Handwashing Stall - Kasama

4.2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Handwashing Stall

住所 :

Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan

Postal code : 309-1611

Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan
小林政宏 on Google

手水舎 菊の花いっぱいきれいでしたよ
Chozuya: A lot of chrysanthemum flowers were beautiful
富樫正樹 on Google

ここの出水舎はスゴイっす 昔の職人の技の凄さに感服です。
The Izumi building here is amazing I am impressed with the skill of the old craftsmen.
藤田力 on Google

There is a very nice waterhouse!
メガロッパ on Google

It is a splendid construction.
谷口正好 on Google

立派な手水舎です。 花手水になってました。 コロナの影響で柄杓はなくパイプから出る水で清めます。
It is a fine Chozuya. It became Hanate water. Due to the influence of the corona, there is no cassotte and it is purified with water coming out of the pipe.

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