
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 成城学園前駅

住所 :

Seijō, Setagaya City, 〒157-0066 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Seijō, Setagaya City, 〒157-0066 Tokyo,Japan
Y JJ on Google

成城学園前駅です! ショッピングできる所もありますね!
Seijo Gakuen-mae Station! There are places where you can shop!
タカツキトシヤ on Google

I used it for the first time. Shopping street, restaurant are substantial. A station that can be said to be the gateway to Kanagawa Prefecture. I think that the station building is a bit more modern because there is also Tokyo.
Masafumi OE on Google

There is a nursing room and a registration-based temporary childcare facility on the 3rd floor of the station building. It is a nice facility while raising children. There is an indoor parking lot, and if you park for a short time (maybe 10 minutes), it's free, so you can pick up and drop off without getting wet in the rain.
森一也 on Google

科技校時代つかつていた 最寄りの駅 近くには 東宝の撮影所があります。 自分の時は有隣堂っていう本屋さんが駅にありました 駅を出て右側 駅ビルのテナントのひとつでした 代々木上原方面と町田方面を比べたら代々木上原の方が 町田の方より三つ少なかった 駅名のように 学校施設が多く学園都市だねまるで 自分が通っていた科技校は、右に中学校左に 小学校 ( ゴーゴーチアガール )のときに撮影された学校目の前にも学校があった その学校は三つの学校を包むような感じだった 登下校の時はまるで小山を昇り降りするような感じだった 町田方面から行くと 玉川学園前 新百合ヶ丘 読売ランド前 仮面ライダーの撮影が行われていた生田 向ヶ丘遊園 登戸 という駅がある 仮面ライダーや プロレスの星アステカイザーなどのヒーローものの 撮影が行われた場所も多い。 学校の門は 網ネットで仕切っていて、 左右の方に出入り口があり 生徒たちは U 字型の 歩道通り 学校の中へ というコースだった U 字型の真ん中に空間があり そこで野球部の練習が行われていたたまに 練習試合という項目で近くのグランドへ移動していた時もあったけどね 他の 運動 クラブも使っていたのかな。 朝礼は体育館の中あれあったのかな で行われていた 印象 に残った先生は担任の 先生 もう一人は 英語担当の外国の先生一年でいなくなっちゃったけどね そして もう1回 二年生に??????????? 編入 た時に担任になってくれた先生 でした。 1年の担任の先生は 剣道部の顧問の先生だったから 「誰がこんなもんを持ってきたんだ」っていう風に 生徒全員 机の上に 正座させられた。
There is a Toho studio near the nearest station, which I used to have when I was a technical school. At my time, there was a bookstore called Yomiuri-do at the station. I left the station and was one of the tenants of the station building on the right side. When comparing the Yoyogi Uehara area and the Machida area, Yoyogi Uehara was three less than Machida station name. It's a school city with many school facilities like the one I attended was a junior high school on the right and a school on the left when I was in elementary school (Go Go Cheer Girl). It was like wrapping around three schools. When I went to and from school, it was like going up and down a small mountain. From the direction of Machida, in front of Tamagawa Gakuen, in front of Shinyurigaoka Yomiuri Land, Ikuta, where the Kamen Rider was filmed. Machidaoka Amusement Park There are many places where heroes such as Kamen Rider and Pro-less Star Aztecizer, which has a station called Todo, were photographed. The school gate is separated by a net, and there are entrances on the left and right, and the students have a U-shaped sidewalk street. There is a space in the middle of the U-shape, which was a course into the school, where you can practice the baseball club. There was a time when I was moving to a nearby ground for a practice game, but I wonder if I was using other athletic clubs as well. The morning assembly was held in the gymnasium. The teacher that left an impression on me was the teacher in charge. The other teacher was a foreign teacher in charge of English. ????????? It was a teacher who became a homeroom teacher when I transferred. The teacher in charge of the first year was an adviser to the Kendo club, so all the students were made to sit upright on the desk like "Who brought this kind of thing?"
旅人間 on Google

上品な駅なんだよなあ… さすが、成城学園前。トイレも綺麗です。
It's an elegant station ... As expected, in front of Seijo Gakuen. The toilet is also clean.
イッチャン on Google

駅舎が綺麗になってから随分経ちましたが、色褪せないですね。 貴賓の良さが出ている駅だと思います。
It's been a long time since the station building was clean, but it hasn't faded. I think it's a station where the goodness of the guests comes out.
富士翔大郎 on Google

I used to use it a lot because I lived nearby when I was young, but it has been renewed and it has become really beautiful. It feels a little inorganic, but it's fashionable, isn't it?
にこたま on Google

前には2階に改札が有り不便でしたが西側にバスターミナルが出来ホームも西寄りに成り便利に成りましたが、メインは東側では無いかと思います。成城大学、石井、 役所、東宝等が有り利用者も多いと思います。商店街の整備も出来ればいいですが、役所方面からバスターミナルの間点々と昔から商店は有りますが、ここに来て買い物や食事をしたい用な魅力的な店が無い。高級住宅地に住んでるお金持ちは地元での買い物はしないのでしょうか。
There was a ticket gate on the 2nd floor in front, which was inconvenient, but a bus terminal was built on the west side and the platform was also closer to the west, making it convenient, but I think the main is on the east side. Seijo University, Ishii, There are government offices, Toho, etc., and I think there are many users. It would be nice if the shopping district could be improved, but there have been shops from the government office to the bus terminal for a long time, but there is no attractive shop for shopping and dining here. Wouldn't the rich people living in high-end residential areas shop locally?

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