Seiryu Miharashi Station - Iwakuni

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seiryu Miharashi Station

住所 :

Mikawamachi Naguwa, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0504, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 740-0504
Webサイト :

Mikawamachi Naguwa, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0504, Japan
Katsumasa Kuramitsu on Google

It is an unusual station that was opened just to see the clear stream of Kamogawa. I can not go by foot or by car. You can only go by train. Is it a priming agent that increases the number of passengers on the clear line!
パズピー on Google

Only single platform is available at Nishikigawa Railway Station along Nishikigawa, where you can get on and off only by the temporary train that stops here. Is it more difficult to reach than Kohoro in terms of being unable to get on and off regular trains?
福田稔 on Google

As I learned from the local guide, I learned that a station that does not stop at all and only the person who made the reservation can get on and off is a hidden station that cannot be reached by car or on foot.
norabito 21 on Google

山と川という錦川沿いならどこにでもあるような景色です 取り立てて良い景色ではありません なんなら隣の南桑駅の方が桜も多く綺麗です
It's a view that you can find anywhere along the Nishiki River called mountains and rivers. It's not a good view The next station, Naguwa Station, has more cherry blossoms and is more beautiful.
周防路快速 on Google

徒歩でも車でも行けない。ましてや普通列車でも行くことができない、 真の秘境駅であると言える。 ぜひ、山奥の雄大な景色と錦川の清らかな流れを体で感じてほしい。
You can't go on foot or by car. Not to mention that you can't even go by regular train, It can be said that it is a true unexplored station. Please feel the magnificent scenery of the mountains and the pure flow of Nishiki River.
Conan Xin on Google

日本有一个不同寻常的车站,它没有入口,也没有出口,甚至身为目的地却根本没有「目的」。 「清流みはらし駅」,因为俯瞰西池河,站名翻译过来就是清流观景台的意思。 它是一个特别意义的提醒,提醒匆忙的人们偶尔也要仅仅为了欣赏自然风景而停留。 开设于 2019 年 3 月,日本南部的西川西柳线上,山口县的两个小镇之间,只有少数特殊的列车会在这里停靠,下站的旅客也没有任何出口可以走出去,被山区环境完全隔绝,要想离开只能等待另一班火车在此停下。 原本只是匆匆路过,但车站设计了一个理由让人们可以得以停留,放慢节奏,体会纯粹的自然之景。郁郁葱葱,潺潺流水。
Japan has an unusual station that has no entrance, no exit, and no "purpose" at all as a destination. "Qingliu みはらし駅", because it overlooks the Xichi River, the name of the station translates to the meaning of Qingliu Observation Deck. It is a special reminder that people who are in a hurry should occasionally stop by just to enjoy the natural scenery. Opened in March 2019, on the Nishikawa-Siryu Line in southern Japan, between the two towns in Yamaguchi Prefecture, only a few special trains will stop here, and passengers at the next station do not have any exits to go out. Completely isolated, to leave can only wait for another train to stop here. Originally just passing by in a hurry, but the station has designed a reason for people to stop, slow down, and experience the pure natural scenery. Lush, gurgling water.
Tani Masa on Google

Temporary station "Seiryu Miharashi" station. All regular trains pass, only event trains stop. The materials used to build the station are transported by train. You can't get out of the station and you can't even walk.
MEER on Google

In Japan, there is a train station in the middle of nowhere, with no entrance or exit. You get off, but you can't go anywhere and, to leave, you have to wait for the next train. This station has only 1 purpose: to remind people of the importance of stopping, & admiring the view.

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