Seishuji - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seishuji

住所 :

政秀寺 3 Chome-34-23 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト :

政秀寺 3 Chome-34-23 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
小夏&小太郎 on Google

信長公が好きなので 御朱印もらいに行きましたが 2回共 貰えなかった??
I like Nobunaga, so I went to get the red stamp, but I could not share it twice ? ?
江戸川一 on Google

Bodhi-ji Temple of Masahide Jiya. It was all closed and could not be visited.
Akkey IIDA on Google

せいしゅうじ。 織田信長の世話人の平手政秀を弔うために建立されたそうです。
Seishuji. It is said that it was erected to mourn the caretaker of Oda Nobunaga, Hirate Masahide.
犬飼忠臣 on Google

Masahide Hirate was the Nobunaga's educator who threw incense at the funeral of Nobuhide, and Masahide took responsibility for self-harm at Shiga Castle, and Nobunaga was the spirit of Masahide Hirate A temple was erected in Kogi City, Ogi, and later it was relocated to Kiyosu. Later, Kiyosu was relocated to the current northwest of Yabacho.
ohitorisama go on Google

お寺、説明をざっくり読むと織田信長の先生的ポジションの平手政秀が信長が変なことばっかしてるので責任とって自決したので信長がごめんね的な感覚でこのお寺に祀ったらしい でも信長も実は凄い人で全ての事に革命を起こした天才なのはご存知の通り 漫画で読んだゆるい記憶なので間違えてたらごめんね? 門の鬼瓦とかかなり見応えある 小さいけど枯山水もある 名古屋の街中なのにすごいよね
When I read the explanation of the temple roughly, Masahide Hirate, who is in the position of Oda Nobunaga's teacher, decided to take responsibility because Nobunaga was doing strange things, so it seems that Nobunaga worshiped at this temple with a feeling of sorry. But as you know, Nobunaga is actually a great person and a genius who revolutionized everything. I'm sorry if I make a mistake because it's a loose memory I read in manga ? The onigawara of the gate is quite spectacular Small but also dry landscape It ’s amazing even though it ’s in the city of Nagoya.
タリラリラ on Google

30年程前寄り気になるお寺様でした! 昔 大名古屋八十八箇所十番札所であられまして 由緒あるお寺様でした! 臨済宗 御本尊様十一面観世音菩薩様で御座います。 現在は札所ではないお寺様なので一報後巡拝に伺わせて頂きました。 貴重なお時間を頂戴する中 ご親切な御対応下さいまして感謝で御座います? 途中 偶然老人男性が飛び込みで御朱印求めに来られまして  普段お忙しく滅多に居られない話をお待ち頂いてる間雑談しますと ラッキーだったと喜んで帰られました! 現代は札所ではないお寺様での御朱印求める場合 礼儀としてお伺いの問い合わせマナーを守って頂けると お互い嬉しい相乗効果を得られるのではないでしょうか? 又現代は物騒な時代となり 本堂内や賽銭泥棒も多発の防犯の為 鍵や山門事態を閉めるお寺様も多くなってるようですね? 感染拡大の中でも ご熱心に巡拝と御朱印を求められる方を拝見する事が多くなって居りますが お寺様も同じ人間なので モラルを守って謙虚に感謝して巡拝出来る方々が増えますと陰ながら嬉しく存じます。 この度お忙しい身の住職様に ご親切で温かいお言葉を掛けて頂きまして 今後の活力源になりました事御礼申し上げます。 大変お世話になり有難う御座いました?
It was a temple that I was interested in about 30 years ago! Once upon a time, it was a historic temple at the 88th place of the Great Nagoya, Jubancho! Rinzai sect, the eleven-faced Kanzeon Bodhisattva. Currently, it is a temple that is not a billhouse, so I visited the pilgrimage after the news. Thank you for your kind support while receiving valuable time ? On the way, an old man came by chance to ask for a red stamp, and when I chatted while waiting for a story that I was usually busy and rarely stayed, I was happy to return! If you are looking for a red stamp at a temple that is not a ticket office in modern times, if you follow the etiquette of your inquiry as a courtesy, you may get a nice synergistic effect with each other. In addition, the present age has become a tumultuous era, and it seems that there are many temples that close the keys and the Sanmon situation because of the frequent crime prevention in the main hall and the money thief. Even with the spread of the infection, we often see people who are enthusiastically asked for pilgrimage and red stamps, but since the temple is also the same person, we are glad that the number of people who can pilgrimage with morals and gratitude will increase. increase. We would like to thank the busy priest for his kind and warm words, which has become a source of vitality in the future. Thank you very much for your help ?
加藤裕仁 on Google

織田信長の傅役、平手政秀を弔うお寺です。 もともとは小牧の小木にあり、小牧長久手の合戦後に清洲に再建、清須越しで現在の場所に移ったとの事です。若宮大通沿いに在りますが中は静かでした。 墓石自体は平和公園にあります。 因みに平手政秀の知行地が小牧の小木で小木城というものがあったのだそうですが、未だ場所が特定されていないとの事です。
It is a temple that mourns the role of Nobunaga Oda, Masahide Hirate. Originally located in Ogi, Komaki, it was rebuilt in Kiyosu after the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, and moved to its current location over Kiyosu. It is located along Wakamiya Odori, but the inside was quiet. The tombstone itself is in Peace Park. By the way, it seems that Hirate Masahide's place of knowledge was Komaki's Ogi and there was Ogi Castle, but the location has not been specified yet.
นันทวัฒน์ ทรัพย์มหาศาล on Google

Nice temple

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