Seino Nagoya East - Nisshin

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seino Nagoya East

住所 :

Minowa-1-12 Asadacho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0124, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 470-0124
Webサイト :

Minowa-1-12 Asadacho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0124, Japan
miso jjj on Google

Other courier companies can't put heavy luggage on the outside floor, but Seino Transportation naturally puts it on the outside ground and puts it on the entrance mat with no problem. I got a phone call when I arrived, so it's about 2 minutes, so I'm going. And even if I tell you. They said. Who would you say if not you? .. .. Then the explanation of why you wouldn't call will continue. .. Only unnecessary explanations are too long. Isn't there at least one driver who can work at a minimum?
磯村和哉 on Google

テレビのリサイクルで行きました 郵便局でリサイクルの手続きが必要なのですが、係の人が親切に教えてくれて大変助かりました
I went to recycle the TV I need to go through the recycling procedure at the post office, but the person in charge kindly told me and it was very helpful.
ともぞー(TOMOZO) on Google

It supports general pick-up, but ... I don't have the essential parking space when I go to pick it up ... I'm sorry.
bbb on Google

Used by bringing in home appliances directly. "Recycle Reception 2F" is on the gate on the left side of the building, and there is only a meaningless description on the falling board under the gate. The correct answer is to drive up a large slope in the leftmost direction to the second floor in a clockwise direction with a large number of freight trailers lined up through a gate (a hole passage under an apartment). Then, a very small guide "Home Appliance Recycling Reception" appeared. Turn right and enter the dimly lit space. The car will stop there. As a matter of course, there are no reception workers. When I waited for a while in the noise, my older brother who came down from the forklift said to me, "I'll leave it there!" .. .. .. .. It was an experience that I cannot say.
つーぶー on Google

家電廃棄の持ち込み場所を検索。 自宅から一番近い場所が此方との事で、 先日電話にて詳細を問い合わせしました。 (廃棄料の支払い方、持ち込み場所等々) 彼是伺いましたが、電話口の女性の方は 面倒臭がらず、丁寧に対応してくれました。 配送関連ではあまり良い印象は ありませんでしたが、 今回の対応は好印象でした。
Search for a place to bring in home appliances. The place closest to my home is here. I inquired about the details by telephone the other day. (How to pay the disposal fee, bring-in place, etc.) I asked him, but the woman on the phone There was no troublesome odor and he responded politely. A good impression about shipping I didn't, The response this time was a good impression.
高城克弘 on Google

平日、休日、祝日、 日中、夜間、深夜…、 長距離、県下、地域…、 更には国家の枠を越えて。 様々な役目、境遇の方々が、日々力を尽くし、 大きな組織の、この地の拠点で、忍耐強く逞しく、 スクラムを組んで、組織の一翼を力強く支えて居られます。 ・ 事、消費者の視点からは、 往々にして、利用者の視点からの表層の事柄しか見えないものですが。。。 一息 椅子に腰を降ろして、自販機に立ち寄り御茶を一服。。。 忙しさに心を亡くした心を休めて鎮めて。。。 この地で職務に打ち込む方々の相貌に意識を向けると。。。 自分と同じ社会に生きながら、 然し前向きに、建設的に、職務に臨む職員の方々の存在に気付く事が出来ます。 ・ こちらの拠点には、 頭の先から津々浦々にまで、 一日一日の自身の仕事を大切にして、 誇りを懸けて日々の職務に臨む、 熱いキャストが揃っています。 ・ 御用の最には、 一度、玄関をくぐり、 カンガルーさんのワッペンを着けたスタッフさんに声を掛けてみて下さい。 きっと、心温まる体験が待っている事と思います。 ● とある一日の出来事に拠る、感謝に寄せて。 西濃さんは、きっと皆様の生活に親身に寄り添ってくれます。 いつかの恩返しを、この場をお借りして、此処に。。。
Weekdays, holidays, holidays, Daytime, nighttime, midnight ... Long distance, prefecture, area ... Furthermore, beyond the framework of the nation. People with various roles and circumstances do their best every day, Patience and sturdiness at the base of a large organization here By forming a scrum, you can strongly support a part of the organization. ・ From the consumer's point of view Often, you can only see the surface matters from the user's point of view. .. .. Sit down in a chair and stop by the vending machine to have a cup of tea. .. .. Rest and calm your heart lost in your busy schedule. .. .. If you turn your attention to the faces of people who devote themselves to their duties here. .. .. While living in the same society as myself However, you can positively and constructively notice the existence of staff members who are engaged in their duties. ・ At this base From the tip of your head to every corner Valuing your work day by day Take pride in your daily work, We have a hot cast. ・ At the very end of your request Once through the entrance, Please talk to the staff wearing Kangaroo's emblem. I'm sure a heartwarming experience is waiting for you. ● Thank you for the events of one day. Mr. Seino will surely be close to your life. I would like to take this opportunity to give back someday here. .. ..
ほんちゃん on Google

やる気が見られる会社です 荷物取りに行ったけど、最後まで責任もって対応してくれた
It ’s a motivated company. I went to pick up my luggage, but he took responsibility until the end.
ほっぷすてっぷふらっぷ on Google

The reception is good 24 hours a day, but the entrance is difficult to understand.

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