護した猫は長期にわたる治療が必要で、当初は里親探しも考慮しましたがこういう事態で、我が家で飼うことに決めました。 ここの先生がちゃんと診て適切な処置、処方をしてくれてたら、こんなことにはなってなかったかも...と思うと、ここに連れて行ってしまった自分への腹立たしさにどうにかなりそうです。 猫ちゃんには申し訳ないことをしたなと思い続けています。 今は、少しでも良くなるよう家族全員で目薬を頻繁にしてます。 家族全員で責任をもって、大事に大切に育てていきます。 追伸、二軒目の動物病院に二回目の診察に行ってきました。 残念ながら、赤ちゃん猫失明しました…。
The other day, I took him to see a debilitated baby cat that I had protected. Other than weakness, my right eye was strange, so I told him about it, but it was said that the right eye was a remnant of the baby and improved with the days. Four days later, a large amount of pus came out of his right eye and a lot of tears came out. The next Sunday, I was suddenly examined and explained at another veterinary hospital, and it was said that the cornea was perforated because pus broke through the cornea and went out. It was said that surgery under general anesthesia would have a good prognosis for adult cats, but since it is a baby cat, general anesthesia is not possible, and it is said that there is only conservative treatment with oral medicine and eye drops, so there is no hope that it will be cured. I was told. There is a possibility of blindness ... This protected cat needed long-term treatment, and at first I considered finding a foster parent, but in this situation I decided to keep it at home. If the teacher here had properly examined and prescribed appropriate treatment and prescription, it might not have happened like this ... I thought, I managed to get annoyed at myself who took me here. It looks like it will be. I keep thinking that I'm sorry for the cat. Now, the whole family is taking eye drops frequently to get better. The whole family will take responsibility and take good care of them. PS, I went to the second veterinary clinic for the second visit. Unfortunately, the baby cat was blind ...
田中りん on Google

他の病院で治らず諦めるよう言われましたが、納得いかず、受診しましたが、治らないと言われていたのが嘘かというほど、よくなりました。来てよかったです。とても信頼しています。 診察は早く先生の説明はスマートで分かりやすく、スタッフの方もとても優しくケアしてくださいます。
I was told to give up at another hospital, but I wasn't convinced, so I went to see a doctor, but it was a lie that I was told that it wouldn't heal. I'm glad I came. I trust you very much. The examination is quick, the teacher's explanation is smart and easy to understand, and the staff are very kind to me.
syua 0901 on Google

先生だけじゃなく看護師さんも動物に対してとても優しいです。診察券はなく 病院に入っただけで看護師さんが覚えてくれています。 うちの猫は違う病院で全然治らなかった症状が良くなり、今まで先生や看護師さんにたくさん話も聞いてもらいました。今も違う病気で通院中ですがずっとこちらに通いたいです。建物は古いですが、その分ベテランだと思ってます。
Not only teachers but also nurses are very kind to animals. There is no consultation ticket, and the nurse remembers just entering the hospital. My cat had a better condition at a different hospital that didn't heal at all. I am still going to the hospital for a different illness, but I want to go here forever. The building is old, but I think it's veteran.
Michi Imanaka on Google

とっても優しせんせいが診てくださいます。 口数は多くないですが,状態を簡潔にわかりやすく教えてくだり,取っても安心できる先生です。 動物に接しているときの先生の目がとっても優しいです。また,先生以外のスタッフの方々もいつもニコニコ気さくにお話ししやすいです。
Please see me very kindly. Although he doesn't speak much, he is a teacher who can teach the condition in a concise and easy-to-understand manner and can feel relieved even if he takes it. The teacher's eyes are very gentle when in contact with animals. In addition, staff members other than the teacher are always friendly and easy to talk to.
辻淑子 on Google

I'm glad that both the teacher and the nurse were kind. It's my first time to have a dog, so I'm glad that you taught me politely even if I heard a lot of things I didn't understand.

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