ヤマダホームズ 長野SBC通り展示場

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヤマダホームズ 長野SBC通り展示場

住所 :

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://yamadahomes.jp/office/naganosbc.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan
内藤晃 on Google

m sncyfm on Google

I felt it wasn't for the family
高橋誠 on Google

The female coordinator responded very well!
松本好平 on Google

素早い対応、親切な対応でした。 安くてよい家ができました。
It was a quick and kind response. I have a cheap and good house.
有賀美紀 on Google

The details were devised and it was a comfortable space. The lighting was perfect and my feelings became brighter.
西浜三奈 on Google

I was able to see it for the first time when I participated in the event. The content of the event was good, and the model room was beautiful and impressed! Recommended ☺️
はるか天王(匿名) on Google

家を建てる予定で色々なハウスメーカーを見てみようと まずは近くのヤマダホームズの展示場を見学しました。 中年男性の従業員が対応してくれたのですが、まず予算を聞かれ答えた結果、態度が変わり足元を見るような不快な態度でした。 終始不快感しか無い対応で最悪でした。
I'm planning to build a house and I'm going to take a look at various house makers First of all, I visited the exhibition hall of nearby Yamada Homes. A middle-aged male employee responded, but as a result of being asked about the budget and answering, the attitude changed and it was an unpleasant attitude to look at my feet. It was the worst because there was only discomfort from beginning to end.
課長代理匿名 on Google

After-sales follow-up is bad anyway. Normally, I don't want to add any ☆. There is no contact saying that the gap in the wallpaper cloth will be cured. Even if I contact you from here, I will contact you again, so I will not contact you. It's the worst. I don't know why people are highly rated. Sakura?

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