新潟グリーンプラザ フレンズ

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新潟グリーンプラザ フレンズ

住所 :

Seigoro, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0933 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/Niigata.greenplaza/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Niigata

Seigoro, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0933 Niigata,Japan
ボンクラやま親方 on Google

観葉植物 種類は多め 値段は高め。鉢等 商品は少なめ 値段は高め。成長した物が多く、育成がやりたい人には物足りない。過剰な期待感を持っていたので評価は低めに付けるが、また利用したい。
There are many kinds of ornamental plants and the price is high. Products such as bowls are few and the price is high. There are many things that have grown up, and it is not enough for those who want to train. Since I had an excessive sense of expectation, I will give it a low rating, but I would like to use it again.
山宮美保子 on Google

品数がたくさんあるからたまに行くけど店の方の感じがあまり良くないんです 質問しても答え方が不親切で上から目線 なんとかならないのかしら 綺麗な植物を売っているのに。接客を学んでほしいです。
I go there once in a while because there are so many items, but the store doesn't feel very good. Even if you ask a question, the answer is unfriendly and you look from above I wonder if it can be done I'm selling beautiful plants. I want you to learn how to serve customers.
まっちんさん on Google

It's a cute, interesting and unusual place that I want to visit every year (^^). The house is very far, but I enjoyed it with my husband. This time I bought a lease planting! I immediately decorated it at the entrance. I was taught how to manage it gently. Thank you.
Mie Takachi on Google

週に一度は必ず行きたいお店です! ガーデニング好きの私にとっては日常に欠かせない、心が洗われる場所です。 ゆっくりと楽しめることに加えて居心地の良い理由の一つに、店員さんが皆さんとても親切です!店員さん方の知識もさることながら、何を質問しても、毎回感じ良く教えてくださいます。それも楽しみのひとつです。
This is a shop you definitely want to visit once a week! For me, who loves gardening, it is a place where my heart is washed, which is indispensable in my daily life. In addition to being able to enjoy it slowly, one of the reasons why it is so comfortable is that the staff are all very kind! In addition to the knowledge of the clerk, no matter what you ask, he will tell you comfortably every time. That is also one of the pleasures.
りり on Google

少し前に伺いました。観葉植物が好きで、新潟市内のお店を見たりするのですが、ここは特に種類が多いかと思います。 印象的だったのが店員さんの明るさです。質問に対し、優しく元気に教えていただけるので、ついついたくさん聞いてしまいました。また、「自転車で来たので商品が揺れないようにして欲しい」という、なんとも無理なお願いに対して、ちょうどいい段ボールと緩衝材を詰めて対応してくださいました。おかげさまで無事に持ち帰ることができ、現在でも元気に生育しています。 本当にありがとうございました!また伺いたいです。
I visited you a while ago. I like foliage plants, and I often see shops in Niigata City, but I think there are many types here. What impressed me was the brightness of the clerk. I asked a lot of questions because they kindly and cheerfully taught me. In addition, he responded to the unreasonable request, "I came by bicycle so that the product does not shake," with just the right cardboard and cushioning material. Thanks to you, I was able to take it home safely and it is still growing well. I'm really thankful to you! I would like to ask you again.
佐々木基行 on Google

綺麗に手入れされた花園です! 行った日は無料で入場日でした。
It is a beautifully maintained flower garden! The day I went was a free admission day.
徹子のヘア on Google

植物が良心的な価格で売られているお店です。 屋外には花や果樹(オリーブなど)、屋内には切り花、観葉植物や多肉植物が多く揃えられています。バラエティーに富んだ品揃えでいつ行っても楽しめます?
It is a shop where plants are sold at reasonable prices. There are many flowers and fruit trees (olive, etc.) outdoors, and cut flowers, foliage plants and succulents indoors. With a wide variety of products, you can enjoy it whenever you go ?
ボストンキラキラ on Google

毎年クリスマス前に、寄せ植えの鉢を買いに行きます。例年に比べ、お値段も安い気がします。沢山のお花、鉢植えがあり、みるだけでも楽しい。 ポインセチアは、セールに。球根も半額に。 SDカードで5%オフに。paypay.各種カードも使えます。 今日夕方2回目訪問。葉牡丹新潟市民では、このハガキで500円引き、二つ買ってきました。花生産者さん応援キャンペーンです。是非是非皆さん、新年の鉢植え、玄関に飾りませんか?? 夕方、ガーデンのイルミネーションも綺麗でしたよ。
Every year before Christmas, I go to buy a group planting pot. I feel that the price is cheaper than usual. There are many flowers and potted plants, and it's fun just to look at them. Poinsettia on sale. Bulbs are also half price. 5% off with SD card. paypay. Various cards can also be used. Second visit this evening. Leaf peony Niigata citizens bought two with this postcard at a discount of 500 yen. It is a flower producer support campaign. Why don't you decorate the New Year's potted plants and entrances by all means? ?? The illuminations in the garden were beautiful in the evening.

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