Seijo Skin Care Clinic - Setagaya City

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seijo Skin Care Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-35-16 Seijo, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 157-0066
Webサイト :

2 Chome-35-16 Seijo, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0066, Japan
hiro K on Google

診察内容で、順番が前後するならその旨をきちんと患者に説明せずに何名もの後から来た患者さんを先に診察し、待ち時間が長く、又院長も非常に無愛想で感じ悪く質問しづらい。 他の症状も一緒に診て貰いたかったが、別日に又来院しろとの事で余りの不親切さに呆れました。
If there is a change in the order of the examination, do not explain it to the patient properly, and examine the patients who came later, wait for a long time, and the director is also very unfriendly and asks bad questions. It ’s hard. I wanted to see other symptoms at the same time, but I was amazed at how unfriendly I was to visit again on another day.
C H on Google

Both teachers and nurses are very polite. A bright and friendly teacher, I have a sense of satisfaction that is taught the best treatment. There are many patients in the local area, and there are spaces for children in the waiting area, and it is the impression that there are more children.
にへいしげみ on Google

辛口なクチコミが多いので迷いましたが、近所ですし、古いクチコミばかりなので、 最近は良くなってるかも?と思い行ってみました。先生もスタッフもとても親切で、混んでる中、たかが茄子の棘が刺さっただけの診察にも関わらず、丁寧に治療してくださいました。また何かあれば診て貰いたいと思います。
I was at a loss because there are many dry reviews, but since it is in the neighborhood and there are only old reviews, it may be getting better these days. I thought about it. The teachers and staff were very kind, and despite the fact that they were just stabbed by the eggplant spines in the crowd, they treated me carefully. If there is anything else, I would like to see you.
As on Google

あまりにも酷かったので記載します。 以前2回行きました。 1回目はまだよかったのですが、 効果がなかったので、別の皮膚科へ通いました。 たまたま皮膚科がやっていない時に症状が悪なったので、緊急的に行ったところ、 そっちで見て貰えばいい、なんでこっちに来たんだと言われ、 挙句の果てに、 こっちも時間がないしなんでもかんでも処置をやってられない、 別日で予約を取って自由診療で、と言われました。 別の科を含め、病院にはいくつもお世話になっていますが、このような対応をされたのは初めてです。 もちろん予約も取りませんでしたし、 二度といきません。 皆さんもよく他院と比較されることをお勧めします。
It was too terrible, so I will describe it. I went twice before. The first time was still good, It didn't work, so I went to another dermatologist. I happened to have a bad symptom when I wasn't doing dermatology, so I went urgently. You should see it there, and I was told why you came here, After all, I don't have much time, I can't do anything, I was told that I would make an appointment on another day and have free medical treatment. I have been indebted to many hospitals, including other departments, but this is the first time I have been treated in this way. Of course I didn't make a reservation I won't go again. We recommend that you also often compare with other hospitals.
みー。 on Google

薬を渡され塗り続け、効果がなく再度受診。 他の薬がないか聞くと、「これが1番効くから出した、ちゃんと塗ってくれ、なんでそんなんもわからないんだ、前来たときもそうだ」 このあとも酷いことを言われもういいと思い その後受診せず。 医療者からみて最悪の医者だと思う。 個別性に応じていくことが必要だが、 この症状にはこの薬!としか思っておらず、 ひとりの人として患者をみていない。 金儲けに走っている医者。以上。
I was given the medicine and continued to apply it. When asked if there were any other medicines, he said, "I gave it because it works best, apply it properly, I don't know why, even when I came before." I think it's okay to be told something terrible after this After that, I didn't go to the clinic. I think it's the worst doctor from a medical professional's point of view. It is necessary to respond to individuality, This medicine for this symptom! I only think I don't see the patient as a person. A doctor running to make money. that's all.
harari on Google

40代前半の主人が薄毛に悩み始め、友人に勧められて診察を受けてから、はや3年。復活まではありませんが、現状維持できていて、驚きます。 飲み薬を処方してもらっていますが、症状に応じて薬を変えてみたり、親身に相談に乗ってくれます。 また院長は、診察中に顔色や肌の変化にもすぐに気づいて声をかけていただけて、いつも感謝しています。 薬だけ窓口で購入して帰って来られるときもあるのですが、もはや院長とおしゃべりしたくて診察を受けてくるようです(笑) 院長は、見た目が若くてイケメンなので、一見チャラそうに見えるかもしれませんが、それは、たぶん、美容にも気を遣っているからじゃないのかな? いまでも大学(院かな)などで勉強しているそうですから、そういう意味でも最新の情報ももっていて、診察にも活かしてくれているんだろうな、と信頼していますし、今後も家族で通います(横浜に転居しましたけど)。
It's been three years since my husband in his early 40s started suffering from thinning hair and was recommended by a friend to see him. There is no revival, but I am surprised that the status quo has been maintained. I have been prescribed a medicine to take, but he / she will try changing the medicine according to the symptoms and will consult with me personally. In addition, the director is always grateful for being able to immediately notice and speak to changes in complexion and skin during the examination. Sometimes I buy only medicine at the counter and come home, but it seems that I'm going to see the doctor because I want to talk to the director (laughs). The director looks young and handsome, so it may look like a chara at first glance, but maybe it's because he also cares about cosmetology. It seems that he is still studying at a university (institute), so I trust that he has the latest information in that sense and is using it for medical examinations, and I will continue to go with my family in the future. Masu (I moved to Yokohama).
辻村純 on Google

子どもが赤ちゃんの時から、家族一同、院長先生にお世話になっています。 知識が豊富で説明も分かりやすく、診断が的確だと思います。 特に子どものことだといろいろと質問してしまうのですが、一つ一つ丁寧に説明してくださいますし、診断の通りに順調に回復することがほどんどなので、我が家にとってはとても安心感のもてる先生です。
Since my child was a baby, the whole family has been indebted to the director. I think that the diagnosis is accurate because it is knowledgeable and the explanation is easy to understand. In particular, I ask a lot of questions about children, but please explain each one carefully, and most of the time I recover smoothly according to the diagnosis, so it is very reassuring for my family. I'm a teacher.
キイロイトリ on Google

家族で事あるごとにお世話になっています。 院長先生の診察はとても丁寧ですし的確です。 症例の写真を見せたりしながら説明してくれることもあり、とても分かりやすいですよ。 産後に全身に湿疹ができ、他院を受診しましたがひどくなるばかりで良くならず…。こちらを受診して、薬をかえてもらったらすぐに良くなりました! 授乳中の身体を気遣い、薬も処方して下さいました。 なにより、子供にも優しく話しかけて下さるので、人見知りの我が子たちが院長先生の前ではニコニコ診察を受けています。 子供の診察もおすすめです!
I am indebted to my family every time. The doctor's examination is very polite and accurate. It's very easy to understand because it sometimes explains while showing a picture of the case. After giving birth, I had eczema all over my body, and I went to another hospital, but it just got worse and it didn't improve. As soon as I had a medical examination and had my medicine changed, it improved! He took care of the breastfeeding body and prescribed medicine. Above all, they talk to their children kindly, so my shy children are being examined in front of the director. Medical examination of children is also recommended!

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