Seiken Koukoku Zen-ji Temple (Seiken-ji Temple) - Shizuoka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seiken Koukoku Zen-ji Temple (Seiken-ji Temple)

住所 :

418-1 Okitsuseikenjicho, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0206, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 424-0206
Webサイト :

418-1 Okitsuseikenjicho, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0206, Japan
Ganesh Chettanaa on Google

清水にある7世紀建立の臨済宗の古刹。交通の要衝にあったことから歴代の権力者の庇護を受け、江戸時代は朝鮮通信使の宿舎にもなっていたという。拝観料300円ですが、内部が普通の寺院とはちょっと異なり面白い造りになっているほか、展示物もあって十分価値があります 寺には関係ないですが、駐車場の向かいにある魚屋の黒はんぺんがメチャおいしくておすすめです
An ancient temple of the Rinzai sect built in the 7th century in Shimizu. It is said that it was the dormitory of the Joseon Tongsinsa during the Edo period, under the patronage of successive powers because it was at the center of transportation. The admission fee is 300 yen, but the interior is a little different from a normal temple and has an interesting structure, and there are exhibits, so it is well worth it. It's not related to the temple, but I recommend the Kurohampen at the fish shop opposite the parking lot because it's delicious.
まるき on Google

東海道線から間近に見える「せいけんじ」 ********************************* 静岡に通勤してるとき、毎朝、見えてたので、そのうち行ってみようと思っていた。10年前かな、静岡に地震があって、瓦が落ちたりで若干被害があったとき、行ってみた。夏だったね。・・・興津で降りて、お寺に着くと、周りには被害があったけど、お寺は全然大丈夫だったと。良いところに建ってるんだね。昔から人が住んでたところは大丈夫。 ********************************* 潮音閣の二階からの眺望は、今でも素晴らしいけど、往時の余計なものがなかった自然の中にあった景色は、どんなに素晴らしかったことか!潮の音だって聞こえただろうな。・・・ちょっと幸せなひとときだった。 ********************************* お寺の標高は18mぐらい。東海道線が9m、東海道が5m。港の岸壁あたりは3~4m。昔はダラダラと下って、浜だったんだろうね。 ******************************** 海が迫ってるし、後ろは山(標高60~70m程度)だし、線路や道を通すには、お寺の前しかなかったんだろうな。境内を横切っているような感じだ。ちょっと、残念な感じ。・・・往時を想像しよう。
"Seikenji" that can be seen up close from the Tokaido Line ********************************* When I was commuting to Shizuoka, I could see it every morning, so I thought I'd go there soon. Ten years ago, when there was an earthquake in Shizuoka and the tiles fell and there was some damage, I went there. It was summer. ... When I got off at Okitsu and arrived at the temple, there was damage to the surroundings, but the temple was okay at all. It's built in a good place. It's okay where people have lived for a long time. ********************************* The view from the second floor of Shionekaku is still wonderful, but how wonderful the scenery was in nature where there was nothing extra in the past! You could have heard the sound of the tide. ... It was a little happy time. ********************************* The altitude of the temple is about 18m. The Tokaido Line is 9m and the Tokaido is 5m. The area around the quay of the port is 3-4m. In the old days, it would have been a beach, slamming down. ******************************** The sea is approaching, the mountains are behind (altitude 60-70m), and I think there was only the front of the temple to pass the railroad tracks and roads. It's like crossing the precincts. It's a little disappointing. ... Imagine the past.
Kohrista 901 on Google

巨鼇山 清見興国禅寺(こごうさん せいけんこうこくぜんじ)は、由緒正しい7世紀後半創建の臨済宗のお寺です。 東京在住の頃、よく国道1号線(旧道)を通る度に引き込まれるように拝観しました。 むかしの興津の長閑な漁村を想像しながらこのお寺を拝観すると、より当時の荘厳さが偲ばれます。 入って左に位置する五百羅漢は、傾いたり倒れてる羅漢さん達がいい味を出しており見応えがあります。 本堂拝観料300円を払い御朱印をお願いするあいだ、内を拝観させていただきましたが、明治時代のもくもくと煙をあげながら走る機関車とこの清見寺が写る貴重な写真が飾られていたり、古めかしい渡り廊下を本堂裏まで歩くと戦国時代人質にとられていた頃の徳川家康の手習いの間が隠し部屋のように拝観できたりと、なかなか趣きがあります。 庭園も、美しく無駄を省いた築山池泉廻遊庭園で、裏山をうまく利用した見事なものです。 寺院の入口は線路や道路に分断され、高台の寺院から見おろす海岸沿いの景色は想像するしかないですが、むかしはさぞ風光明媚な佇まいだったことだと思いに耽りながら満足な拝観ができました。 観自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時
Seiken Koukoku Zenji Temple is a historical temple of the Rinzai sect founded in the latter half of the 7th century. When I lived in Tokyo, I often saw people drawn in every time I passed National Route 1 (old road). If you visit this temple while imagining the quiet fishing village of Okitsu in the past, you will be more reminiscent of the majesty of the time. The 500 Rakans located on the left side of the entrance are spectacular as the leaning and falling Rakans have a good taste. While paying the main hall admission fee of 300 yen and asking for a red stamp, I visited the inside, but the locomotive that runs with the muffled smoke of the Meiji era and the precious photo of Seikenji are displayed and it is old-fashioned. If you walk down the corridor to the back of the main hall, you can see the training room of Ieyasu Tokugawa, who was taken as a hostage during the Warring States period, like a hidden room. The garden is also a beautiful and lean Tsukiyama Pond Izumi strolling garden, which is a wonderful use of the back mountain. The entrance to the temple is divided into railroad tracks and roads, and you can only imagine the scenery along the coast overlooking the temple on the hill, but I was able to enjoy the view while indulging in the thought that it was a scenic appearance in the past. It was. Guanyin Bodhisattva Heart Sutra Wakahara Mitsutoki
Kazu H on Google

荘厳な雰囲気のお寺でした 五百羅漢の顔立ちが各々個性的ですごくよかったてす
It was a temple with a solemn atmosphere The features of the 500 Rakans are unique and very nice.
이지아 on Google

Very very wonderful place!
Alwin Navales on Google

Solemn place you wanted to visit? You can try the famous shrine in Okitsu.
Paul Bodner on Google

Special place. Young Tokugawa studied here. Easy access from Okitsu Station. One of my favorite places in Japan.
Vipin Deo on Google

Beautiful temple

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