Sashino Shrine - 3613 Kasama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sashino Shrine

住所 :

3613 Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan

Postal code : 309-1611

3613 Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan
Watanabe Kazuo (orion3sta) on Google

笠間城跡地の天辺(天主)に位置する佐志能神社は、石岡市の竜神山及び柿岡高友の佐志能神社と同じように雨乞いや水神である竜神信仰の社 東日本大震災により、佐志能神社本殿の石垣も崩れており、立入禁止の看板があります。 熊本城のようにこれ以上石垣が崩れると、本殿も崩落の恐れがありかろうじて敷居柱で保ってる状況です。
Sashino Shrine, located on the top of the Kasama Castle site, is a shrine of Ryujin faith that is a rain gutter and a water god, just like Ryujinyama in Ishioka City and Sashino Shrine in Takaoka Takaoka Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, the stone wall of the main shrine of Sashino Shrine has been destroyed and there is a sign of no entry. If the stone wall collapses further like Kumamoto Castle, the main shrine is barely held by a sill pillar.
chagenindia on Google

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, it has been collapsing and I still can't enter.
グリスリセブン on Google

道中の足場は決して良くない。足に不安のある人や、子供連れにはまずオススメしない。何より、震災以降、復旧が進まず立ち入り禁止の看板があるので参拝はできないはず。無人だし。 笠間城跡の雰囲気を味わうなら、神社手前まで歩くのはありだと思う。
The scaffolding along the way is not good. We do not recommend it for people who are worried about their feet or for children. Above all, after the disaster, the restoration will not progress and there will be a sign indicating no entry, so you should not be able to visit. I'm unmanned. If you want to enjoy the atmosphere of Kasama Castle Ruins, it is worth walking to the shrine.
聡(サイフォン) on Google

立入禁止になっていて階段も急で気をつけないと行けません。 横に行くと瓦が見事に重なっていて、門扉が空いてます(笑)
It is off-limits and the stairs must be steep and you cannot go there. When you go to the side, the roof tiles are nicely stacked and the gate is open (laugh)
Hideki Tanaka (なかのく) on Google

一部の石垣が崩落しています 正面までしか行けません 奥は立ち入り禁止となっています
Some stone walls have collapsed I can only go to the front The back is off limits
藤田力 on Google

20200621第3回茨城県ホテル周辺の神社巡り弾丸ツアーに行って来ました! 本日は9社の神社で参拝を済ませ、締めくくりが目が笠間城跡です! かさま歴史交流館 井筒屋さんで、続日本100名城No.112笠間城スタンプの押印を済ませ、笠間城跡散策に来ました! 貸し切りかと思いきや、駐車場には先客が数台! しかし、城跡散策では誰ともすれ違いませんでした! 笠間城跡の頂上付近に鎮座する佐志能神社にも立ち寄ってみました! 佐志能神社:茨城県笠間市笠間にある佐白山の「笠間城跡」に鎮座 主神:豊城入彦命、建御雷之神、大国主神 合祀:八幡神社(品陀和気命)、城山稲荷神社(宇迦之御魂命)、伊都岐島神社(市杵志比賣命)、軻遇突智神社(迦具土神)、出世稲荷神社(宇迦之御魂神) 東日本大震災による被害のため、佐志能神社を含む笠間城天守曲輪跡は、笠間市の公式ページでは立入禁止区域になっているが、実質的には立ち入り可能となっている。 かさま歴史交流館 井筒屋さんの係員の説明でも、立ち入り禁止の注意は有りませんが、社殿の下の石組みが崩れかかっていたので非常に足元が危険です! 佐志能神社は、笠間稲荷神社の兼務社との事です! 神社の修繕は、何処がするのか詳しい事は分かりませんが、朽ちるに任せず修繕して頂きたいものです!
20200621 I went to the 3rd Ibaraki Prefecture Hotel Around Shrine Bullet Tour! Today, we have finished worshiping at 9 shrines, and the end is the Kasama Castle Ruins! Kasama History Exchange Center Izutsuya-san has stamped the No.112 Kasama Castle stamp of Continued Top 100 Japanese Castle and came to walk around the Kasama Castle ruins! I thought it was reserved, but there were several customers in the parking lot! However, I did not pass anyone on the castle ruins walk! I also stopped by Sashino Shrine, which sits near the top of Kasama Castle Ruins! Sashino Shrine: Enshrined at "Kasama Castle Ruins" on Mt. Sashiro in Kasama, Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture Main gods: Prince Toyokiirihiko, Takemikazuchi, Okuninushi Enshrinement: Hachiman Shrine (Shinto Wakimei), Shiroyama Inari Shrine (Ukanomitama), Ito Kijima Shrine (Ichibuchi Shibi), Kagu-tsuchi Shrine (Kagu-tsuchi) (Ukanomitama God) Due to the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Kasama Castle castle tower Kuruwa site, including Sashino Shrine, is an off-limits area on the official page of Kasama City, but it is practically accessible. Even in the explanation of the staff at the Kasama History Exchange Center Izutsuya, there is no caution to keep out, but the stonework under the shrine is about to collapse, so your feet are very dangerous! Sashino Shrine is a dual-purpose shrine of Kasama Inari Shrine! I don't know the details of where to repair the shrine, but I would like you to repair it without letting it decay!
Ayustet Arumo on Google

笠間城天守跡に建つ神社。 他の方のクチコミにもあるように、東日本大震災の影響で、一部が崩れており危険な箇所もあります。 自己責任にて注意して登ってください。不安な方は無理をしないようにお願いします。 神社の土台部分も崩れているか所がありますので、十分に注意して下さい。 一応、ぐるりと回ることは出来ますが、高い場所にあり、足場も悪いので、転倒、落下には気を付けましょう。 社殿はかなり朽ちて来ています。見るだけにしておきましょう。 高台からの眺めは良好で、つつじ公園の朱色がはっきりと見えます。
A shrine built on the castle tower of Kasama Castle. As mentioned in the reviews of other people, some parts have collapsed and some parts are dangerous due to the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Please climb carefully at your own risk. If you are uneasy, please do not overdo it. Please note that the base of the shrine may also be broken. You can go around, but be careful not to fall or fall because it is in a high place and has a poor foothold. The shrine is quite decaying. Let's just look at it. The view from the hill is good, and the vermilion color of the azalea park is clearly visible.
Cabala Feng on Google

locate on the top of a mountain, nice view from here.

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